9. f*ckboy

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David pov: sry but it's getting boring to write in your pov for too long

I insisted on helping her with the hot chocolate. We warmed the milk and as I wanted to add the chocolate, I stepped behind her and look at her neck for a second. The water dripping down made it tempting to kiss her there but I could control myself and look back to the milk.

I automatically put my hands on her waist without thinking that she might not be okay with it. She tenses up a bit and I can see a faint blush on her face. I took my hand away immediately. "S-sorry." I panic "N-no! No. Don't worry. We slept in the same bed I think this amount of touch isn't wrong or anything." She giggles nervously.

It went silent. We put some mugs on the counter and see Gwen coming in. We both leave her to watch the hot chocolate while we go take a shower. Thankfully, it stopped raining already.

I go inside the cabin, grab something comfortable and go in the bathroom. I undress and step in the shower. My body is cold and the warm water feels soothing. I remember what had happened in the rain. She was underneath me and starred into my eyes and I into hers. Her eyes are a beautiful (e/c) and sparkle more than anything I've ever seen. If the campers wouldn't have sung I probably would've kissed her. I swallow. Thank God I didn't. She probably wouldn't like that and slap me or something.

Then, of course, my stupid brain had to remember her in the kitchen. Her neck was sparkling and her shirt was sticking to her back and I could see every detail of her back. She's so beautiful. I-I think I'll ask her out. Maybe. I'm not sure. I don't know what'd happen with our friendship if she rejects me. I really want to go on a date with her though. I sigh. I have to think about it later. Now I need to go back to the mess hall first. I put my sweat pants and a loose shirt on and go back.

Unsurprisingly, (y/n) is already there. I've never seen anyone shower as quickly as she does. We sit down and discuss the next camp activity. After almost an hour we sent the campers sleeping.

A few hours later, we did the same and went to bed. On the next day, I wanted to ask (y/n) out but she was always surrounded by campers, which was actually really adorable. The day after I couldn't bring myself to say it. Neither on the three days after. Though I'd see her smiling every time I talk to her and sometimes her cheeks would flush a little while she plays with her shirt.

On the fourth day, I was sitting next to (y/n) during the camp activity.

I convince myself for a few minutes to ask her if I could talk to her in private. "H-hey, (y/n)." She turns her pretty face to me. Oh God, I think I can't do it. I swallow hard. "E-ehm I-I wanted to a-ask you something." My mouth is getting dry. Her beautiful eyes stare into mine expectingly. I feel my face getting hot. "C-could I t-talk to you in private?" She nods and we walk further away in front of the mess hall. Though I can feel Gwen's eyes burning in my back.

"What did you want to talk about?" She asks with her sweet voice. I swallow again and blush madly. "Oh well, how do I put this." I scratch my neck to be less nervous "W-would you go ou-" I got interrupted by a very very loud car. It stops a few meters in front of us. A man steps out of the overpriced vehicle. He isn't much taller than me and has black hair. His clothes are... Interesting. I look back at (y/n), who looks like she wants to slit his throat open and is afraid at the same time.

The man comes closer and fake smiles. "(Y/n)! I've been looking for you! I missed you!" He tries to hug her but she kicks him between his legs. He grins. "To bad that I was already prepared for that, babe." He probably has something to protect his crotch. She looks him dead in the eyes. Out of instinct, I move in front of her. "Please leave," I say with a forced smile. He laughs loudly and wipes invisible tears away. "Please? Is this guy for real, (y/n)?" The man tries to walk around me to get to her but I don't let him. He stares at me "looking for a fight?!" He shouts I don't say anything. It annoys him and he punches me right in the face. "David!" (Y/n) yells.

I stand up again and look back at this guy. He is touching (y/n) but she tries to free herself. I get angry and come running towards him. I push him on the ground and hit him in the face a few times before he punches me what causes me to fall down. I roll on the ground and stand up again. The guy gets back into his car and before driving off he shouts. "I will come back! Just you wait!"

I turn around and see all the campers, Gwen and (y/n) staring at me. I just walk away, trying to not make any eye contact.

Your pov

We are all starring at David as he walks off. We tell the campers they can go to there camps. They leave and Gwen tells me. "I think it's better if you talk to him." I nod and go to David's cabin. I knock "David, it's me can I come in?"  A muffled yes came out of the cabin. I enter and see David trying to care for his wounds but fails miserably. He sighs. I sit beside him on the bed. It is silent for a while until we both speak at the same time. "You can go first." David gently says with a smile. "Well, uh, this guy. He's my overly rich ex. His name is Ray. He was the first guy I genuinely liked but then he sold me to his friends a few times but I was too scared to do anything at first. At some point, I went to the police and they took care of him. I think he's done now sitting in jail."

David didn't say anything. I look into his eyes with a slight smile and say. "Thank you." I kiss his cheek softly. His face turns really fast to me and blushes. I giggle at his response.

I take something out of the first aid kit and start to clean his wounds. "N-no. You don't have to do that, (y/n)." He says but I just continue, pretending I didn't hear anything. His knuckles are bleeding, his lip is split, blood is running out of his nose and he got a black eye. As soon as I'm done I take his hands and kiss his knuckles. He blushes and I look at him with a soft smile. "For better healing." He chuckles.

"What did you want to talk about before?" I ask him. It surprises him but answers "I uhm.. I wanted to ask you out." He says and scratches his neck. "B-but you don't have to i-if you don't -" "It's fine, David. I'd love to go out with you." I smile at him and he hugs me relieved. I hug back.

As soon as we let go he asks "Is tomorrow at around 7 pm okay?" I nod and tell him he should go to sleep now. I leave and go to Gwen's cabin.

Meanwhile in Davids cabin:
Squeals and rolls on the bed

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