The train station

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Haymitch POV


This year games are just as stupid as always. I not looking forward to having to mentor 4 kids when only one or two might come home I am just glad I have Katniss and Peeta even though it's their first year as a mentor. They have become like my own kids ever since last year. I also have Effie here with me which is great but also not great. When we get on the train I head straight for the bar cart. "Haymitch!" I hear Effie yell I quickly turn around. " What are you doing?" Effie asked me with a stern face. "Fine, I won't drink," I say unhappily. "Thank you!" And then she gives me a quick peck on the lips and we then go look for Katniss and Peeta. We find them sitting by the window talking."You two ready to start mentoring?" I ask them. "Ready as well ever be." 


Sky's POV


Saying goodbye to my mom and sister was really hard I told Stella I would try and win so we can be together again. I am looking out the window when Roy comes over. "Mind If I sit with you?" "Go ahead," I tell him." Are you thinking about your family?" "How did you know?" I ask him " By the way you're lost in thought I have been thinking about my family also." He says. I then get up and walk away because I don't want to have to kill someone that I am friends with if it comes to it in the end. I then walk into the dining cart where my mentors are sitting and talking. When they notice me walking in they tell me to sit down. "So you're my mentors?" I say " Yes I am Haymitch and this is Katniss and Peeta." "Sky right?" Katniss asked I just nod my head. Soon the other 3 walks in and we start talking about the skills we have. "I am pretty good with a Knife and Bow and arrow," I say first. "Show me your knife skills by throwing it at the wall," Haymitch says. I do as he says and it sticks right to the middle of the way. "THAT IS MAHOGANY!" I hear Effie yell and my mentors start laughing I just stand there unsure of what to do." Just like last year Effie." Haymitch responds I just sit back down and stay quiet until we go to our rooms for bed as soon I get in bed I start to think of my family.


Katniss POV


Peeta and I are walking to my room and he then kisses me good night. I put on my pj's and drift off to sleep into a nightmare. I am back in the arena but Prim is there Cato is about to throw his spear when I yell "NO Prim" I try to protect her but she has already been hit. I also see rue after her die. I wake up screaming and covered In sweat. Peeta then comes running in. "I'm sorry it was just a nightmare." "It's okay I get them to." he then turns to leave but before he leaves "Peeta? Will you stay with me?" He turns around and says "Yeah Always." He climbs into bed with me and I lay my head on his chest and slowly drift off to sleep hoping I didn't wake anyone.

I wake up still laying with Peeta. I don't move because I don't want to wake him. He then starts to stir "Good morning Peeta." I say "Good morning Katniss. Did you have any more nightmares?" "Nope, what about you?" He replies with"No. Anyway, we should probably get ready before Effie freaks out." Laugh at that and Peeta walks out to go change. I put on a black t-shirt and leggings and put my hair in my normal braid. When I go to then dinning cart I see Haymitch and Effie but I can not believe my eyes. "Am I interrupting anything?" I ask smirking. I can't believe Haymitch and Effie were making out. Peeta must have been there too because when I look to my right he is standing there with the same reaction I have. "No um sorry about that." Haymitch and Effie break apart with bright red faces. Peeta and I just start laughing and take a seat next to each other as we eat breakfast talking just like old times.

Sky's POV

When I wake up I get dressed and just leaving my hair flowing down to my shoulder. My mentors are already awake and eating. " Well lookie here the first one up out of the 4," Haymitch says. I just roll my eyes "Attitude!" Effie tells me I just sit and eat my really good breakfast. One by one all of us are up and eating. "So let's" talk about the other districts," Peeta says and then looks over at Katniss. Appreltanly they have a thing for each other. "So let me just go down the list to see who you are up against." " To stat distinct 1 3 tributes District 1

 has Maddie, 12 years old, 

Harry, 14 years old, 

Raven, 13 years old." 

"Now for district 2, they have 3 tributes." 

Zoe, 15 years old

Fred, 18 years old

Grace, 12 years old

I stop keeping track after that Except for district 9 they have 5 tribute and One's name is Haylee She is only 12. I might team up with her. Maybe.


Hey guys Braylon Here! I hope you like this chapter I am still looking for suggestions on what I can add. If you want I can give you a shout out. Please comment and vote. See you later

XOXO Samantha

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