chapter forty three

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chapter forty three: wanda morberg

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chapter forty three: wanda morberg

A lot can change within a few months. The months after their holiday in Italy had been less eventful than most. It had just been a regular day at the pie shop when Louisa stumbled into the shop. Matilda and Remus both looked up at each other when they heard the girl, shriek at the girl working the counter.

"Oh bloody hell, what could that be about?" Remus said as Matilda frowned and listen out for any more commotion. She didn't have to wait too long as Louisa finally made it to the door to the kitchen. Her hair was tousled and she wore a big grin on her face as she looked at the two.

"The baby is here!" Matilda squealed and jumped up with Louisa, both of them containing levels of excitement that they hadn't felt in a while.

"Everyone else is at the hospital, we heard about it during a meeting!" Louisa was now firmly a member of the order and thriving with every task she completed and every fight that she won. Sirius was still a bit on the more cautious side when it came to his girlfriend but he had taught her everything that she needed to know and she was an excellent fighter. It was quite hot to him.

"Well, let's go then!" Remus cheered as he cast a quick spell that moved all their equipment back to where it needed to go and the food into the fridges. Remus had been working at the pie shop for a bit now, ever since their trip to Italy. He never considered himself a chef but it was hard for him to get a job especially in this climate and with his 'furry problem.'

He talked to James about it before taking Matilda's offer seriously. He thought that maybe his best mate wouldn't be alright with his wife having him as an employee especially since James had been taking care of him ever since they graduated school. But James Potter was a kind man and was thrilled that the two of them would be working together.

The trio arrived at the hospital, going immediately to the waiting area where the rest of their friends were waiting for the news. All the marauders were there as well as the Prewett twins and the Longbottoms. Matilda drifted towards the Longbottoms first, having not seen them as often as she would have liked.

"Alice! Frank! How have you been?" Matilda gave a quick hug to them both, the two of them smiling widely at her presence.

"Oh, Matilda. We've missed you and your cooking quite dearly, things with the order have been so busy lately." Alice said, Frank, wrapping an arm around her and kissing her on the forehead. It was clear to Matilda, the fatigue in their eyes and the messy hair that they both had.

"Well, I will have you know that you are both obviously invited to our Hallowe'en party next month and I will cook as much as possible so you can take some leftovers home." Frank smiled and thanked her before she moved past them and looked at the Prewett twins who wore a cheeky smile as they saw her approaching.

"Well, well, well if it isn't you two. Not causing any mischief, are you?" Matilda questioned them, her hands on her hips as if she was scolding mother. The twins shook their heads and Gideon moved around and wrapped an arm around her shoulders.

"Of course not. What kind of men do you take us for?"

"Honestly Matilda, I thought you would think better of us." Matilda shook her head and pushed Gideon's arm off her shoulders before she walked up to James who chatted with Sirius and Louisa. Remus had struck up a conversation with the Longbottoms, Peter coming up and joining them as well.

"Well? What's the news?" James brought Matilda into a hug and gave her a kiss on the top of her head before letting her go. But before James could answer Matilda's question, Evan ran into the waiting room with a stupid grin on his face that was seemingly infectious.

"It's a girl!" The room erupted into cheers as the older witches glared at them for making such a fuss but how could they not? This was the latest addition to their family and they were thrilled.

"Matilda, Louisa if you could come with me first, and then I'll come to get the rest of you later!" Matilda and Louisa gladly stepped forward, both of them throwing their arms around Evan who stumbled to catch them both. All three of them has tears gathering in their eyes as they stepped into that hospital room where Gabi sat with a beautiful baby girl laying on her chest, all wrapped up in a neat blanket.

"Oh, she's beautiful." Matilda fanned her face as the tears began pouring out. She had a weakness for babies.

"Matilda, Louisa. Meet Wanda Morberg. Our perfect little witch." The two girls both had tears running down their faces as they looked at the little perfect baby that could have only been sent from the gods.

"Lovely to meet ya, Wanda," Louisa said, crouching down and shaking the baby's hand very softly. Louisa let out a sob as the baby wrapped its hand around her finger.

"You didn't tell me they would cry this much." Gabi joked causing Evan to laugh and shake his head lightly.

"You thought they wouldn't, come on now." Evan left the room and grabbed the rest of the crew who all shared a similar excitement to Matilda and Louisa. It was a whirlwind of a day and before they all eventually left, Matilda and James were told to hang back for a few moments.

"I think you know why we asked you to stay back but we want you to be the godparents!" Gabi said excitedly, the baby now in Evan's arms. The man looked down at the baby with such love that Gabi knew that she was with the love of her life.

James and Matilda said yes, of course, both being very excited about the opportunity that they had been given and they both promised to be the best godparents in the world. They left the hospital with wide smiles, James lifting up Matilda causing her to squeal.

"I can't wait until we have one." Matilda laughed loudly and shook her head, shoving him back with her hands.

"That will be a long while, James Potter." He smiled widely and began to chase after her causing her to giggle and laugh, running away from him.

Hehe, okay I am sorry I haven't posted in a LONG time. I got a new job, I am currently in a five-month-long relationship (but obviously we're just friends and not dating) that is still going, and whoops I'm in love with him and he doesn't want a relationship so that's kinda my explanation as to why I haven't posted because girl be getting her heart BROKEN. I love you all and hope you are well, especially in these times!

Thanks, Queenie.

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