6. no, I don't

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I walk to the only cabin with a TV to get over my anger issues. I sigh as I open the door and massage my temples. "Max?" I see Max searching something in the folders. "What are you doing?" Max closes the drawer quickly. "What are you doing here, (y/n)?" I put my fists on my hips and lift an eyebrow. "I'm a counselor. I'm allowed to be here unlike you Max. What are you even doing in all those folders?" Max jumps down from the table "None of your fucking business" He tries to walk passed me but I just easily pick him up. "Max, no." I say and he roles his eyes. I sit on the armchair with Max on my lab. "Now tell me what the fuck you were doing." Max groans "I said it is none of your fucking business!" "Don't you use that tone on me, little brat!" I say loudly and Max crosses his arms and sits on my lap, not looking in my eyes. I sigh "Max. You have to tell me what you were doing. I don't want you snooping around in those folders." Max looks on the ground. "I was looking for something that I want, alright?!" He shouts. "Is it something important to you?" I ask carefully. After a few seconds Max nods.

I lean back in the chair and sigh again. I take the remote and turn the TV on. "Don't you dare watch any fucking trash TV like Gwen!" Max says and I chuckle. Thankfully a Marvel movie was on right now. Max leans on my chest and his big, fluffy hair is tickling my neck. I started petting his hair and I expected him to demonstrate but instead, he just let me do it.

After about an hour I can hear the door opening. I turn my head and see David in the door frame about to shout happily again but I shushed him just in time. Max fell asleep and I don't want him to wake up. David slowly walks over to me. "Howdy! I've never seen Max so peaceful. You sure are something, (y/n)" He whispers close to my ear. I turn my head to him and our noses were almost touching. We both blush madly and look away. "W-What I came here for is to send the campers to sleep and I wanted your help." David smiles softly at Max. I take Max in my arms and stand up. He nuzzles himself closer to me which is the most adorable thing I've ever seen. I stroke his cheek with the back of my fingers. David smiles over both ears now. I chuckle at his cute reaction of seeing Max like this.

David pov because author needs change

I've never seen Max this calm since (Y/n) arrived. I think she's something special to Max. We go to Max's tent and (y/n) tucks him in like she is his mom, which is really adorable. After that we tell the campers to go to bed and thankfully they listen for once. Though I could feel a weird tension between Neil and space kid. I'll talk to them first thing tomorrow.  

We check everything in the camp and go to my cabin. I insist that (y/n) goes first in the shower but she says "You know it is kinda pervy to go to the shower after a girl was in there." I blush "W-what? No! I don't-" I panic but (y/n) interrupts me with her cute giggle "I'm messing with you, David." She says and flicks my forehead gently while walking in the bathroom. I blush and sit on my bed. My heart is pumping really fast but why? When I was in a relationship with Bonquisha my heart beat wasn't that extreme. Did I actually fall for her? Just the thought of her being naked and soaked from the shower behind these thin walls drives me crazy.

I let myself fall on the bed. Why am I thinking so dirty? Is it because I did it a few times with Bonquisha? Oh god the ropes she used on me were actually hot... Now the thought of (y/n) being dominant came up to my mind and I blush. With the pillow on my face I try to get rid of these dirty thoughts but it just gets worse now that my eyes are closed. I see (y/n) moaning my name and panting under me. Right at that moment this thought came up (y/n) steps out of the bathroom. Seeing her in my clothes and wet hair doesn't make anything hecking better.

"You can shower now, David." She looks at me for a second before looking away. "And you might want to take a cold one." She says unusually cold. At first I don't get it until I look down and see the bulge in my pants. I put the pillow on my crotch and walk quickly with my pyjama in my hands in the bathroom blushing madly. I close the door and touch my now hot face. I take my clothes off and look at my private parts. I'm disgusting. That is the first thought that came in my mind. I step in the cold shower and close my eyes. I really shouldn't think about what I just thought about (y/n). We've met not even two days ago. I take my time to finish the shower and put my pyjama on.

I step out of the bathroom and say "I-i'm sorry I don't know why that happ..end.. what are you doing?" I ask her. She looks up for a second before looking back at her arm. It looks like she is drawing on her arm or something and she says "I'm tattooing myself." "You actually brought stuff to tattoo yourself to a camp?!" I ask confused. She chuckles in response "No, I didn't" "How are you tattooing yourself then?" "The only thing I need for a simple tattoo is  a needle, a thread, ink and a pen and tape at best. I don't need more for a small tattoo." She says like it's the most casual thing. "You want one, too, David?" She asks me with an odd smile. "U-uhm no, thank you." I say and shake my head. (Y/n) puts the needle down and stands up. She looks into my eyes and walks closer to me. I start to step back when I noticed, how close she'd come to me.

I walk back until my legs hit the bed and I had to sit on it. (Y/n) sits on my lap and takes her shirt of. "(Y/n), w-what are you doing?" I ask nervously and swallow as I try to not look at her bare chest. "Shut up, David. You want this, don't you?" She whispers in my ear and leans in to kiss me. I shake my head and lean back on my arms to avoid her kiss. "N-no. Actually, I d-don't." She stops and leans back to look at me with a lifted eyebrow. "You don't? But you were hard!" She exclaims. She stands up and puts her shirt on. "Well, yes but I've known you for only two days." I tell her. "That doesn't stop everyone, David." I think I start to figure out what's happened in her life. "(Y/n). You know you don't have to pleasure every man, do you?" She looks on the ground and sighs while playing with the seam of her shirt. "Yes I know but it's just... it's the only thing I'm confident about so I like doing it..." I have sympathy for her, so I stand up and give her a gentle hug. She let's me do it but she doesn't make an effort to hug back.

I distance myself to look into her beautiful eyes, while holding her shoulders. "I promise I will never harm you or force you to anything."

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