10. I love you, Max!

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(I swear Max you are so adorable you will be my death)

"Gwen?" She looks up from... Whatever kind of freaky fanfiction she's writing. I sit on the bed and say "Guess what." She leans her chin on her arm "What?" I grin. "David and I have a date." Gwen drops her chin. "Oh my God. Tell me what happened!" She rushes over to sit beside me. I giggle "Well, David wanted to ask me out but this guy he beat up interrupted him. Then in his cabin, I treated his wounds and he told me he wanted to go out with me." I tell her. "Who even was that guy?" Gwen asks. "U-uhm that's my ex. And he wanted me back." I look on the ground not daring to tell her more about him. "This is just like in those teen romances! (Y/n) if you need help. I'm here for you!" I sweat a little at her enthusiasm.

"There's actually one thing I need to ask." She listens carefully. "I don't have anything to wear for a date. Can you lend me some of your clothes?" Her eyes sparkle. Oh no..."Makeover!" I moan. "Can it wait until tomorrow I'm tired." Gwen grins from ear to ear and we go to bed.

After breakfast we watch Preston doing his theater. Right after, Neil pulls me to his camp. "Wow. You made all these?" I ask fascinated. Neil smiles "Yep. They are my babies." I grin back at him. He shows me his studies on the dark matter. I look at his equation and I'm very confused. I analyze it and then I understand the gist of all of it. "You are using loop quantum gravity?" I ask him still looking at the equation." "Yes, why?" Neil asks. "I think if you'd use the string theory... The equation could work. Though you might want to reconsider those two numbers." I point at the numbers and Neil watches carefully. His eyes widen. "You are a genius (y/n)! That's why my experiments always ended in an explosion!"

I giggle "I would've never came up this. You are the genius here not m-waiiit... Did you just say explosion?" I ask angrily. Neil looks around nervously. "I- ehm... I ohh yeah I'm coming Max!" He runs off to Max, who apparently only Neil can hear. I shake my head.

I walk to the mess hall to get something to eat. David sat in there and looks like he is thinking about something. I sit in front of him. David immediately hides the notebook that was lying on the table. "O-ohh (y/n) hi! What are you doing here?" He asks nervously? "I just wanted to eat something. What about you?" He smiles awkwardly "I just came here to get away from the campers for a while." I lift an eyebrow. He would'not leave the campers without a good reason. David stands up and says goodbye before I can say anything.

I couldn't help myself but glance at his butt for a second. "Cute butt!" I yell after him. I can see his ears getting red and I giggle. He's so cute. "Cute what?!" I look to the door and Max is standing there in shock. "Oh sorry you had to hear that, Max" I scratch my neck. Max comes closer. "Wait wait wait. You and David are fucking dating?!" I giggle nervously and nod. "Why the fuck would you ever date him?!" I cross my arms. "Max, that's mean." I say with a lifted eyebrow. "S-sorry" he says in fear and almost impossible to hear.

I pat the seat next to me. Max slowly walks over and sits next to me. "Why do you think I shouldn't date David?" I ask him curiously. Max looks at his lap. "Just because." I cross my arms again. Max sighs "He's not good enough for you." He mumbles. I smile and brush his cheek with my hand. "I mean. What the fuck do you see in this guy?! He's obnoxious and boring and he doesn't even know how to cuss!" I chuckle. "I think he is the nicest guy I've ever met. After you, of course, cinnamon roll. And he beat this guy up, who is a terrible person."

Max looks away. Now that he made me confess I'll make him a little embarrassed. "What do you see in Neil?" I ask him with a smug face. His eyes widen and he blushes. "W-what do you mean?" He asks. I pet his head. "Come on. I've seen you staring at him while he worked on his projects." I wiggle my eyebrows. Max blushed madly. "N-no!" I smile at him. "You are probably imagining you two holding hands and some pecks on the cheeks don't you." Max looks disgusted at me. "Don't ship children that's sick!" I giggle. "And I'm definitely not gay!" I smile at him. "Alright, I won't bug you about it anymore." I chuckle and Max sighs in relief.

"Max?" I ask and he hums. "Could you spread your arms to the side like t-posing?" I ask him "Why?" "Just do it, please." He rolls his eyes as he does what I asked for. "Alright now close your eyes." "What? No!"  He exclaims. I do my best puppy eyes until he gives in. "Alright now what?" He asks annoyed. "Now... This!" I say and start tickling him. "Hahaha no stop! Ahahah!" He lays on his back and tries to push me away but fails. "Never!" I say and tickle him for a while "hahaha no! Please stop!"

Time skip because I have no idea what to write here

Back in the cabin, I shower and Gwen almost forces me to a makeover. Thankfully I could convince her to leave it and just help me decide what to wear. She mostly shows me short skirts because she read too many erotic books.

In the end, we decided to take the washed-out mom jeans and a colorful shirt stuffed inside. Vans and if we are at it, we roll up the sleeves (exsqueeze me, bisexual coming through sry I had to). I changed my piercings to more pretty ones and I put my hair in a ponytail or I don't. I put makeup on. I don't put makeup on. Depends on the reader.

Soon after we heard a knock at the door.

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