Chapter 16

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I woke up in his arms. The warmth of his body surrounding mine. I laid halfway on top of him and my hand was resting next to my face on his chest. His alarm went off after a few minutes. He flinched because of the annoying noice and I giggled. He looked so peaceful and friendly...very unusual for his mostly intimidating personality. Today was the day when I would see my father again. I missed him.

We got dressed and I sneaked out of his room. Nobody should know about us...not yet. Well I shouldn't have been so loud yesterday if I wanted nobody to know... I got to mine and Laura's room and brushed my hair and finished getting ready. I changed into new clothes, into a pair of black shorts and a white shirt with my black boots as always. The shorts were a little short on me but in an apocalypse we don't really have much choice, am I right? As I wanted to walk out of the room and put the hand on the doorknob I heard two very familiar voices. Negan and Simon.

"...heard you had fun last night...or you made someone have fun..."

"I don't know what you are talking about Negan..." Simon replied.

"You don't need to be modest, right hand! I heard it and I live two floors above you. Great job!" Negan told him like he won a trophy. I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah...thanks. I need to go I'm visiting the Hilltop today" Simon said. He wanted to escape from that situation, before Negan could ask him...that question.

"Alrighty..." I sighted and I heard Simon walking towards the stairs. "But wait! Who was it?"

Simon began to stutter and walked on. "I think you don't know her...she is no one" he said that as he walked past my room. And I felt tears coming and I wanted to stay strong. I knew he just said this so it would stay secret, but something in me broke. And I have never felt so bad... I hated myself for letting him having such an impact on me. How?

"Maybe you can introduce her to me?" Negan just shouted after Simon. I wanted to wait until Negan was gone too. But I heard his steps stopping before the door. He knocked and I flinched at the noise. I tried to hide my feelings.
As I opened the door he looked up and down at me with a smirk on his face. Lucille was resting on his shoulder and he leaned back as he began to speak.

"Wow! Doll, aren't these pants a little too short?"

"Do you think so...because your dick was the inspiration." I said and began to walk past him. But he put his arm on the doorframe to stop me. I looked up into his still smiling face. I tried to hide the fact that I got turned on by that and rolled my eyes to look annoyed and made my way to the other side. In the hope he would let me pass. But of course he didn't and pull Lucille right in front of me.

His smirk told me what he wanted. And he probably wouldn't let me pass if I didn't give him what he wanted. This was his kind of game... but then an idea popped up in my head.

I got a step back and walked slowly towards him until I stood directly in front of him. I felt his presence and our bodies were just millimeters away from each other. I put my hands on his chest and turned my face towards his. He looked confused,  I knew that he wouldn't expect that.
I placed on hand on Lucille and slowly turned her towards me and made him hold her that the tip was down. My hand was on top of his and we were holding the bat. With both hands I slowly moved the bat towards my mouth without breaking the eye contact with him.
I opened my mouth and started to lick the handle. He licked his lips and I could see the lust in his eyes. I started to put the whole handle in my I was sucking him of. I was kinda surprised that I could do  that. He was watching every of my moves and bit his lip. I had him where I wanted him.

I pulled the handle out of my mouth and let my tongue run above the handle one more time. Suddenly I didn't felt the taste of the wood anymore. My tongue touched his fingers which were still around the bat. This was my chance. I looked into his eyes again and pushed him back. He was in too much sexual tension to process what had happened and to realize that I just did this to get pass him.

So I finally walked down the hallway and quickly made my way to the stairs. I got to the huge hall and tried to find Laura so we could finally have breakfast, but I still had the taste of Negan in my mouth...he tasted like smoke and metal.
God I need to clear my thoughts.


After breakfast I did everything to avoid meeting Negan again. I found Simon waiting for me at the gate. He leaned on one of the black trucks. He wore his signature button up shirt with black cargo pants. As soon as he saw me he opened his arms and smiled at me.

„Angel, we waited so long just because you took so long to get ready for daddy?" Simon asked me with a loud voice so that every savior in the yard could hear him. As I heard the last word my thoughts immediately gravitated to him and not my father and I wanted to Punch myself for that.

I continued walking towards him and flipped him off. I stopped walking when a savior behind me said „are you getting the attention that you want with these shorts, whore?".
Before I slowly turned around I saw that Simon wasn't happy either about that comment. And he gave the man a death stare.

I walked towards the guy that made the comment. He was not very tall and every step I took towards him he seemed to be more intimidated by me. I was looking him in the eyes the whole time, he broke contact because he was glancing at my butterfly knife that I had pulled out of my back pocket.
I flipped at around while I was still walking towards this motherfucker. He was scared now and began to go backwards. I loved seeing pure fear in peoples eyes, it gave me a feeling of so much power.

The guy got frightened as he suddenly hit the huge fence that surrounded the place where Negan kept some walkers. He couldn't escape now. I smirked as I arrived and stood directly in front of him. I raised the knife and placed it on his throat.

I heard a whistle and turned around. Simon waved and motioned me to get in the car. I knew that I couldn't kill this guy, we both were saviors and I wanted to visit my father.

I turned towards the guy again and whispered in his ear „don't mess with me ever again and in general I can wear what the fuck I want, got it?" he nodded and gave me a death stare.I took the knife off of his throat and turned around.

„yeah Simon. Put your dog on a leash!" the guy spoke up again. He was sure now that I wouldn't kill him...but hurting him a little wouldn't bring me too much trouble. So I turned around, grabbed his shoulders and fired my knee into his nuts. The pain forced him to go down and I saw the tears in his eyes.

I got my way back to the truck, pretty happy about myself and I walked past a smiling Simon and made my way to the passenger seat.
Some other saviors got in the back of the truck and Simon sat down next to me. He looked at me for a few seconds than started the engine. And we left the sanctuary.

„I hope you know that I was talking about myself and not your father when I said it earlier..." Simon broke the silence. And it didn't sounded like a question, he was pleased with himself. He knew that I had thought this way. Fuck.

„I don't know what you are talking about, Simon"

„C'mon Kitty, you will call me daddy"

I turned towards him and our eyes met.

„Make me" I nearly whispered.

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