7. lol

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(Please get the reference of the title or I feel stupid.)

your pov

He distances himself to look into my eyes while holding my shoulders. "I promise I will never harm you." His words were the most comforting thing I've heard in my life. Tears started dropping. David hugs me without hesitation, which makes me cry even more. Sobbing into his shoulder, I hugged him back. He tightens his grip as his hand rubbing my back. It reassures me, giving me the most comfort I've ever felt in the last years. David rocks us a little bit. My whole body gets lighter like I've dropped a heavy backpack after hiking for hours.

I try to say something nice but the only thing I could think about was "You smell nice." As soon as I realized what I just told him I blushed and jolted a bit away from him. "Ahh... Ehm. Sorry. That was really creepy. I'll just shut...up.." David chuckled and wiped my tears away while I said that. "Thank you." He grins and pets my head. "We should go to sleep now." I nod not daring to say something embarrassing again. After I flipped the lights off, David took my wrist and pulled me next to him on the bed. "David?" I asked confused. "I know you would've just slept on the couch if I didn't pull you to bed with me."

I giggle. "Wh-whats so funny?" He says as his voice cracked. "It is not really gentleman like to pull a girl into bed with them," I say. David gets super nervous as soon as I said that. "N-no I didn't mean- I-I didn'twantyoutogetbackproblemsfromthecouch!" He says quickly. I chuckle as a response. David realizes that I was just joking and starts laughing. The moonlight glitters in his hair fluff as I just stare amazed at his face. He is actually beautiful. I mean at first you would just think he's a cute guy but if he laughs so genuine he absolutely is gorgeous.

David stops and looks at me still smiling. "You'd think I should know by now when you're just joking." I smile back, turning to face the ceiling. "We should sleep now," I say yawning. David agrees. I turn to face away from David and fall asleep.

A hand is intertwined with mine. A body placed closely against mine and hot breath on my neck. I wake up and have to start my brain first. The crying yesterday probably helped me sleep better. My brain finally could make out what's going on. The sunshine on my face woke me up and David is almost as if attached to my body, he is so close. I don't think and just give in to his body heat. It is actually really comfortable. I press my body closer to him, pull his hand closer to me, and close my eyes. It feels so nice.

As I woke up again I could just see David leave through the door only to fall asleep again. At some point, I couldn't sleep anymore. I slowly stood up and got myself ready. I haven't slept that good in years. I walk to the mess hall and got greeted by Neil and space kid. It looks like they want to tell me something, so I lower myself to their height. "Did you make up?" I ask them hopefully. Both of them nod. I smile. "We both agreed on sharing you. I get every day from Friday till Wednesday and space kid gets you on the rest of the week." Neil says. I just roll my eyes and explain to them that I'm not an object you can just pass around. They didn't get it though.

I leave them to go to the kitchen and help making breakfast. As I walk into the kitchen, everything was already done and I didn't have to lift a finger. David stood in front of the cooker in an apron (and nothing else... jk) and he made pancakes. He put them on two plates and noticed me. "Gooood morning, (y/n)! It looked like you slept well?" I nod. "Yeah especially because you were spooning me all night." I cross my arms and lean against the doorframe with a lifted eyebrow and a smile. David blushed and got all flustered. "O-oh! I thought you didn't notice. Ahem. Well, I'm glad I c-c-could help." There were so many voice cracks it was adorable.

"A-anyway. I made us breakfast. The campers already ate." I smile and take the plate he hands me.

After breakfast a car parked in front of the mess hall. Gwen steps out of the car and gets greeted by some campers, already annoyed. I tell her I need her, so no more campers get on her nerves. We stop in front of her cabin and she unlocks the door with her key after smiling wickedly at me. "Wait. Did you do that on purpose?" I asked her. She turns around and makes the face of an angle. "Did what on purpose?" I rolled my eyes. "Looking me out of the cabin."

She grins devilishly at me "What?" I ask confused. Gwen wiggles her eyebrows. "Tell me what happened! I wanna hear every detail!" I look around nervously. "Umm... What do you mean?" "What happened between you and David?" She holds my shoulders and smiles. I sigh "nothing happened." Her face says, she doesn't believe me, which I roll my eyes at " 'aight we hugged once and slept in the same bed but nothing more." Obviously, I can't tell her about the incident(s). Gwen grins from ear to ear as she opens the door.

We step inside. My bags have been in here for the past two days and I'm glad I can have them back. Unlike in Davids cabin, there are two beds "Why are you grinning like that?" I ask confused. "Because finally, David has someone to get over Bonquisha. And I think you two would make an adorable couple." I blush at her statement. "W-what?" She just giggles at my embarrassment. "Well, either way. I think David has a thing for you." With a smug printed on her face, she looks at me. "And that you two bonded a bit since I accidentally took the keys with me." The word accidentally she said in the most sarcastic way possible.

I let myself drop in my bed with a big sigh. "You are" I started. "A middle school wingman wannabe." Gwen snorts and tells me she goes for a shower. Left alone in the room I unpack my things. Shortly after it started to rain. I remembered there are still campers and an activity. I knock on the door of the shower and shout. "Please come to the mess hall as soon as you're done." A muffled yes answer from the other side of the door.

I go out into the strong rain and make my way to the mess hall.

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