2. warming up

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I look back at the campers who just keep doing on whatever the fuck they did before except for Max. He walked up to David and tells him, he wants to talk to him. David excuses himself and both of them go outside. Now I was left alone with some messy children and OH MY GOD one just threw up!

I ran over to him and took off his astronaut helmet carefully and led him to the kitchen. I told him to sit on the ground and I give him a glass of water while I wash his helmet quickly. I told him to stay there while I look for the other campers. I go back and I whistle once loudly so I get everyone's attention. "Listen kids, if you clean this mess right now I won't get hard on you and if you do a good job I'll make you a good supper with freshly bought food. Does that sound good?" I say loudly and my hands on my hips.

After a few seconds of them being surprised, they started cleaning like the devil would be on their heels. They haven't had a good supper in a while now apparently. I go back to the kid in the kitchen "better?" I asked. He nodded and stands up. He puts on his helmet and looks at my jacket. "Are you working at NASA?!" He screams with a smile. I chuckle. "No, I don't kiddo. Well, at least not yet." I grin and he runs off to help clean too.

I giggle and follow him to get the old man down from the ceiling. I stopped the fan and put him on a table, so he won't fall when I untie him. "What's your name?" I asked but he just muttered something. I rolled my eyes and tried to free him. "Usually it's not me the one tied up." He said monotone. I giggle "You still do such kinky stuff in your age. Impressed" I smile at him but he just hummed at my comment. I shrug it off. He probably just needs to warm up.

I go back to open the knot but I got interrupted by Davids's voice. "It's her first day here so please be... nice...to...her" he looked at the kids cleaning and then looked at me. I ignore him and go back to untying this old man. "Ha! She got the fucking camp already better under control than you, David!... David?" I hear footsteps and then a pair of hands helped me to untie the knot. "Thank you, David" I said trying to ignore the blush that crept over my face.

"Quartermaster. You must really stop letting the campers tie you up." David says concerned. "You not tellin me nothin" Quartermaster said and walks out. David faced me now and had a huge smile on his face and tears up. "I knew you were perfect for this camp as soon as you got here, (y/n)!" I chuckle and give David some handkerchiefs "There. Now could I please leave you alone for an hour or two while I buy groceries? These kiddos really need something good to eat" David just nods. "Max! You come with me I need some help carrying the groceries." Max refused "I don't go with fucking strangers." I smile and kneel down "You're right, Max. You should never go with a stranger." I pat his head as I said that and stood up.

As soon as I want to go Max says "Wait. I take my friends with me then it's alright." I smile as a green-haired girl came running and a boy in a yellow sweater. They introduce themselves as Nikki and Neil. We go to my truck and they all get on the back seat. We talk a bit and I got to know them better.

Nikki is a wild child with a lot of energy, while Neil is more of the logical type. Max on the other hand curses a lot and doesn't want to be vulnerable. I wonder if something happened with Max.

"Do you like NASA, (y/n)?" Neil asks and I smile. "Yes, Neil I do. You know my granddad worked there and this is his jacked. I'm actually saving money right now to study and hopefully work there." "What does your granddad do now?" Asked Nikki. My smile goes away and the kids automatically know that it meant he's dead. I put on a smile again "It's alright. He was old and I still got nice memories of him." Neil coughs trying get the awkward atmosphere to go away. "Well, what exactly do you want to study?" Those campers are so cute trying to distract me. "I want to study astronomy. I always liked looking at stars until I found out what they actually are. I wanted to know more about them. It's my passion spiced up with math and physics" Neils eyes sparkle. "Really?! Finally someone in this gods forsaken place appreciates science!" I giggle, though Max and Nikki moan.

"We're here campers." I announce. We go in the store and buy everything we need to make curry. Some meat would be good for the campers, too. I pay and they help me carry everything to the truck. I look at Nikki, who got puppy eyes and I really couldn't say no to them. "Ugh, alright. But only for 20 minutes. Ya hear?" She nodded and ran off together with Neils. Max stayed god knows why.

We sat in the truck and it was awfully quiet. It surprised me that Max talked first. "What the fuck was that, (y/n)?" He says and it sounds a bit... sad. "What was what?" I asked, "You know... that thing you did back at the camp... when you touched my head..." He looks on the ground. "What do you mean?" I wondered "I... why did you do that? Why would you pet my head?" I was kind of startled by that question "Why? Uhm well, I like you Max and I was proud of you when you said you wouldn't go with strangers. And I showed you my affection with that if that makes any sense." I say, looking in the back mirror.

I stop smiling because of Max. He is crying. "M-max what's wrong? Did I say something?" I say worried and Max looks away, trying to hide his tears from me. "No. It's fine."I sigh and pat the seat next to me. "Come here, Max" Max sits on the front seat. "Is something going on in your family?" I ask carefully. Max nods once. "Do you want to talk about it?" He shakes his head no.

I start to pet his head again and Max froze at first and shut his eyes close. I keep going and he relaxes. He starts crying again. I let go of Max to get a handkerchief but I get distracted by Max. He hugs me. He sits on my lab and cries himself out on me. I hug him back and rub his back. I started humming. The vibration in my chest and my soft and quiet voice make Max calm down and he stooped crying but still hugged me tight.

After a few minutes Max lets go of me and sits next to me. He rubs his eyes and says "That never happened!" "What happened?" I asked and we both chuckle.

I turn the music on and wait until Nikki and Neil come back. I start worrying after a while. I tap my foot and sometimes ask myself where they are. After ten minutes I couldn't wait any longer. "Max you wait here in case they come back" I told him and get out of the truck.

Where could they be?!

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