3. panic

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I'm looking for them everywhere until I see them talking to some random man. I speed walk over to them. "Hey kiddos! Do you know this man?" I ask nicely and look at the man. "No and I'm trying to get Nikki away from him but she wont listen!" Neil says and I look at Nikki "He says he gives me free candy if I go with him but Neil wouldn't let me. Could you please tell him that I can go?" She looks at me with puppy eyes again.

I kneel down to her "Sweetheart, we don't have time for sweets now. I'll buy you some the next time I'll go shopping." I smile at them. "Now go back to the Truck while I talk with this man, alright?" Neil nods and Nikki looks a bit disappointed but listens. They go back and I look at the man.

"You fucking whore" the man cusses at me. "I'd consider myself more of a bitch" He tried to hit me but I could throw him on the ground and take the chopstick that was laying on the ground. "A boss bitch." I say and hold the tip of the chopstick scary close to his eye. "Now listen here, motherfucker. Don't you ever lay a hand on children again. Capish?" The man nods quickly.

I get up and clean myself from the dirt "Good we could talk about it. Au revoir, monsieur bonbons." I say with a smile and walk back to the truck but not without coming across Max. "M-max! Why aren't you in the truck? " He looks mad at me "Those fucks came back without you so I went looking." His mad face turns into a smug face "but looks like you can handle yourself pretty well, damn it." I smile and we walk back.

While we were driving back Nikki kept on nagging me why she couldn't have candy from this man. I'll definitely have to talk with her about that.

Back in the camp I put the the groceries in the kitchen. "Hello, (y/n)! How was shopping?" I jump a little. "Sorry, I didn't want to scare you, (y/n)"  David apologizes. "N-no it's fine it's just Nikki she..." David smiled "Ow I know Nikki can be wild and hard to handle but you'll get used to-" I interrupt David "No it's not that, David. It's... ahh! If it wouldn't have been for Neil, Nikki would be with a random stranger, who offered her candy and fuck who knows what would have happened to her." I must've looked very scared when I told him that because David takes me in his arms.

"Everything's fine, (y/n). We'll talk to Nikki about it after supper and it wont happen again, I promise." David says reassuring and he lets go of me. "Thank you, David." He blushes and scratches his neck "ou uhm... your welcome" he stutters. He's adorable. Oh no! Don't you fucking dare fall for him (y/n) (y/middlename-s) (y/l) *screams in distance*

I smile and David says "What I actually wanted to tell you is that I have your uniform and the other thing is ehm..." Davids starts to sweat a bit  "Gwen accidentally looked the door to your cabin and took the key with her." Don't they have a spare key? "Where do I sleep then? " I ask confused."In my cabin. We will have so much fun! We play board games tell us there crushes"he says with wiggling eyebrows" and we can tell us creepy stories!" "You are excited about having a sleepover, aren't you?" I giggle.

"Wait... shouldn't you be watching the camp activity?" I ask David and he speeds off to them, scared that they set the camp on fire. I follow him and sit down to the campers, who struggle with their work."Could you show it to me again,(y/n)?" Nerris asks and I help her once again but at least she got it this time.

After half an hour David sits next to me "How are you doing, (y/n)?" He asks in his typical voice. "Good. I think the campers like me" I smile at him and he blushes a little bit again. God why is he so cute? "Thats good to hear, (y/n). I think you are perfect for this camp!" I smile even more. I have a job again and hopefully I get paid enough to finally study. I hug David because I got so happy. After I've realized what I've done I let go of him. "Oh! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to-" I panicked "N-no! It's fine. I like hugging!" David says in a high pitched voice. "I-I think I'll go cook now." I stutter and leave but not without seeing Max looking at David like a little disgusted bean.

I walk to the kitchen still confused what just happened and why Max looked at David the way he did. I ignore it and start cooking. I made the rice and cut the meat but drift back to my thoughts about that awkward situation. No I can't have a crush on him. Either he hurts me or I'll hurt him and there's no way I'll let one of these things happen again. Some memories started to pop up like annoying ads and I cut the meat angrily.

One memory that I hated the most got back to mind. This guy I was in a relationship with for a year. This bastard started abusing me and to make money, he used my body. He sold my body to his frien-"fuck!" I scream. I accidentally cut my finger.

I go to Quartermaster to ask for a band aid. I open the door and say "Hey. Quartermaster where's... the..." I saw him on top of a pentagram and about to stab a white, red-eyed goat. We look at each other for a few seconds until I break the silents "First-aid?" He looked a little surprised at first but then got back to his poker face. "Top left shelf." He says monotonous and I thank him. I open the door to go out nut before I go I tall him "You should pour some wax with your blood on its forehead. It'll work better trust me, old man." I leave right after.

I went back to the kitchen and took care of my finger. I sigh. I had to remember it just so I could cut my finger, sure! I can't deal with these memories... I tried to concentrate on the curry and cooked the meat. I stirred the meat when I feel a hand touching my shoulder. I flinch and froze. I remembered that it only could be someone at camp but at the first second I thought it was this old man at work, who used to do this before he touched me... a lot.

"(Y/n)?" David asked and turned me carefully around. He holds my arms and looks in my face. I tried to smile but I think I got a panic-attack or something like this. It didn't even take David a second to hug me. I notice that I started to cry and push him a bit away and go back to cooking. "David could you please set the table?" David hummed and does what I asked him to do.

We called the kids for supper and they all came running. "Everyone, who wears a hat can get their food!"space-kid, Nerris and Harrison. I fill their plates and say "Everyone with blue eyes can get their food!" Ered, Neil, baby Hitle- I mean Dolf and Max came to get there food. "Everyone with short sleeves can get there food!" Nikki, Preston and Nerf got their food. They all look excited for the food and ate it in big spoons.

I fill to plates and sit down across from David and give him his plate. "Thanks!" He said in a very bad happy acted voice. It was an awkward silence for a while before I said something "Look, about before. I think it's best if you forget about it. It wont happen again I promise." I said calmly.

David put down his spoon and started talking.

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