Chapter 4

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Jimin's Pov:

Oh well that was so awkward and now also..Some are wishpering about me...Uh i don't want to stay here. So i quickly pack my stuff and went to cafeteria to found hobi hyung, Eunwoo and his friends.

As i enter into the cafeteria. now i am going to find them. I look here and there and finally found them at sitting a little far away. I quickly went to them and smilingly waved at them well Eunwoo. Then we began to introduce ourselves.

"Hello jimin. Why are you late! Anyways these are my friends." Eunwoo said while pointing his hand towards his friends.

"Oh sorry. I was in my dance class. So hello guys. Nice to meet you. I am Park jimin. Hoseok hyung's best friend." I quickly said and waiting for there reply now.

"Hello my name is Min Yoongi. My hobby is producing Song and sleeping. " Yoongi hyung said.

"Hello! My name is Kim Namjoon. I am the class president. I love composing music too." Namjoon hyung said. He look nice.

"Hello I am Joy. I love dancing. I was with you in the dance class too. Seems like you didn't notice me and one thing i want to say about your dance. You are really amazing. I was in totally awstruck with your dance.." Joy said cutely. Well She is beautiful.

"Hello i am jung hoseok. I also love dancing and I am this idiot's best friend." Hobi hyung said pointing to me and i pouted when he called me an idiot. And all of them laughed at my cuteness.

"Hyung!" I called but almost all of them look at me. Oh right most of them are my hyung. Haha.

"I mean yoongi and namjoon hyung! Hehe" I exclaimed. They nodded and look at me.

"I want to hear some self-producing song of yours.. " I said to them.

"Haha! jimin you are cute! But I didn't make any yet though I like it. But Don't know about Yoongi. Do you have any music that you make?" Namjoon asked looking at Yoongi who is busy in eating.

"Well, I do have some music that i made. I am into rapping so not sure how you will like that! " I can say they all are shocked to hear that by seeing their face.

"Wait what! Really? We didn't knew it at all. Shit! Now you have to show us that! " Namjoon said to him. All agreed with Namjoon.

"Yes show us! Pleaseeee!" We all whine...

As we are all discussing  with each other Suddenly a man with suit, black brown hair, kinda handsome but has a blank look on his face came to cafeteria was looking for something.

And then he made eye contract with us well me? And he start walking towards us. Oh! why are he coming towards us? I don't know him. May be he came to hyungs. I shrugged the thought.

But Then he stopped just in front of our table and look at me before saying anything. I am now confused. All of hyungs are also looking at him and me. Then he said..

"Hello. You must be Park jimin. Mr. Jeon, The principal want to say something to you. So he called you at his room. Please follow me." This person says without any expression.

l awkwardly stared at him and thinking why would that jerk looking for me. Uh...Why he have to call now. I said bye to my friends and said them not to wait for me. I will go to my class after this. Then I followed this person. He isn't saying anything. Uff I am feeling like I am walking with a robot. I am also feeling nervous...

Jungkook's Pov:

I am totally in shock with his dance. He looks like a totally model and dancer. You can see the passion in his eyes. He is very nice and cute too. I DIDN'T MEAN IT THAT WAY. Uh...What I want now is he.. He look perfect for his age and again what is his age? It doesn't matter. I will ask him later.

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