Chapter 14

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I woke up to Laura shaking me. I probably overslept the alarm. She gave me an apple and told me that we were running late. We made our way down to the yard, next to the walker- parkour , that's how I called it.

Laura got to another group and i got to Gavin. I was supposed to drive with him to the Kingdom and collect their things. I was slightly confused that Simon stood next to him. They were talking, Simon looked happy while Gavin had the sad look he always had.

"Good Morning!" I said towards Gavin and he just smiled lightly. I had never seen him laugh or even really happy. I wanted to play a little bit more with Simon and decided to ignore him, which was really hard. He wore a grey button up shirt sleeve shirt, which had some buttons undone and his brown pants with a belt.

"Doesn't you want to see your daddy again?" Suddenly Simon asked me.

For some reason I first thought he meant himself, but he meant my father. Gladly. He was right, he had promised me that we could visit him again. I turned towards him and nodded. Gavin told me that it was okay, if I would go with Simon to the Hilltop. Simon told me to pack my stuff and gathered some more saviors that would join us. It ent back into my room and took a machete, the guns were already in the trucks. But this time I remembered to take my own jacket so Simon wouldn't have to give me his again.

I went back down and towards one of the trucks. Simon was already signaling me to get next to him. He sat in the driver's seat and as I got in we started driving through the gates. Two other cars were behind us. We drove the streets down towards my old home.

"You know that I can't be nice to your father, right?" Simon began to speak. "I need to show him who the boss is, so his community will continue following us."

I know he was right, but it hurted me a little. But it kinda was his job, so I just nodded after he looked at me. After a while of talking and driving he stopped. As I looked on the road ahead of us I saw a whole lot of walkers, it was a huge group. They would be way to much to even try to fight. But luckily they were far away from the sanctuary and hilltop. Simon ordered his men in the other vehicles to drive back so we would be taking another route.

We drove through the woods down a road I didn't know. I just looked outside the window and enjoyed the breeze through the open window. Simon and I just talked about the other communities and Negan's methods as a leader.

"I think he is too soft" I told Simon. He agreed with me. "I get that he is all like 'people are resources' " I continued, mocking negans deep voice. This caused Simon to laugh. As continued to speak I looked back through the window.

"...but people are no longer useful if the try to kill you and are strong enough to do so. Fear can control-" I saw a figure running through the woods. "SIMON STOP THE CAR!"

And he immediately did. I nearly flew through the window in front of me. The cars behind us struggled a little and tried not to crash into each other.

"Look...there is someone running." I told him and pointed at the person that was now running away. He told his men and ordered to follow them quietly.

"Don't shoot!" He commanded them and we followed the person in groups.

After a while it seemed like the person was out of sight. I was paired up with three other saviors and we made our way through the thick forest. It was hard to move and stay quiet at the same time. The ground was covered in leafs and sticks, that cracked when you stepped on them. We went on for some time.

Suddenly i stopped both of them and signaled them not to move. I hid behind a rock in front of me. I saw the person we had followed, but now the man was with another women. He had carried two bags with him, probably food. I saw Simon as i looked back and signaled him to get down, since the pair was pretty close.
I turned around and looked after them. They made their way past a little hill, something was behind it. After I followed them slowly I started to climb up the hill to  get a view on where they were going. As i reached the top i could see a camp. It was huge. Family's, older people, children, not many armed people. All seemed to had their tasks and were busy or talking.
I guessed around 150 people lived in this camp, that was a lot but not impossible to handle. I saw a women , she was around 50 or older and she seemed to be their leader. One of the kids had called her "Natalia" and everyone seemed to ask her for permission and for new tasks.

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