Day 14 - With Animals

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I know I know

The original prompt is 'as animals' but you know I really didn't feel like writing my boys as animals. (I tried and it felt weird).

So, I know we already have the 'with pets' one but these animals are W I L D so you know.



Dream thrust his spear into the deer's side, killing the old thing immediately. Dream picked it up and threw it over his shoulder, which, by the way, was very impressive for a 5'2 (158 cm) guardian with the body of a scrawny 15-year-old boy.

Dream hauled the deer out of the forest and up the hill that led to the Tree of Feelings, where Nightmare was hopefully waiting for him.

"Dream! There you are!" Nightmare called, running down the hill to join up with him. Nightmare was holding up a folded leaf to his eye, which seemed to be bleeding.

"Nighty what happened?" Dream asked, making it to the top of the hill and dropping the deer down.

"Oh, this? While you were gone, a bear came with its cub, it got one hit on me then I played dead for like... an hour before it left."

"Oh my god Night I'm so sorry, I won't let anything hurt you again, okay?!" Dream huffed sitting down next to Nightmare by the fire they had set up.

Nightmare laughed, pulling out his handmade knife and began to cut the deer up, "okay. Whatever you say Dreamy."

"I love you." Dream told him, placing a hand on his thigh.

Nightmare rolled his purple eyes are kissed Dream on the cheek, "I love you too."


This is so bad but I have no other ideas so it'll have to do.


293 Words

30 Day OTP Challenge - DreammareWhere stories live. Discover now