Day 20 - Listening to Music

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"I can't believe we're going back home already. The summer went by too fast." Dream muttered, shoving his suitcase into the bus.

"I know right! I'm so glad I finally got to meet you though, you'll stay in touch right?" Blue asked, slipping his backpack on.

"Of course dude! How'd you like America? People can be really mean because Heaven forbid someone speak their native language or have an accent." Dream laughed, though he was dead serious.

"People were nicer than expected! People really liked my accent, though, some lady asked if I had been to the Eiffel Tower in a very ah, rude tone of voice so I asked her if she had been to the White House."

Blue laughed, "She just walked away after that."

Dream snickered, lightly punching Blue in the shoulder. "Maybe I can visit you someday, maybe I can see what's it like to have a culture."

"No! Don't say that! That's the thing about America, there are so many cultures, so many people, and well, you can be you! It's incredible!" Blue smiled, squishing Dream's cheeks.

"Apart from the racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, and xenophobia." Dream corrected.

"That's the thing Dream, it's a work in progress. That's all we are. As humans, as a community, as a society. We can change things."

"Yeah, you're right." Dream smiled, touching Blue's hand.

"Blue!" Horror called from a distance. Blue turned around, "A moment please!" He turned back around to Dream, "I'll call you later okay?"

"Okay, okay, go to your boyfriend, I'll contact you after."

"Bye Dreams!" Blue skipped over to Horror, waving goodbye to Dream.

Dream waved goodbye back, before slipping his hands into his pockets and glanced around. Where was he?

Dream tapped his foot, not impatiently but more nervous-like. He took a deep breath, he was probably already on the bus listening to music like he always was.

Dream pulled out the small package from his pocket, running his hand over the top of it. Dream hoped that he would like it.

Dream strolled over to the bus, the driver was watching something on their phone, not even acknowledging Dream.

Dream walked down the bus slowly, looking for him. Dream smiled, he was on the right side of the bus, leaning against the window with his earbuds on.

Dream walked over to him and gave him a gentle touch on the shoulder. He jumped, but immediately relaxed at the sight of Dream. He pulled out his earbuds and greeted Dream with a small wave.

"Hi Nightmare." He said quietly, smiling.

Nightmare paused his music and moved his backpack out of the way, letting Dream sit down next to him. Dream sat down; he slipped his hand into his pocket and took a deep breath.

"So...I don't know if this is like, insensitive or anything and if it is I'm sorry, but uh...when we would visit places I noticed that you would always fidget with your jacket's zipper so you this."

Dream placed the white package in Nightmare's hand, trying his best to read Nightmare's permanent poker face.

Nightmare slowly pulled the zipper, not letting himself get a sneak peek of the gift. He finally opened it, his face immediately lighting up at the gift.

Dream let out a silent sigh of relief, knowing immediately that Nightmare was happy.

Nightmare pulled out the black and teal fidget cube, already pressing the different buttons.

"Do it?"

"I love it. Thank you." Dream smiled, a little is taken aback though. He forgot how deep Nightmare's voice was.

Then, everyone started filing in, Nightmare put his right earbud in and offered Dream the left one. Dream smiled. He put the earbud in and put his head against Nightmare's shoulder.

Nightmare gave Dream a smoochie on the forehead before pulling out his phone and hitting play. Right as he did so, the bus got moving, beginning to drive them back to the airport.

Once they turned out of the parking lot, they exited onto the highway and drove along. The setting sun landed on Dream and Nightmare, giving them a golden coat of sunlight.

"What song is this?"

"King of Everything. It's one of my favorites."

"I see why."

Nightmare grabbed Dream's hand with his free one, interlocking their fingers. Dream looked up at him and gave him a little smile.

"I love you."

"I love you a lot more."



I adore them so much


748 Words

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