Day 29 - As Figure Skaters

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"This is ridiculous." Nightmare huffed, tapping his foot impatiently as Dream continued to pick the lock on the door to the ice rink.

"Oh hush up. Don't be a poltroon Nightmare. We'll have fun."

"I'm just saying that we probably shouldn't be breaking and entering Dream! What if someone catches you?"

"Nightmare, no one is inside or outside, quit being a buzzkill."

"I can't believe I'm the one who has to talk you of all people out of trespassing."

"You have it rough."

Nightmare groaned, not bothering to stop Dream at this point.

"And voila! It's open, aren't I incredible?" Dream grinned, holding the door open for his love.

"You're something alright..." Nightmare grumbled, walking into the rink.

Dream joined him, stuffing his hands into his pockets. He stood a little behind Nightmare to see what he was looking at.

"This place is...retro."

"Well duh. This is a 1980s universe."

"Why did you choose to come here?"

"Because security cameras sucked ass during this time so no one will be able to recognize us."


"Thanks. I learned it from you."

"Pff. You know Dream, I'm glad you came to an 80s universe. Now you might be able to experience it." Nightmare laughed, punching Dream in the back.

"You know that was your fault! Now come on, let's get us some skates!" Dream grabbed Nightmare's hand and pulled him behind the counter and into the room that had all the skates.

The two went through the entire selection, not caring if they made a mess - which they did - until they finally found two pairs of skates that were comfortable and fit them.

With the pairs of skates in their hands, the pair walked into the main rink, getting hit with a wave of cold air. The two sat down on one of the benches that surrounded the rink and started to put on their skates.

Dream put them on with ease while Nightmare...did not.

"Do you need help putting them on?"

"No! I do not!"

Dream stared at Nightmare for a minute, watching him struggle with tying the skates.

"...okay maybe I could use a little assistance."

Dream snickered before bending down and helping Nightmare with his skates. After that was over with, Dream helped Nightmare stand up and get into the actual rink.

"I don't like this..." Nightmare grumbled, his legs visibly shaking as he moved.

"I know you don't. That's why I'm here to teach you! When you didn't come with the rest of us when we went ice skating yesterday, I knew something was up. And since I know you so well, I figured you didn't want to look like an idiot and humiliate yourself."

"I hate you."

"Love you too. But as I was saying, that's why it's just the two of us! So you can humiliate yourself in front of me and only me."


"You sound so excited."

"I aM!" Nightmare shrieked, almost falling over the moment they got onto the ice. Dream, on the other hand, found this fucking hilarious.

"Oh yeah yeah, laugh it up." Nightmare gripped onto the railing for dear life as Dream kept his balance relatively well.

"I'm sorry. Come on, move with me."

"I don't like this."

"I'm right here, nothing is going to happen to you. It's just ice."

Nightmare sighed and followed Dream's movements, the two slowly making it around the rink. Nightmare stayed next to the wall, his hand moving on and off of the railing.

Dream made sure he stayed next to Nightmare, they could be going so much faster, but Dream didn't want to rush things.

"You're getting it Night."

"Yeah? You think so?"

"Yeah, I do. Let's go around a few times and then maybe we'll go into the rest of it."

"Like...the middle of the rink?"

"Sure. You up for that?"


"Don't you worry Nighty! I'll be right with you the whole time."


"I promise."

Dream continued to be Nightmare's literal and moral support as they went around the rink three more times. Dream just watched as Nightmare slowly got the hang of it, he could visibly see the confidence growing.

He was using the railing less, his legs weren't shaking as much, and he was starting to move a bit faster.

"You're getting the hang of it." Dream commented, keeping his pace even with Nightmare's.

"I know."

Dream scoffed.

"If you're so confident, then come at getting me." Dream grinned before turning around and skating into the center of the rink.

"Hey! Dream get back here!"

"Nope! Come one King Nightmare! Come and chase me, just like you used to!"

Nightmare groaned and pushed himself towards Dream. With nothing to hold onto, his entire body was shaking. But he still had balance, and that's all he needed to get to Dream.

He began to move, just like he did when he was going around the rink, and he soon made it to Dream, sliding into him. Dream grinned, holding onto Nightmare's forearms, supporting him.


"Oh, you got me alright. That was pretty good, do you maybe wanna come here next week?"

"Yeah...yeah! I would like that."

"Let's just hope Blue doesn't find out, twink man will lose his shit."

Dream and Nightmare laughed, keeping each other stable as they went around in circles a couple of times before heading back to the castle.


I don't think this is quiet was the prompt meant but I do not care.

Hnngf I like this one


923 Words

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