18. begone thots

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Max's pov

Mum came running in my tent not even bothering to knock or something. "Max! Look at this!" She shoves a paper in my face and I take it. "What the fuck is this?" I ask her annoyed and she gives me a smug smile. "Well you see, honey, I reported your parents and we are going to be at court next week!" What? She... reported my parents? "And, if you are free for adoption guess who's going to be your mum?" Wait. "I don't know how to feel about this." Mum's face gets sad and her smile disappears. "Whats wrong?" I look on the ground. I don't know what my parents will do to get out of this.

"You don't want to tell me?" Mum asks concerned and I don't know how to react. "When do we have to be at court?" She says next week. "Be sure my parents don't do anything to you." I leave her alone in the tent and just walk while being kept by my thoughts. During my thoughts session, I didn't notice how I walk up to Neils.

"Hey Max! Whats up?" He asks with a smile. "I... uhm... can we talk?" I ask him, still in thought about my parents. "Yeah sure." He says and let's me speak. "It's about (Y/n)." Neils lifts an eyebrow. "She reported my parents and we go to court next week." Neil looks confussed "Isn't that good? I mean your parents are terible." I scratch my arm. "Yes but I'm worried what they'll do to mum- I mean (y/n)." Neils tilts his head. "What do you mean?" "I mean, that my parents are good liars and if they are spoken free they will harm her." Niel steps a little closer and asks "What if they don't?" I chuckle slightly "Then (y/n) will be my new mum."

Neils hugs me and only now I realize that I'm crying. I blush at his gesture and hug back. "If anything happens I'm right here." He tells me reassuring.

The day of meeting my parents and getting out off their hell hole called home came finally up. Mum and I step inside and take a seat, across from us my parents, who pretend to be the victims once again. I feel mums hand grab mine and I look up at her. "We got this." She mouths which calms me down.

The jugde speaks up. "We are here to discuss the circumstances the child lives under. Is that correct miss (l/n)?" Mum stands up. "Yes, your honor. The child lives in a unsufficient if not dangerous environment." My biological mother lets out a loud sob. "It is not! We would never do any harm to our little boy." As if. I really wish my mum gets me away from them. "Silence!" The judge says. "Let the child speak." Mum sits down and nods at my with a smile. I stand up and say "I don't want to live with my parents. They scare me." At first I look at the judge but then I see my parents giving me death glares. "Oh darling. We didn't know we scare you." My parents say innocently but the judge cuts them of.

"They scare you? To what extent?" The jugde asks and I swallow hard, looking at my intimadating parents. I start to shake but mum grabs my hand and doesn't let go of it. "My parents hit me. Sometimes with a belt. They wont give me food sometimes as a punishment and..." Some tears roll down my face "and they kick me out for a day or two if they don't want me around." My biological mother abruptly stands up in her chair, pushing it on the floor. "That are lies! She obviously forced our little boy to say these things, so she can keep him!" The judge rolls his eyes.

"Did I say you are alowed to speak, miss?" My mother opened her mouth offended and turns to my father. "Come on, say something!" She says but the judge yells "Silence!" My mother sits down and crosses her arms while my father looks like he's thinking about how he'll punish me. "Now. Do you have prove for your statments?" I get asked and I nod. "May I see them?" I look at mum, who gives me a gentle smile before I walk over to the judge. I take my hoodie of and show him parts of my body. "Here and here. These are from cigarrettes and here's a scar from my father when he attacked me with a knife." I say, ignoring my parents who are giving me death glares once again.

"Could someone get a doctor in here? I'd like to confirm the wounds." Soon after, a doctor comes inside and takes a look at the wounds. He confirmed them to be what I said they'd be.

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