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Sky's POV


I wake up to a loud knocking on my door and so I just put my pillow on my head. I then hear my door open. "Sky you need to get up today is your first day of training," Effie says. I finally just decide to get up and get ready.  When I walk out to eat breakfast we are talking about what's going to happen today. " So today is your first day of training there will be a lot of different stations. Try things your not normal good with and practice." Peeta says. "Some of the things might help you in the arena," Haymitch speaks up. We finish eating breakfast the four of us are quite but Haymitch, Effie, Katniss, and Peeta are talking about the other mentors and who they may talk with. I think Haymitch and Effie have a thing for each other because sometimes Auden and Roy have spotted them Kissing. After I eat I go Finnish getting ready.

When I finish getting ready Effie Hurry's us into the elevator so we can to the training room. I honestly have no idea what to expect. Were the first ones to arrive at the training center but it not long until district 1 arrives and by then all the other tributes arrive. We are told no fighting because we'll do it in the arena enough. "In 3 weeks 49 or 48 of will be dead 1or 2 of you will be alive." Says our training instructor Maria. "Just because you have a sword doesn't mean you survive. Some of you will die from other things. 23 percent from dehydration, 20 percent from poison." I quit listening after that because I know what I will die from or if I did. 


Katniss POV


We watch Effie send the tributes to the training room and it reminds me of Peeta and me last year. Effie came back up a couple minutes later. "Well shall we go to the private viewing box?" We learned from Haymitch there is a private viewing box for mentors and escorts. I nod and we head towards the elevator. Haymitch and Effie walk hand and hand down the hall Peeta and I do the same thing. I am nervous about this year because I don't know who will win. I know district 12 has the lowest chance of winning but I'll I can do is hope for the best. When we arrive we sit next to district 4's mentors. "Hi. My name is Finnick Odair District 4." a young man with sea-green eyes says. "And this is Annie Cresta." He says gesturing to a red-haired girl "Hi, My name is Peeta Mellark District 12. And this is Katniss Everdeen." Peeta replies. After that we shake hands and talk more. Haymitch sits in the third row next to district 11. District 4 had 4 tributes just like us. At the end of the day, we say goodbye to Finnick and Annie and start walking back before our tributes get there. 


Auden's POV


The first day of training went pretty well. I tried Knife throwing and was pretty good and I was good with the speed and agility. We walk back to the elevator with Effie I have talked with Sky a bit we might team up we're not sure yet. When we get back we all go and change into more comfortable clothing. We talk about our interviews that will be happening in a few days. "So how did the training go for everyone?" Haymitch asked at dinner. "I learned I am good knife through and the speed and agility." I say "That's good," Haymitch says. "What about you Sky?" I talked to people from districts 1 and 2 today," she says which makes Haymitch, Katniss, and Peeta look at her like she was insane. "Well we guess we better explain who the careers are." I am not really sure what they are talking about but we all listen even Sky. "The Careers are from districts 1 and 2," Haymitch says. "And 4" Katniss adds. "Right so they train in a special academy until their 18 then they volunteer They see as bringing pride to there district." I never thought I would learn so much from my mentors. "By the time they're eighteen they are pretty lethal and they usually team up together sometimes recurring people from other districts" Peeta says. "Were any of you recruited to the career pack?" Katniss then looks at Peeta. "Peeta was until he saved Katniss's life causing him to get stabbed in the leg by the boy from District 2." I then excuse my self for bed when I finish eating. As soon as I get in bed I fall asleep.


Katniss's POV


(The next morning)

I wake up with Peeta laying next to me. Lately, I have been asking Peeta to stay with me because my nightmares are terrible. I get up and start to get ready. I  grab my clothes and go to the bathroom to change. I decide to do my normal braid today instead of leaving it down. When I walk out I see Peeta has gotten up and changed already. "Good morning Peeta," I say with a smile on my face. "Good morning glad to see you're happy. Did you have any nightmares?" He also has a smile on his face. "Not too bad," I tell him. We walk hand and hand to breakfast to start our day. The tributes aren't up yet but when we walk out I am glad they are not because Effie and Haymitch are making out. "Oh my gosh!" I say Peeta and I stare at them smirking. They both quickly turn around to see us standing there. "Oh umm good morning sweetheart," Haymitch says embarrassed.  "Just be glad that it was us and not the tributes," I say laughing I then give  Peeta a quick peck on the cheek as we walk to the dining table. We talk about Sky talking with the careers. "Do you really think she'll join the Careers?" I ask Haymitch. "I don't know honestly I would not want to work with districts one or two. I am fine with district 4 you can at least get sponsors with them but I have no idea." Haymitch responses. "I think she might team up with them. But if she makes one wrong move and she is dead to them." Peeta says

*********************************************************************************************** Hey guys It's me Braylon I know this is a long chapter but I hope you liked it. I had more but I Split it into 2 chapters so it won't be super long. Sorry for not updating yesterday I was stuck on what to write until 2 am but then my computer died. I am going to try and update twice a day but I can't make any promises. Comment with suggestions and please vote. See you guys later XOXO Samantha

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