16. morning after

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We woke up to loud knocking on the door. "I swear to fucking god, if you don't wake up and help me with the campers I will set your cabin on fire!" Gwen yells from the other side of the door. I look on the clock and it's... "10:34?!" I yell and stumble out of bed, followed by David. We quickly dress and rush outside.

Gwen already ate breakfast with the campers, so David and I quickly stuff the food in our mouth. Right after, we make our way to the camp activity. We sit down and get a few strange looks from some campers and Nikki shouts "Whoa David what happened?! Did you get in a fight again?" She asks him and points on his neck. I look over to see him and he got a whole lot of hickeys. He blushes and I giggle, trying to hide the possible hickeys I got.

During the activity Gwen grins at us all the time which makes me blush. I try to concentrate on helping the campers but they seemed fine without me. I sit there and try to not blush from Gwen's eyebrow wiggling as the time went by.

We ate lunch and the campers wanted to go swimming so badly we had to say yes. David knew how I scratched his back, so instead of swimming he went grocery shopping. I check in the mirror but surprisingly there isn't a single hickey on me. I put my bikini on and go to the lake where everyone except Max is already in the water. I kneel down beside him.

"Don't you want to swim?" I ask him. He doesn't look at me. "Why the fuck should I? The water is dirty anyway." I tilt my head and whisper in his ear. "Is it because you can't swim?" He looks shocked at me and almost falls in the water  but I could catch him. So it is because he can't swim. "N-no! I can swim! I just don't feel like it." He whisper screams. I lean closer. "Then why are you whispering?" I ask him with a smug smile. "I uhm I... fuck" He sighs. "Fine I can't swim. Happy now?" He asks annoyed.

I smile "Not until you learned how to swim." I grin and grab his tiny hand. "W-where are we going?"

I shove Max in his tent and tell him to put his swim trunks on. "Why?!" He says and I roll my eyes. "I want to teach you how to swim." I gives me a confused ok and doesn't say anything else. He comes out of the tent with his swim trunks on and he looked so adorable I can't.

Back at the lake everyone stares at us and I can see that Max is embarrassed about it because he tries to hide behind my leg. "Don't worry. If anyone makes fun of you I'll teach them a lesson." Max nods. I walk in the water but Max doesn't follow me. He stands in front of the water and looks worried at me. I smile at him. "Come on. You don't have to go further in than where you still can stand.

Slowly Max takes a few steps but then looks to the others. I follow his gaze and see all the campers starring. "Mind your own damn business!" I yell over and they immediately turn around. Max looks back at me and goes in deeper until the water gets up to his shoulders. "Give me your hands" I say calmly and Max does what I say. I take his hands and smile. "Now lift your feet to the surface." A bit clumsy he tries it. "Relax your body more. You'll float on your own." Slowly he floats and I grab his waist. "Now do this with your hands." I show him the motion he's supposed to do.

He tries it and it looks pretty good. I walk in little circles with him until he gets a feeling for it. "Good. Now kick your legs like a wave." His legs kick awkwardly and I have to demonstrate it to him with my arm. He copies it. It looks fine and I compliment him on how fast he learns. "You're doing good. Ready for the next step?" I ask him. "Next step?" I chuckle. "I let you swim on your own." Max looks a little scared. "Don't worry I'll stay right here and help if something happens. But I'm sure you'll be fine." Max swallows hard but nods unsure. I slowly let go off him.

His arms and legs do their own thing and Max is barely able to lift his head over the water. I want to step in but Max could help himself. He swims in little circles and gets better. "You're doing great Max!" I say and smile while clapping my hands a bit. Max smiles and shouts. "Look! I can swim, mum!" Everyone turns their head at that.

Max stands in the water, eyes wide open and blushing madly. I cover my mouth with my hands, on the edge of tears. "Did you just call me... mum?" Max turns his head away from me and everyone else. "So what if I did?" He crosses his arms and walks out of the water. I look over to the staring, some even laughing, faces. "Hey! If anyone of you makes fun of him I'll make sure that this person wont get any dessert or sweets for the rest of the camp." They quickly shut up and I walk out  of the water, trying to find Max.

"Max? Max! Where are you, sweetheart?" I look inside his tent and he lays there, cuddling his teddy bear. "Max?" I sit beside him on his bed. "Is everything alright?" I ask him.

"Does it fucking look like it?" He mumbles in his bear. "Do you want to talk about it?" He doesn't say anything. I stay silent for a few seconds and I just wanted to stand up but Max started talking. "You've been more of a mum to me in these few weeks than my real mum has ever been." I let Max continue. "I don't want to go back to my parents." I feel my heart ache and touch Max's arm. He basically jumps in my arms after I've done that. We sit there, hugging, not saying anything. 

I break the silence after a while. "We should get dressed now or we'll catch a cold, pumpkin." Max nods and gets off of my lap, so I can go and put some clothes on. As I leave Max yells "And stop giving me pet names!!" I giggle and go to the cabin to change.

I was putting my shoes on as I hear a car outside. I go outside and my knees get weak when I see who it is.

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