chapter twelve

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chapter twelve: a lecture from the mum friend

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chapter twelve: a lecture from the mum friend

Lousia and Evan looked at a pacing Matilda, stress visible on her face as she chewed on her nail. The two friends looked at each other with slight concern, Matilda thinking about how to articulate her words delicately.

"Okay, Louisa, I'm going to need the cold hard truth. No cutesy lies." Louisa frowned and looked at Matilda as she kneeled down in front of her and grabbed her hands.

"I know you think that we hate Ruby for no reason, but tell me, has she been rude to you and somewhat belittling?" Louisa was shocked and she suddenly made sense of Sirius's look at her during dinner. That rat bastard had gone right to her best friend after she had confided in him. She hadn't exactly told him not to but she didn't expect the two to talk about her. She knew that Matilda had talked to Sirius but was unaware that they were now best buds who tell each other everything.

She was speechless, not wanting to say anything because she knew that deep down Ruby was a good person and that she wasn't being mistreated, she just believed that maybe she needed to start taking things as seriously as Ruby. I mean, she was in her seventh year and all she was doing was messing around with her friends. She wanted Ruby to feel pride that she was dating a Hufflepuff and not let herself fall into the stereotype of a dumb Hufflepuff that Ruby no doubt thought she was.

"No, where on earth did you get that from?" Evan watched the interaction and Matilda's face fell at her answer. They needed what was best for the girl and she wanted what she wanted. Louisa's shock faded away and her anger began to overcome her. How could they tell her about something that they knew nothing about? They simply couldn't and she wouldn't allow it.

"Louisa-" The young American girl shook her head, ripping her hands out of Matilda's before she stood up from the couch and began to walk away.

"No, I don't want to hear it anymore. Just leave me alone." Evan and Matilda watched her walk away, her sleeve coming up to her eyes as she shut the door to her dorm room, loudly causing a few Hufflepuffs in the common room to look over, concerned. Matilda let out a sigh and put her face in her hands as she sat on the couch, slumping over.

"Evan, why won't she listen to us?" Evan placed his hand on her back, rubbing his palm against her soft yellow knitted sweater, a frown coming onto his face.

"I don't know." He pulled her up and hugged her as she let a few stray tears collect on her cheeks. She was quick to reach her arm around Evan and wipe them away as Evan tightened his grip on her.

"I guess we've all been having a pretty shitty time since we came back." Matilda laughed slightly, pulling back as Evan loosened his grip.

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