1. again? really?

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"Aghh! Not again" I shout and drop myself on my bed. This is the 7th time I've got fired. "Fuck my life" I take out my phone to look up some jobs I can do. The question is, who, that is not perhaps short of a marble, would accept me to be their employee. I've got fired for no reason today. This guy grabbed my ass so I just poured hot coffee over him. It's not my fault!

Whatever. I got myself and my family some money even without a job sometimes. Though I don't want to do that again. I sigh as I try to not remember anything. I shake my head to concentrate on finding a job. I grab my phone and looks at some. The only job I could apply to is at a camp as a counselor. It's far enough away to not know me as a so-called "trouble maker" and I can sleep there so I don't have to drive back and forth.

Guess I'll call them and see if I could work there over summer. I dial the number on my phone and call them. It rings a few times before a young woman said "Hello this is camp Campbell, Gwen speaking" She had an annoyed voice "Hello. My name is (y/n) (y/l) Ehm I wanted to ask if I can get a job at your camp?" I heard the woman sighing in ... relief? "Thank god yes come over and we'll do an interview to see if you are a good fit for it. Would tomorrow 1 pm work?" "Yes, I'll come tomorrow" I replied a bit too quick "Good. What's your name again?" She asked "(y/n) (y/l)" "Thank you. We'll see you tomorrow then. Bye have a nice evening." "Thank you. You too." I said and hung up.

Well, that was easier than the last few times I did this.

I woke up at 10.48 and groaned because the sun was shining right in my face. I stood up and walk slowly to the kitchen, which is in the same room as my bedroom by the way. Bitch is poor but tries, alright? I warmed up the leftovers and ate them in front of the TV.

As soon as I finished I wash the dishes while listening to music. I hit the showers as soon as I'm done and thankfully, the hot water worked today. I put on some fresh clothes, grab my bag and car keys, and put my jacket on (picture). I walk down the fire case or whatever that's called and jump into my old ass truck. My bag was thrown onto the back seat.

I got nervous thinking about the job interview and pulled out my cigarettes to calm me down. I took one out and put it between my lips to shove the other cigarettes back in my pocket. I roll down the window and light the cigarette while inhaling the smoke. It's been a while since I last smoked, so I was a little dizzy. I waited a few minutes for the effect to wear off and started driving to this camp.

After 1 and a half hours of driving, I got to camp Campbell. I park my truck, grab my bag, and get out of the car. As soon as I stepped out of my truck someone's greeting me VERY enthusiastically. "Hello there! I'm David. You must be (y/n)! I've heard aaaall about you!" He takes my hand to shake it and has a large friendly grin on his face. I smile back because his grin is really contagious. I look at him and I could see him a little blush I think. "Ahem" he coughs and turns around "f-follow me, please" he says while stuttering a little.

He showed me happily the camp and where I'm sleeping. I liked it here except the part when he showed me the pantry. It is almost empty and the bit food there didn't even look like food. I'll have to change that. Those poor kids won't get enough nutrition like that.

David talks somehow very obnoxious but I think I can get used to that. Every time we take a step his fluff goes up and down and I have to hold my laughter back. He somehow manages to be happy and appreciative of something else as soon as he looks somewhere else. I think I've never seen anyone being this lighthearted.

"And last but not least is the mess hall." He cheers "Right now Gwen is taking care of the kids inside. So we might go in and check on her and the kids" he smiled. He opened the door and I did not expect that. Some kids are throwing around food some other kid, who definitely looks similar to some historical bastard, was painting on the walls. A big red-haired kid is bulling some dungeons and dragons wizard while an old man was hanging from the ceiling fan and a woman trying to get it under control.

I just stand there and look at them in shock. "Alright, everyone! Please meet (y/n)! She's our new counselor here!" It was silent for a few seconds before some kid yelled "What the fuck David?!" He looks indeginous and wears a blue hoodie. "I know Max. But just because last time got out of hand, we should still try to make new friends. And I'm sure (y/n) is great!" I blush a little by his statement that I'm great. I don't get many compliments except from- "Ahh! Finally! (Y/n) I'm sure you'll do great! I'm off on vacation now bye!" Gwen yelled and drives of.

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