Chapter 6.1

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Next morning Jimin wake up at 7.30 am. Hoseok is still sleeping. Because he don't have anything to do yet. And Jimin needs to go to cafe at 9 am.

Jimin get freshed and start making food for hoseok and himself. Jimin make some pancakes and sandwich with eggs. And also with some watermelon juice.

Jimin set the food for him at the table. He eat those and for Hoseok he keep the food in a container in the kitchen's table. So that when Hoseok wake up he can also eat something.

Jimin take a small cute looking note page and wrote at the paper

"Hyung~ i will be at Jin hyung's cafe today. If you want to meet then came there any time you want okay? And I have made you food. That are set in container. Eat those when you wake up!

- Your Minnie"

I took the note and place it on the fridge's door so he can find it easily. Now, lets go to my one of most favourite cafe in here. That is Jin hyung's Moon cafe! Yay! I am so excited..

I walk there in 5 minutes. Its not so far from our apartment. I like spending time here. This Environment give me a soft vibe. Its perfect in one word.

I walk into the cafe, Jin hyung might be here already. The bell rung but no one replied anything. I walk inside a little while calling "Jin Hyung? Are you there?"

No one really answered! I went to kitchen where I seems to find some noises like someone is talking. When I walk closer I heard Jin hyung's voice.

I was going to call him but stop when I see Jin hyung is talking while laughing continuously also with a little red face? Wait red face? Is hyung blushing?

Then he has a boyfriend I think? Or have a crush at least. I wait at outside of the room for him to finish his talking. He finally finished talking with whoever he is talking.

"Oh shit! Jimin! You startled me!" Jin hyung said while his hand is on his chest.

I look at him and said "Ops sorry. Didn't mean to hehe. I was looking for you. The cafe was totally empty. So I thought who is here. And see you were talking with someone."

"Yeah right! " Jin hyung replied.

"Yeah. You are blushing too. Who you were talking with hyung~? Was it your boyfriend or your crush? Or perhaps husband?" I teased him. Seems like I have succeed too. He is now blushing too. His ear is literally red.

"Yah! Start with your work! Or I will deduct your salary!" jin hyung threatened.

"I don't have any problem with that!" I shrugged. I wasn't working here for money. Its just to spend some of my time and also enjoying the cafe that I love.

"Go away! And served my customer or I will fire you! " Jin hyung yelled at me.

"Hyunggg~ you can't do that! I love here! Pweasee~" I said while acting cute! He needs to agree with me either he accept or not.

"Aish this kid! Go work. I won't fire my favourite child! " He said with a smile on his face is present.

"Yayy! Thank you hyung. Say Hi to your boyfriend or husband too!" Jimin said and quickly run away before Jin can explode to him.

"YAH! YOU BRAT! Aish he is a brat too despite of having cute side" Jin hissed at this. But not really. Every employee likes Jimin's nature. It delights them so much.

Meanwhile Jimin is preparing to take orders. No one is still here but they will be soon here. Its holiday it might be busy day too.

Suddenly someone came into the cafe as the bell rung. She sit at a window place. Jimin went to her with his ipad.

"Welcome to Moon cafe! What you will like to order?" Jimin asked while looking at his pad.

"Oh Jimin-shi?" The girl called.

Jimin look up at her and also surprised to see her here. Its Joy. Who has mutual dance class with him at college. Also his female friend.

"Hi Joy! What a surprise! How are you?" I asked.

"I am all okay Jimin-shi! what are you doing here? Do you work here?" She asked.

"Yes! I work here because the cafe looks nice. And also my its my one of hyung's cafe. Hehe. Isn't it cute here?" I asked.

"It is! Thats why I come here always! " She exclaimed.

"What! Really? But I didn't see you at all!" I said in confusion. I work here But I didn't saw her here for even a one time.

"Its because you are new here. And I didn't come here this week for some problems. And Jimin-shi you are so cute when you are confuse!" She laughed.

"Yah! I am not cute. It is suppose to be you. You are a girl not me!" I said with a pout. I was suppose to be handsome or manly.

"But its true! You are cute Jimin-shi. Though you aren't a girl!" Joy replied with a smile!

"Yeah yeah! Now tell me your order! " Jimin hissed at her fakely. Joy only laughed at Jimin's cute behaviour. And tell her order.

"Your order will be here soon! Darling! Bye" Jimin said to his friend and walk to the counter again. Jin heard what Jimin called her.

He went to Jimin and elbowed him before saying "Is she your girlfriend?"

"Who? Joy? No she isn't! She is my college friend hyung! What made you think that?" I asked.

"You called her darling. I thought she is your girlfriend!" He shrugged.

"Haha hyung! No she isn't. I was messing around with her. Though she is beautiful but I am gay as hell! " I said proudly. Jin hyung look at me and shrugged.

"Yeah but seems like she is interest in you though! She is looking at you time to time!" Jin hyung said. I look at her but she isn't looking at me. May be hyung teased me!

"Hyung~ she isn't. Stop messing around and she is may be interest to talk with me because she saw my dance ! " I shrugged.

"Really? You dance? Woah. I didn't know!" Jin hyung said dramatically.

"Are you forgetting that the college is an art college? And dance is a must there?" I said to him sarcastically.

"Oh really? I didn't know that!" Jin hyung sassed.

"Yeah hyung~ Go away. You are disturbing me! I need to take order.. So go away~" I said to him while pushing him a little.

" Yah its my cafe and you are pushing me away! Have some respect for your hyung!" Jin said to me.

"I will when I can!" I said to him. We got really free with each other. So its not really a problem for us now. Jin hyung is like my big brother. I respect him too.


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