Chapter 3

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Simon pulled me up again so I could stand. He was over a head taller than me. I tried to look up to look at him as cold and angry as I could. But he was so tall, that I was the one who got a little intimidated by him staring into my eyes. So I looked at Negan he was still smiling in triumph.

"So beautiful, Simon will lead you to the trucks and we are going on a little roadtrip!" He said smiling, but not in a nice way.

Simon grabbed me by the shoulder where my shirt fell down earlier. I felt his warm, but rough hand on my skin. He leaded me downstairs until we found ourselves in the yard in front of the huge grey building, that was called the sanctuary. He pushed me down the small staircase, I nearly fell by his strong push. It was very hard not to, cause my hands where still in cuffs behind my back so I couldn't catch myself if I would fall, which i nearly did. Gladly i could balance it out and moved the stairs down, so that he couldn't do this again.

He lead me to one of the big black trucks, that were parking in front of a huge gate. Every time he pushed me forwards i looked back at him and gave him a death stare. He was just laughing at me, cause he knew that I couldn't do something about it.

"Get in, sugar!" He said to me, still standing behind me. I felt a weird feeling when he called me like that , but I hated myself for feeling something that wasn't hate for this man. I ignored his words to shocked by the shiver that they gave me. So I jumped in the back of the truck where some other few Savoirs were already sitting in. As I was standing Simon gave me a clap on my ass and shut the door so fast that I couldn't even react.
What the fuck? I thought and I just sat myself defiantly next to one of these fuckers. My thoughts were twirling around some brutal deaths I was planning for Simon.

The whole drive or roadtrip like Negan called it, i stayed completely silent and ignored the other saviors. My thoughts still about Simons death.


After who  knows how long we abruptly stopped and I jammed to the wall next to me. Probably Simon was the shitty driver. After a few moments Simon opened up the door of the truck I was in. The light was so blinding, but I knew it was him because he immediately grabbed me by my hair again. It was the billions time he did that, or so my head felt like. I probably looked like I had sex for permanent ten fucking days.

I couldn't really see so it kinda was good that he guided me. After some blinks I finally could see again...we were standing in Hilltop. Right in front of the huge building I lived in with my parents. I saw that most people from the community stood around us. I looked over my shoulder and saw five big trucks and a black car. Somebody was still in there, but I couldn't see who it was. All of the other saviors were gathered behind Simon and me.

I looked back to my home...or I guess not anymore, as my parents were running out of the building towards me. They looked really worried and were in panic.

Simon suddenly pushed me hardly towards them. My father catched me, luckily, cause I still couldn't move my arms properly. They checked me if I was okay and wasn't carrying any wounds or bruises. My mother was holding me now, I noticed as she looked scared and her view was wandering to the group which was standing between to wooden gates.
I turned around and saw that Negan was walking towards us, he was sitting in the black car before. I could feel that my parents were intimidated by him and Simon. As both of them were standing next to each other Negan began to speak:

"Hello Citizens of this shithole! We are the saviors and we are here to make you an offer!" He first spoke to all of them, but in the end started to stare at my father with a wide grin in his face. "Let's go! Who's the leader I need to talk to him?"

My father stood up and stared at him. "I'm the leader of Hilltop. What do you want?" He said with hidden anger in his voice.

"Do you have a room we can talk in about what is going to happen next..?" Simon asked rising an eyebrow.

My father nodded shortly and lifted me up gently. He grabbed my hand as he lead Simon, Negan and a small group of saviors to his office inside the museum.  It was on the right side of the building and we got through it by going in the inner hall that had a big staircase leading up to the top, where some rooms including mine were. We got into the room that had a big couch with a coffee table in the middle and on the side towards the front was a dark wooden table. Behind the couch was a big oil painting on the wall.  Simon and Negan were looking around while they got inside. Simon sat down on the couch and tabbed on the place next to him while he looked and me to signal me to sit down. As I didn't move and just stared at him he grabbed my arm and forced me to sit down by pulling me towards him.

This made me sitting on his lap. I didn't move as he was going to lay back and making himself  comfortable I tried to move to the seat next to him as he wanted before. But he moved his hand immediately to my hip and grabbed it so I stopped to move. I looked up to my father who was watching the whole thing. He didn't look happy at all. His eyes were moving between Simon and me.

Then he looked at Negan while the leader of the saviors started to speak:

"We are visiting your small community because your beautiful daughter wanted to tell you something..." he looked at me. I thought about what else I could do besides giving these fuckers what they wanted.

"Dad..." I started with a low voice not looking at him. "These motherfu-" I continued. But then I got interrupted by Simons hand grabbing my throat again and chocking me. I tried to breathe. My dad was scared now and wanted to move towards us to help me. But he stopped as Simon signaled to tighten his grip. My father stopped moving and took his hands up to signal peace. My mother was still standing in the door and started crying. She was a strong woman until it came to her family... my father decided to go to her, he kissed her on her forehead, whispered something and then closed the door while she left. He didn't want her to see what could happen next. Simon leaned forward and whispered into my ear to continue while he tighten his grips.

"I need to join their group" i said with nearly no breath left. I couldn't look at my dad.
Simon continued for me " exactly, and it was her decision." I could feel him smiling behind me.

"And since we are taking her with soon as you deny one of our orders in the slightest way... she will get hurt. You understand?"

I looked up, my father nodded... he was still focused at me and on Simons hands on me and didn't look at Simon for one second.

"Awesome... so we are going to visit you every other week and will collect the half of your collected stuff. You will give us everything we need without hesitation, Alright?" Simon continued loosen his hand around my throat as my father nodded again.

I knew he was thinking if there was a way to get me out of this situation, there wasn't. They were too much too fight and they were armed pretty heavy.
There was no way out of here. Not for him, not for my mother, not for me.

Suddenly there was screaming behind the door before Negan could start to speak. It was the voice of a woman, than there was a shot and the voice was gone.

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