Chapter 17

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It was early in the noon when we arrived at the Hilltop. The sun was burning hot, but that didn't stop me from running towards my father when we arrived. I was so happy to see him again...and alive, that I didn't notice the hole in the wooden fence and the vehicle that stood in the middle of the court.

Simon and my father "needed to talk business" and got into the office of my father. I'm very impatient and didn't really wanted to know what was going on, so I took the chance and collected a few things from my old room.

I looked under my old bed and found my memory-box. A collection of small things or cards that hold beautiful memory were in there. I didn't need too look inside, this would just make me emotional. So I grabbed it with a bag pack I had stuffed some clothes from my mom inside. After I looked a last time through my room I remembered that my favorite pair of pants still should be in the jar of the bedside table. And I were right. As I opened the jar I saw the black leather, these pants fitted me like a glove and I loved them.

After i switched into my beloved leather pants and packed everything up I went downstairs and my father and Simon still were talking in the "office". Two saviors were standing in front guarding the door. I heard both of them talking but couldn't make out their words. So I quickly decided to just go in. The saviors surprisingly let me in.

Simon was sitting on the desk his arms resting on his knees. This pose really made me focus on his muscular arms. He looked so handsome and it felt like an eternity that I was just standing there, staring at his body. I bit my lip to control myself. But then I noticed that he and my father were staring at me. Simon was smiling because he had an idea of what was going through my mind. My father looked confused and alternately between us like he was wondering about the tension.

"...are you...?" My father began to ask me pointing at Simon. Before I could open my mouth to deny what was obvious Simon interrupted him:

"Gregory! Did I make my point clear?" He said in a very serious tone, which made my thought go even more dirtier.

"Yes!... of course Simon. I got it, you are the boss!" My father stuttered, obviously intimidated.

"Great! So back to my question..."

"What question?" My father and I asked at the same time.

"You wanted to tell me something. Gregory, my friend, you are bad at hiding things from me... so what is going on?" Simon asked sighing.

"I don't know what you are talking about..." my father seemed worried now. And he went scared when Simon stood up and walked towards him. I got in front of my father so that I was between them. Simon really was intimidating as he was hovering over me. I was probably over a head smaller then him and when I looked up it felt like my neck was about to break.

"Let me speak to him." I said to Simon. I was hoping that this would avoid trouble. "Please"

Simon just nodded and went out of the office. I let a breath out that I was holding in and turned around to my father. We hugged again. This time it felt different...more real because I wasn't watched.

"Are they mean to you? Are they forcing you-" my father asked while he hold my head in his hands. He was worried about me and I felt sorry for him.

"They are nice to me. Really. You don't need to worry, dad. I'm more than fine." I said with a smile. I was glad that I didn't have to lie. "And everything will be alright with the Hilltop, with you and with me. You know that even if, I know how to protect myself."

"I know. I know" he smiled now. It made me happy to see him with a smile again. "But still I will to everything I can to protect you and to not make them hurt you."

I just smiled at him. At least the saviors aren't as bad as they may seem at first. We were on the right side. "So what is it that Simon wants to know? You maybe can lie to him but not to me" I said with a laugh. I wanted to comfort him so that he knew everything was okay.

"Maybe... maybe I'm just gonna show it to you..." he just answered and we made our way to the door. Before the door my father stopped and slowly turned around and tilted his head.

"Before we go out again...I need to ask you something, cat." He swallowed. " is there something going on between you and...and Simon."

I was shocked for a second. Was it that obvious? Oh god I need to work on that. I just stared at him and tried to play it of by laughing and saying "no" maybe a little bit to often, because he didn't look convinced.

"No! God no! Dad! No he is not my type...have you seen his mustache. Pfff no never!" I continued with laughter I tried to make as two as possible.

"Okay...good. And he is way too old for you, young lady."

We just stared at each other for another second and made our way through the door.

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