17. no...go away

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I listened to this song while I wrote this check it out.

David pov

I drive back to the camp with the groceries I bought and a stinging feeling on my back. I grin like a goof when I remembered where I got those scratches on my back from. I loved every second of that night. I get frown out of my thoughts by some dunderhead, who got his driving licenses from flash apparently." Wait... isn't that..." I step on the gas pedal to get to the camp in time. I call the police and tell them to come immediately.

I arrive at the camp and see Ray and his friends running after (y/n), who just loudly screamed "Go away!" and  as they disappeared in the forest, Max ran right after them. I want to follow to safe (y/n) but I have to wait until the police is here. Man. Where's Gwen? Is she still in the lake? Speaking of the devil she runs over to me with all the campers following. "Who screamed?" Gwen asks concerned. "(y/n). She's getting chased by the guy, who beat me up and his friends. And I think Max followed them!" I tell her panicked and all the campers look shocked. "Have you called the police?" Gwen asks nervous and I nod "But I can't go after them before they're here."

That got the attention of all the campers. "Don't worry, David! We will deal wiz it." Dolf says and all agree. "Yeah! I will punch them harder than anyone before." Nerf shouts as the campers run off. Gwen runs behind them, trying to stop them but it's no use.

your pov

I run as fast as I can and those fucks yell insults at me while they are chasing me. I get to an abrupt halt, falling almost into a gorge.  I try to run left or right but they cornered me already. "It's no us (y/n). Just come with us and no one will get hu-" "Oh shut the fuck up, big talk!" Ray turns around to see who interrupted him. At first he couldn't see Max because he was looking right in front of him instead of down. He sees Max and laughs. "Oh and what are you gonna do? Beg me with big puppy eyes?" All of them laugh but Max keeps a smug face. "I'm going to save my mum." My heart warms up as he said mum on purpose so much that I could cry. "Pff Mum? Haha! Did you here that guys my (y/n) is a mum! Isn't that cute?" All of them laugh at Max. "And how are you going to safe your mum all alone, little boy?" Max's grin grows wider. "Who said I'm alone?"

All the campers, including Gwen, come out from their hiding spot. All of them ready for a fight. "Oh no~ What am I going to do?" Ray says in a fake scared voice before he pulled a gun out. "Now stop playing around kids and let the adults do what adults do." Nikki steps forward and points at Ray with a grin and shouts "Platypus! Attack!" Out of nowhere the camp mascot jumps on his arm, making him drop the gun. "Ahhh! Get. Off!" He screams and orders his friends to deal with the campers. They step closer and the campers immediately attack. Nikky bites one, while space kid rams his helmet in ones crotch.

Soon after, every one of Rays friends lay on the ground groaning in pain. The police comes running and point their guns at Ray while David stands relieved next to them. Ray lifts his hand but with one swift move Ray pulls a knife out of his jacket and runs towards me. The time slows down and my feet wont move, the police can't shoot because they risk shooting me and David starts running towards me and screams my name and so does Max. I stare at Ray coming closer, getting ready for the impact and- "Uff!" Something weird tackles  Ray to the ground. It looks like the demon I met in Quartermasters office. The demon disappears in thin air, giving the police space to arrest Ray.

"Just 'cause ya ain't judging me." I jump at Quartermasters sudden appearance next to me. I touch my heart but then smile. "Thank you." Quartermaster mumbles something inaudible and leaves.

I giggle and turn my head to see Max in tears. I drop on my knees and hold my arms open. He runs up to me and hugs my tight. "I *hic* I thought I'd loose you." He mumbles in my shoulder while sobbing. I smile and hug him tightly back. "Everything's fine. I'm here. I'll always be." Max hugs me tighter and says "I love you, Mum" Tears roll down my cheeks. "I love you, too, Max." I open my eyes and see a pair of feet in front of me. As I look up I see David whispering my name and crying. I stand quickly up with Max still in my arms and kiss David as we hug. Max makes some throwing up noises and says "Ok, you can put me down now." I giggle and does what he asked for. I turn back to David, cup his face and kiss him with all the love I can give.

The police asks us questions and are about to leave but I walk up to one of the police man. "Excuse me,sir? I'd like to report someone." He turns around and asks who and why. "Do you see that boy over there?" I nod over to Max. "The one that called you Mum?" He asks a little concerned. I nod and continue "He told me a few things about his parents and I don't think he's in good hands there." The man gives me a firm nod and hands me paper I should fill out and bring to the police station. I thank him and the police drives off.

A few days later the whole camp and some of the police are witnesses for the court. We all tell what happened and Ray is now in prison for 25 years while his friends are in there for 12. We leave and drive back. At the camp I got a letter from the government and I open it right away. It says that Max and I should be at the court next week to judge if Max's parents can keep him or not.

I quickly run to Max and tell him about this.

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