15. shower

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(There's lemon here and sorry it took so long.)

"W-well... uhm... Does the offer of show- ahem- showering together still stand?" I look at him and process what he just asked me. As soon as I realized, I laugh "pff Yes, it does." I chuckle. "But then we'll have to undress you." I whisper and smirk at him, pulling his shirt up as David lifts his arms. The shirt falls on the ground, soon followed by the rest of our clothes. We both try not to accidentally look at each others body as we get in the shower, though I saw David's eyes linger on my body for a second before looking to his left, blushing. I turn the shower on and watch David step in. "eep!" I squeak as the cold water hits me. My hands quickly cover my mouth and I blush madly as I look at David surprised face. His face changes to a smile and he laughs, holding his belly as his shoulders bounce. "Stop laughing at me!" I tell him embarrassed. "But it was adorable!" He chuckles which made me laugh with him.

We stop and start to shower properly. David stands behind me, washing my hair and it's the perfect opportunity  to teas him. David's fingers massage my skull and I let a pretty loud moan escape my lips. "Mhh, David, your fingers feel so good~" I press my body against his as I say that. (dang thirsty reader) David tenses up and doesn't move at all. I wanted to move away but I felt something on my butt pocking. It's pretty obvious what it is. I turn around to see a blushing mess as I put my arms around him. "It's fine David. You don't have to be embarrassed." He looks a little surprised at me and swallows "W-would it be alright if we... you know" I blush about the fact that he asked me instead of just fucking me right then and there. It's nice being asked for consent. 

I lean forward and kiss him. David kisses back immediately and puts his hands on my waist. A shiver runs down my spine and I pull David closer to lean myself on the wall after turning the water off. Don't waist water guys! David distances himself from me. "What's wrong?" I ask, lifting an eyebrow. He smirks, which makes me blush. "We should continue this in bed, shouldn't we?" Where did he get this confidence from all of a sudden. I nod, blushing slightly. 

We step out of the shower (420 words höhö) and dry us with the towel. David almost attacks my lips and guides us over to the bed. I drop on the bed and David hovers above me. His lips travel to my neck and his hands caress my boobs. Quiet moans escape my lips and I feel David grin on my skin. I get a little annoyed about how submissive I am right now so I turn us around. I kiss his neck and nibble on it while his dick rubs on my wet clit. We both moan and Davids hands move to my hips to push me closer to his dick. I take them away and hold them above his head. "Not so fast now." I whisper and move further down, leaving a trail of kisses over his stomach. My hands wander down to his dick and I start pumping it with one hand while the other fingers me. David moans from my touch and I kiss his tip which makes him grab the sheets. 

I glide my tongue over his dick before taking some in my mouth. He's a little bigger than I expected but nothing I can't handle. I twist my tongue around him and Davids hand grabs my hair, moving my head further down with a deep groan. I gag a little, which scares David and immediately lets go of my. "S-sorry! Are you alright, (y/n)?" He asks as I look up at him. I grab his hand and nod with a small smile. "It's fine, David." I say and David sighs relieved. As I want to continue, David sits up and cups my face, gently guiding me on the mattress. He kisses me lovingly and rests his hips between my legs grabbing my hands and intertwining our fingers.

His dick rubbing my entrance making me whimper. David looks at me, waiting for me to give him the sign. I nod and he thrusts in me completely, filling me up. We moan and I arch my back from David hitting my g-spot for a second before he moved a bit, missing it slightly. David takes advance from it and puts a hand on my back, pulling me close while he kisses my collarbone, still holding my left hand. I shut my eyes and David starts to move his hips painfully slow. After a few thrusts, David takes his hand away from mine and holds my hip instead. My arms wrap around Davids torso, gripping lightly from him teasing me. "Mhh... faster, David" I whisper and he obeys me.

His pace goes faster and I move my hips a bit, causing David to hit my g-spot. "Ahh... right there~" I moan between David's low grunts. He keeps on hitting the spot and my fingernails scratch Davids back. "Fa-faster" I whisper and David doesn't hesitate to do as I say. We fill the room with moans and clapping skin slowly going to cum. "(y/n) you feel so good ahh" David moans as his thrusts get sloppier. I feel myself coming and David follows from my walls getting tight. I throw my head back as David comes inside of me and riding out our high. 

Carefully, David pulls out and realises he came inside of me and looks worried in my eyes. "Don't worry. I wont get pregnant, David." He sighs and drops down next to me with a smile. He pulls me closer to him and kisses me. I pull the blanket over us as David says. "I love you." I look at him a little startled but then smile. "I love you, too, David." And like that, we fall asleep in each others arms.

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