13. oh boy

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Gwen is at Davids cabin doing some... Whatever they're doing. I made sure all of the campers are in bed to go behind the mess hall and pull out my cigarettes. Man, how I missed those fucks. I lite one and inhale the calming smoke in my lungs, keeping the air in as long as possible before letting it out again.

I finish the cigarette and make sure to put it out completely before throwing it in the trash. I go back to the cabin, wash my hands, and chew gum. Then it was finally 9 o'clock. I take my jacket and go to David's cabin. I knock. David opens the door and pushes Gwen away to keep her out of our business. After an awkward greeting we walk to my truck. "Where are we going?" David asks. "You'll see, pretty boy." In the corner of my eye, I see David blush from my compliment.

We get into the truck and drive off. During the drive, we talk about the same boring topics Gwen and I already did. I come to a halt and we both get out of the truck. We are in front of a small lake, glittering in the moonlight. "Wow, this is beautiful. How did you find this place?" I blush a little." Hum well, I turned the wrong way a few times, when I got here and found this." David smiles and says, that I was lucky and you'd hardly find such a place.

David stares in my eyes. "But what I actually came here for, except the date of course, is this." I take my shirt of and throw it on the roof of my truck. "W-wait what?" David squeals but I just ignore him. I take the rest of my clothes of until I'm completely naked. David looks everywhere except at me. I run into the water and dive in. "Come in! The water is nice!" David stands stiff and doesn't dare to move. "Don't worry you can keep your underwear on!" I shout to him. Slowly, he takes off his clothes. I watch carefully every one of his movements.

He stands there only in his underwear. His hand is resting on the seam of his boxers, thinking if he should take them off or not. With one smooth swift, he takes them off, covering up with his hands as much as he could. A smile creeps on my face and I lift an eyebrow, while David made his way in the water. He swims over to me, stopping about two meters in front of me. "You took your boxers off," I say with a smug smile and David answers. "It's only fair this way." I snort at that.

I swim closer to David and twist my leg around his to pull us closer. I'm not sure if David is blushing or not but given the situation, I believe he does. "Do you like skinny dipping, David?" I ask him innocently. "Uhm well, I think with y-you I like it." Now it is my turn to blush and I giggle nervously. My eyes are closed, while I giggle. Suddenly I feel some water splashed in my face. He's so childish. "You! How dare you?!" I say playfully angry. "Take this!" I splash some water back at him.

It goes back and forth like this and we laugh a lot. David is close enough to grab his shoulders and push him in the water and I do just that. I let go and wait for him to come out again. A few seconds pass and I get worried. The water behind me sounds like something is coming out of it but I stay still, pretending I don't hear anything. "Boop" a finger pokes my cheek.

I turn around and David is smiling widely as usual. I kiss his cheek "because you're so cute." I giggle and I swim a little further from David. He tilts his head and gives me a questioning look. "Catch me if you can." I giggle and swim even further away. David chuckles and swims closer and closer until he reaches out to touch me shoulder but I quickly dive in the water.  I grab Davids leg and pull him down. I wrap my arms around his neck and give him a loving kiss. I thought we were under the water for hours until we needed air. We swim up and pant once we made it to the needed oxygen. Still close, we look at one another, memorising every feature of our faces. "You are the most beautiful person I've ever seen." David says under his breath. I blush. "Th-Thank you"

I notice my body shivering and my frozen hands and feet after awhile and suggest that we should head back to my truck. We get out if the water and as soon as my chest is out of the water David turns around, facing his back to me. I ask him whats wrong. "N-nothing I-I-I just forgot that w-we're n-n-naked." I snort at his embarrassment and walk up to him, putting my hands on his shoulder as he tenses up. I press my chest on his back just to make him a little more flustered and now he's standing still like a tree. "(y-y/n)?" He swallows "W-What are you doing?" He asks panicked. I kiss his neck softly and build some space between us to not make David too uncomfortable. "It's just cute to see how nervous you get." I smile and walk to the truck to get the towels. I throw one over to David and he almost didn't catch it because he was to busy covering his crotch.

David turns around to not look at me and his cute butt catches my sight for a second. I turn around out of respect because he surely doesn't want me to watch him.

David pov

(y/n) throws a towel over and I almost didn't catch it. Facing away from her I dry myself off. It doesn't take long for (y/n) to shout "You can get your clothes!" I turn around and see her disappearing behind her truck to give me some space to put my clothes on. I appreciate it and thank her. I quickly put my clothes on and tell her she could come back. She steps out with a wide grin "Ready for the drive-in cinema?"  I chuckle and nod.

After a few minutes we made it there. (y/n) pulls out some food and drinks and gets out of the car. Confused, I step out too and watch her putting a blanket on the car roof. She climbs on top and pats the seat next to her. As I sit next to her the movie starts and I get a bad feeling about it. "Uhm... (y/n)?" I whisper and she turns her head to me. "What kind of movie is this?" I ask nervously. "It's a horror movie." I swallow. Horror? My hands start to sweat and I grab (y/n) hand out of reflex because someone just stood in the corner of this child's bedroom. I feel a hand on mine that's holding (y/n). I turn my head to see this beautiful human being looking worriedly in my eyes. "Are you scared of horror movies, David?" Slowly, I nod. "Should we leave?" She asks me with her sweet voice. I shake my head. "I-It's fine." I tell her nervously. "okey, just let me know if you want to leave " Were the words she said before taking my hand, kissing my knuckles softly and placing my hand in her lap.

I felt more comfortable but I still get scared at the slightest jump scare, almost squishing (y/n) several times. Every time my angle- uhm I mean (y/n) notices, how scared I got she pulls me into a hug and leaves small kisses on my hair, ears, cheek sometimes even my neck.

Finally, the movie has ended and we drive back. I am still thinking about the movie until I heard a "Are you ok?" I jolt back in my seat. "W-well, yeah I guess." She doesn't believe me and asks me again. I tell her that I'll survive it. She chuckles. "I'll sleep in your cabin tonight, David. Would that be alright? You know just to make sure this monster won't get you." I freak out internally. She wants to sleep in my cabin, i-in  my bed? We already slept in the same bed, so why is it freaking me out so much now? What should I say? 

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