chapter forty

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chapter forty: james potter really likes his wife's new dress

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chapter forty: james potter really likes his wife's new dress

Time moved by quickly and before they all knew it, it was summer. It was mid-July and the weather although hot brought everyone's spirits up. Although the past few months had been rough for all of them, they were finally gaining some relief.

"What if something happens and we need to come back? Oh god, what if the weather changes and I don't have everything I need, gosh! What if-" Matilda's ramblings were silenced by James grabbing her cheeks and pressing a soft kiss onto her lips. He felt her body slowly relax underneath his hands and she let out a content sigh before grabbing onto his shirt as he pulled away.

"What was that for?" James smiled widely at her before looking down at her small hands that held onto his shirt.

"Just to calm you down a little." Matilda smiled and shook her head before letting go of his shirt and reaching up and grabbing the back of his neck.

"Well come on, get back here." James chuckled and pressed his lips back to hers, the two of them smiling into the kiss. But the sweet little kiss that they had just shared would soon be left behind as James pulled her flush against him and began walking them back until Matilda gasped at the cool countertop against her skin. James Potter was always a man of seizing opportunities and slipped his tongue into her mouth before lifting her up onto the counter.

Her short sundress didn't leave much to the imagination, although when it came to Matilda, James did not need to imagine anything at all. Matilda hooked her legs behind James' back causing him to groan and reach a hand between them. Ding!

"Fuck." James' hand stopped its downward travels as their doorbell signaled to them that their friends had arrived. "They can wait five minutes?" Matilda suggested, panting from their positions and their previous actions. James nodded and slipped his hand under her dress and brushing her underwear before another loud ding came from the door as well as insistent knocking.

"Anybody homeeeeee? Or are you cheeky bastards just ignoring me?" James loved his best mate with all his heart but with his hand currently under his wife's dress, he kinda wanted to kill him. "We've got to go now, don't we?" Matilda sighed, reluctantly removing her legs from around James which caused him to sigh as well.

"I might just kill him." Matilda laughed as he grabbed her by the waist and pulled her back off the counter. "Darling, we'll have plenty of time to do those sort of things over the next few days." Matilda sent him a wink before leaving to open the door. Evan had offered for everyone to go and spend a couple of days at his family's villa in Italy. Everyone was on board to spend some of their days in Stimigliano, enjoying the peace and quiet.

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