Day 24 - Sleeping

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Dream shot up in bed, his entire body covered in a cold sweat. God damnit. Dream steadied his breathing, his heart slowly calmed down.

Dream groaned, another nightmare.

That's ironic.

Even though he was on pretty good terms with everyone (apart from Cross but fuck that guy), he was still getting nightmares.

He couldn't even remember what this one was about. Damn.

Dream threw the covers off of him and slipped out of bed. He didn't feel like going back to sleep. He stretched, popping his back before leaving his room.

He didn't know where to go or what to do. He doubted Blue was up, he would've gotten Dream up is he had also experienced nightmares.

Dream walked around the castle's corridors mindlessly, not caring where he was going. He looked down at the floor, and he stayed looking down for a long time.

Well, before walking into a door.

Dream took a couple of steps back.

Oh. Shit.

This was the door to Nightmare's room. His subconscious had led him straight to Nightmare. It always has.

Dream looked back at the hallway, he could go back to bed and risk having another nightmare. Or he could go into Nightmare's room and...

Well, it was too late.

Dream had already opened the door and stepped inside. He prayed the door wouldn't creak as he shut it, which it didn't. Dream let out the biggest sigh of relief.

Dream walked over to Nightmare's bed, staring down at the other man. Nightmare was pretty bundled up, only the top half of his head and left hand was visible.

He looked adorable.

Dream felt weird about that thought. Someone usually wouldn't describe Nightmare as adorable. Dream was probably the only one who Nightmare would let get away with that.

Nightmare was in the center, and to his right, was just enough room for Dream. Dream thought for a moment. Was this a good idea, or not?

Well, it didn't matter. Dream had already gotten into Nightmare's bed and snuggled close to him.

Dream shivered as Nightmare's hot breath hit his neck. Dream pressed his forehead into the top of the sleeping man's head. He kissed Nightmare on this forehead.

Nightmare looked so tranquil. So calm.

He usually wasn't.

Dream felt himself beginning to drift off into unconsciousness. And for once, he let himself.


Nightmare felt a warmth wrapped around him, the sunlight preventing Nightmare from opening his eyes.

After a couple of moments, Nightmare huffed, opening his eyes and letting them adjust to the bright light.

"Oh...hello." Nightmare muttered, his voice croaky.

Nightmare put a hand on Dream's cheek, smiling to himself. Dream was so warm. Dream had pressed himself into Nightmare's upper chest.


Dream didn't move.

"Dream I love you but this is..uh, a little excessive."

Dream shook his head.

"Dream please."


"Mmmmmm yes."

Dream huffed. Letting go of then Nightmare, but still staying close to him.

"What're you doing here Dream?"

"Mmm...had a nightmare and I...I dunno, came in here and fell asleep."

"You looked cute."

"YOU looked cute. When I came in here at like, 12, you were all bundled up in your covers."

"I should slap you. But I won't."

"I appreciate it Nights."

Nightmare went to say something, but his phone buzzed. He flipped over and looked at his, cringing away as the bright light practically blinded him.

Dream waited as Nightmare checked his phone and put it back on his nightstand.

"Blue just texted, he's making waffles. We should get out of bed."

"Mmm...I suppose you're right. But one thing first."

"What's that?"

Dream kissed him, before getting up and out of Nightmare's room.



619 Words

30 Day OTP Challenge - DreammareWhere stories live. Discover now