5. potatoes

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I wake up and notice the arm around me. I climb out of bed without waking up David. There's a nicely folded pile of clothes on the chair with my jacket on top. I put the clothes on, which where brown shorts and a green shirt with a pine tree on it, and go outside to make breakfast.

I enter the kitchen and see Quartermaster "cooking". I rush over to him to look what he wants to serve the kids. "No." I say and he immediately leaves annoyed. I giggle. I should make it up to him. I try to safe what I can safe. The milk is already a little spoiled but I can work with that. I make pancakes with the old milk and boil the milk that still smells like something you can drink. I put some pieces of chocolate in the milk, mix cinnamon and sugar and put it on the counter.

I put the pancakes in a container and put them in the oven to keep them warm until the campers eat. I hear someone walking in. It was David. "Oh! There you are!" He says happily. "It smells delicious! Where did you learn to cook?" I smile by his childlike curiosity "My mom was working and my dad decided this other women was the love of his live so I had to take care for my siblings and me." I look at David and his expression looks like he thinks he said something bad. "Oh! Don't worry about it! I'm grateful I got to learn these useful skills!" I say smiling and it calmed him down.

He smiles "Can I help you?" I nod and ask him to set the tables and call the campers. After a few minutes the campers stood in a line to get their food. I gave them warm chocolate milk and pancakes with cinnamon and sugar on top. Their eyes sparkled and they ate their food like it's the last day of earth.

I eat at the same place as yesterday and talk with David about todays activity. As soon as we finish the kids wash the dishes and I go to Quartermaster with his breakfast. I open the door and see a demon next to Quartermaster. Both of them stare at me. "Quartermaster here's your breakfast." I put it on the table and look at the demon. "Do you want some to?" I ask him and he nods. I got it for him and put it next to Quartermasters food. "There you go!" I say and the demon replies "Thank you, ma'am." I smile and leave. (Lol)

The morning went over pretty quickly but I would sometimes notice David staring at me and then blushing as soon as I spotted him. It was weird but I got over it. We let the kids have a free afternoon today to plan for tomorrows activity. It'll rain so we'll have to figure something out. "What do you think should we do tomorrow, (y/n)?" "Mhh I think a game with riddles." David's eyes lightened up "And what kind of riddles do you think should we do?" I pretended to think and say "how about.. why did David stared at me all morning long?" David blushes madly and looks away. "W-what?" He asks with a voice crack. I chuckle and look at the blushing mess in front of me. "Let's continue with our work, shall we?" David looks confused at me because I changed the subject so quickly but at the same time he's relieved and doesn't say anything.

After half an our of finding ideas we decided to make a room escape in the mess hall and the preps surly will take an hour or longer so we start right away. David wants the price to be friendship but I think the kids would be happier about sweets. We got some of these chocolate coins and put them in the chest. Now we have to build up the puzzle.

I am gluing two pieces together but I need some help. "Hey David. Could you hold this for a sec?" He comes over and holds the two pieces together while I glue them. "Thank you." I say. It is silent after that for a few minutes until David can't deal with that anymore. "You're doing a really good job for your second day here. I think I've seen no one dealing with the campers so well." I didn't look up from my work. "Is that so?" "Yes I mean. You cooked amazing food for the campers without spending a lot of money. And this morning you could make an amazing breakfast out of almost nothing. I really appreciate that." He says with his typical voice. "And oh boy! That story about Nikki. You can handle children well." He says looking at me.

"So... does that mean to you I'd make a great Wife?" I glance up at him. "And that I can't do anything else than cooking and taking care of children?" I say a little angry, whereupon David panics and shakes his hands and head. "N-no that's not what I meant! Y-you're charming, smart, nice, thoughtful-" "David." I interrupt him and smile " I'm messing with you." I look at him and he is blushing again. "But it was nice of you to say these things. You are the first guy that actually meant all thes- um I mean..." David walks up to me and sits down next to me. "It's alright." He smiles softly at me. My heart skips a beat as soon as he says that. I try to hide the blush

We keep on working until we have to prepare supper. After we hid the puzzles, we go to the kitchen and I ask David what we should cook. "How about mashed potatoes with gravy. And we still have some capri-moon left for them." He grins. "Alright, sounds good to me, chef!" I giggle and I get the pots. Quartermaster came right in time, though he looked a little annoyed but he helps us peel the potatoes anyway. As I peel the potatoes I see David almost cutting himself several times. "David, stop. You are going to hurt yourself like this." I tell him "Watch me." I take a potato and peel it. He tries to copy me but fails. He looks frustrated, so I take his hands with the potato and the knife and show him how to do it. I let go of his warm hands and he got a lot better already. "Now you got the hang of it!" I grin and David is really happy, too. "Well, you can always learn something new!" He says enthusiastically. We look into each others eyes. Apparently a bit to long because Quartermaster fake coughed and we immediately got back to cooking.

I notice that the food wouldn't taste really good if we won't add anything else. "Hey Quartermaster! Do you have any rosemary?" I ask him friendly and he stands up "just 'cause ya helped me with the goat. I'm not your friend." I giggle " 'cours you aren't." Quartermaster leaves and I see David staring at me, eyes sparkling. "What?" Davids starts to fangirl or some shit "You are really good at making friends. Quartermaster wasn't as near as friendly to anyone else in this camp. I'm so proud of you!" He says high pitched voice. "Ehm... I think you're over exaggerating. I'm sure he is friendlier than you may think." I try to convince David. Although I failed that.

After supper, space kid wanted me to come with him.

"Hey (y/n)!  Check out my rocket!" He screams in his space suit. He pulls me to his camp but Neil steps in. "No space kid! I wanted to show (y/n) my studies on the dark matter. So if you'd excuse us..." Neil takes my other arm and pulls me to his camp. Both of them were pulling on my arms and try to get my to go with them. "Hey guys stop that hurts..." I say between those two shouting at each other. I tell them to stop a few times until I had to shout at them. "Fucking stop! You are going to rip my arms of!" Both of them look shocked at me. "You little shits stop fighting and make up or I wont go with either of you to your fucking camps." I say and walk of.

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