Reaping day

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Sky's POV. 


It's the morning of the reaping and so I go get ready. I am really nervous because this year there will be 4 tribute instead of 2. I hope I am not reaped or even Stella she is my little sunshine I don't know what will happen. After I am washed up and dressed my mother pulls my Golden Blonde hair into a bun. "Sky, Mom" Stella comes in with her beautiful brown hair wearing an outfit that looked like my outfit when I was her age. "Look how cute you are," I say to Stella to uplift her sports. "I wished I could look like you and mom." My mother quickly butts in "No you are beautiful and you look just like your father." This made my mom tear up " I wish I looked liked you my little sunshine." She smiles at me and I pull her into a hug and Tell I will keep her safe.

I walk hand and hand with Stella to the reaping and keep reassuring her it will be alright even though I am not even sure myself. After we get checked in I Spot Audden getting checked in he smiles at me and I smile back. I then see Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark walking up hand and hand together to the stage. Haymitch is actually sobber this year which is a surprise because in the past he. has been drunk. Last year he tried to give Effie Trinket a hug but ended up falling on his face. In the past, it was been the same because he is always drunk I wonder how Is sobber?


Katniss POV.

Peeta and I are walking hand and hand to the reaping with Haymitch behind us Actually sober. Peeta talked him into being sobber for the reaping which he agreed when we told him he doesn't want to make a fool of himself in front of Effie. Ever since last year during the games Haymitch and Effie have been hanging out a lot more.  This is our first year as mentors but I am still worried about Prim being reaped. " You okay Katniss?" Peeta asked me. "Katniss?" Peeta asked again. "Sorry I am fine I was just thinking." About Prim?" He asked me. I nod my head. "Me to just have to hope it doesn't happen. I will be right next to the whole time I promise I won't leave  you ." This helps calm me down more " Thank you Peeta!" I then give him a kiss on the check." "Can you two save that for later?" Haymitch says smirking at us. Peeta then speaks up "Nope!" By then were all laughing and for a second forget about what's to come. I can see all of the kids and I notice Prim talking to an older girl and her little sister who looks a lot like us last year. I think her name is Sky.  We get to the stage where Effie comes over and gives each a hug " Look at my 2 little victors with there old Mentor Haymitch." Effie then gives Haymitch a kiss on the check which he returns and Peeta looks at me trying not to laugh. Last year they couldn't take each other and now look at them. This makes me also start to laugh. " Attitude both of you," Effie says. we then each take our seats and while Effie starts doing her normal speech I realize I still haven't let go of Peeta's hand but I don't plan to because I am so nervous about this year. "Now to start. " Effie pulls the first name out of the bowl and walks over to the microphone. "Our first Tribute for the 75th Hunger games is ...Stella Brown District 12." Before anyone can do anything I hear someone yell "NO I volunteer as Tribute." This only happened last year when I did it.


Sky's POV


When Stella's name is announced my heart drops and before I know what I am doing I run to her and Yell "NO I volunteer! I volunteer as tribute." Stella then starts crying. " Go find mom." I tell her she then tells me "No" " Just go find mom," I tell her again Audden comes up and picks her up and takes her to my mom. I can't believe I just did that. I then walk up to the stage. " What's your name dear?" Effie asked me. "Sky Brown," I say scared as ever. " I bet that was your sister there wasn't it?" "Yes" everyone then holds there 3 finger salute to me I still am In shock that this happened. Effie then goes to pick out another name from the bowl "Audden Hill District 12." My heart is shattered as he walks up and stands on the other side of Effie. My best friend I can't believe it. Effie counties to pick out names from the bowl so far only 2 people from twelve have been picked. Effie goes to pick 2 more names. "Roy Smith District 12." Not him I think he helped me survive one day when I  hadn't eaten In weeks He lives in the merchant section I was looking for food and so one day when his parents weren't looking he gave me a small basket full of food and then he went back in before his parents ever noticed. The last person picked was also from 12 her name is Myla. She is only 12 so she the same age as Stella. We are then taken into a building to say our goodbyes.  


Hey, guys, I know this is a long chapter and kind of like the books but I am planning for it to be a bit like the books but also not. Let me know if you have any suggestions in the comments I would love to read them. I plan to update every so often I am bored so I thought I would add another chapter today. XOXO Samantha

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