Chapter 9

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Cathryn's PoV:

After the meeting yesterday I was brought to a small room. But everything was better that this god damn cell. I had a real bed and it felt like I never slept better in my whole life, I even ignored the guy on the other side of the door, that guarded me.

In the morning Laura and I went to get breakfast. It was the first thing I've eaten in a few days. I tried to grab everything in the table and shoved it into my mouth. Laura watched me carefully but didn't say anything, she knew that I hadn't eaten in days. I wondered how she became one of the saviors. And before I could think about the consequences this question might bring, I had already ask her. God, I really need to think before I speak. But gladly she wasn't angry or anything. She just looked a little upset and told me her story. Laura said that she was a part of the sanctuary before Negan came. She told me that the saviors were lead by a small group of people and the only survivors were herself and Simon, because the subjected themselves. After that they build up a larger group of saviors and violently forced people to join them, under command of Negan. But I noticed that she didn't sound that angry about Negan, even tough he took their place. She told me that his tactic worked way better that their leadership before.

"Fear is the best way to control people" she said. I just nodded, it might sound sad but it's the truth... we both sat in the large hall filled with other saviors. She asked me if I think I would be ready to go in runs. That meant she trusted me. I liked her. I answered her question with yes.

In a way I fitted perfectly into this place, I'm not afraid of brutality and have the kinda personality to rule people. And in the other hand Negan didn't give me another option. So it was clear, I was one of the saviors. So I will live and work with them. Besides Negan they seemed pretty ok.

I followed Laura through the hallways. She told me on our way, that she wasn't allowed to give me any weapons, before I have proven myself. But she brought me to her room and told me that I could pick out some stuff for myself, because everything women related the saviors found was brought to her and Arat.
I picked a few things out that I liked and we got to my room.

I changed my dirty outfit to a white top and denim shorts, I put on my heeled black boots and walked out of my room where Laura was waiting for me. She looked down on me and looked a little shocked. I was fully aware that this outfit was shoving all of my bruises from the last days and I knew that some of them will turn into scars... but fuck it honestly. Why not show people what I went through, I survived it and what doesn't kill me just makes me stronger. I slightly smiled at her, she looked worried.

"It's ok. I am fine." I said to her. "Let's go "

She just looked at me with still worry in her expression. But then she lead me outside the building to the trucks that were standing by the gates. I felt the heads of the saviors turn towards us while we were passing them. I fucking love this feeling... guys can be so stupid. They looked like they had never seen women's skin before. Maybe it was because of the bruises, but as I turned around and looked behind me I saw a group of saviors that were staring at my ass. Yup still got it.

My smile immediately went away as I ran into someone, who was standing in my way. I turned to the person, ready to say something mean, but was Simon. I swallowed and looked up into his brownish eyes.

His hands were resting on his hips and he looked down on me. I felt so small...all the confidence I had gained after the days with Negan flew away. This fucker... I got angry. He didn't help me in the night we came back, after I let him fuck me ...what was I even thinking?

No I won't let him turn me down. Even tough I was one them, didn't mean I needed to be nice to him... so I did something that he wouldn't expect.

"Hey pornstache! What are you doing on this beautiful day?" I said with a huge grin on my face. Smiling hurted like hell, but I didn't care. I got what I wanted he looked a little surprised. I guessed he expected me to be snappy or angry.

"The Same as you...going on a run." He said after he focused again." I will greet your father" he said leaning forward. My smile disappeared. He will regret playing this card on me i promised myself, but for now I didn't need anymore trouble with them so I just went past him. As i did so, I tried to hit his shoulder with my body, but it felt like trying to move a wall. The only thing that happened was the opposite from what i wanted: i stumbled a little. I was still very weak. I catched myself and walked to the truck where Laura was watching.

Simon turned around, staying in his pose, he whistled after me and I just raised my arm to show him my middle finger. I didn't turn around and went on. Laura was looking down to hide the smile as she opened the door to the passengers seat. I got into the car and waited for Laura to start the car. Another car was driving in front of us. On the way I was talking with Laura about our life before the world turned to shit.

The drive was just around an hour long and we arrived at a building with a satellite dish on top, which was an outpost.

Even tough this place was ruled by the military before, they made it pretty cosy. We had different shifts and got on hunts every other day. I became with most of them over the days. One day Laura needed to leave, because they needed her for something important at the sanctuary. In the two weeks I lived there I really began to feel a sense of home and grew into a real savior.
The facility was run by Simon, so it needed to be close to Hilltop and my father. I often thought of him and hoped he was alright. I heard some rumors about hilltop not behaving right and I tried to ignore them. I just hoped they weren't true.

At one night, I was still outside and walking around to check the back of the building, because it was my shirt, I heard a car driving towards the building. I hid behind the building and tried to listen what these persons were saying to the other guard in front of the building.

"We have his head" one unfamiliar voice said.

"Wow really? I need to get..." the savior replied and got inside the building to get one of the others.
After they both came outside. The other savior said "yes...that's Gregory"

My...father did these people kill my father...tears were coming up and started rolling down my eyes. I wanted to get out of the place I was hiding, but I heard that one of them stabbed both saviors. It was silent and as I tried to look around the wall I saw that one of the group was walking in my direction. I decided whether or not I could try and fight them, but their group was too large. I wanted to warn the others,  the other saviors were sleeping inside...helpless. But I wasn't carrying any weapon with me so I decided to run away. I hated myself for it, at least I could warn and inform the sanctuary about the attack, if I would manage to escape.
As I silently manage to run away, while I tried to hide in the shadows. I noticed that no one had followed me, they must have gotten I ran back a little to turn on the fire alarm, maybe this could alarm others and help them to survive. The loud siren turned on and I knew that in the inside was another button to turn the alarm off again, but this was just to warn the others. After I did this I quickly ran away into the woods in direction of the sanctuary.

I ran and ran and ran, tears were streaming down my face. I didn't feel my feet anymore, my body was moving by itself. I saw the road and continued running on it. I knew this was dangerous but this would help me find my way to the sanctuary. I wanted these people to burn for what they had done. Every single one of them. All my new friends, my father... god why him too? He always was so good to me he was a very caring person.

After what felt like eternity I found myself banging at the gates of the sanctuary. Screaming that they should let me in and that we got attacked. The tears never stopped and I slowly felt my body again, it felt really heavy and my feet felt like stones. I was so exhausted. I couldn't manage to catch my breath and the last thing I saw was a tall figure walking towards me as the gates finally opened. I collapsed into his strong arms and everything went black.

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