4. problem

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David puts down his spoon and started talking. "No. I won't pretend like this didn't happen, (y/n). There's no way I could just forget about something like that. You can't deal with that alone and I want to help even if it's just a little bit. But I can't just see a friend struggling with something like that and not do anything." He says in a very calming and reassuring voice.

I look at David. I know he is worried but there are just some things people are not supposed to help with. I don't say anything to David I just keep on eating my food. After a few minutes, one of the campers asks me if they could get more food. I say yes and ask if anyone else wants some more. I give everyone their food. We all finish and I ask the campers to do the dishes. Except for Nikki. I ask her to talk to me outside. She came with me and I kneel myself down to her height.

"What's wrong?" Nikki asks a little worried. "I wanted to talk about that man today." "Uhh did he give you candy for me?" She asks excitedly. "No, Nikki. He didn't." She looks a little disappointed after I said that "The thing is. You shouldn't trust strangers. Especially not some random adult, who offers you candy or something like that." "Why?" She asks confused. "You don't know what their intentions are. This man could've done something horrible to you. He wanted to get you with candy. And I didn't know what I would've done if Neil wasn't there to stop you." Nikki looks a little sad "I.. what?" I pet her head. "I'm sorry, sunshine but not everyone got nice intentions out there and I think you're lucky to have such a nice friend like Niel." I smile. I can see some tears in Nikki's eyes. I take her in my arms and let her cry out. "Everything's fine no one will hurt you I'm there and everyone in this camp too." She starts sobbing and  I hum to calm her down.

We hug for a few minutes until she lets go of me. "I'm sorry. It won't happen again." I smile and say "I know, hun. Now go and help the others clean the dishes, please." She nods and leaves.

I'm glad she understands. I stand up and look over my shoulder. "Stop stalking and come out," I say and he comes out behind the tree. I turn around and see David embarrassed walking over to me scratching his arm. "S-sorry, I didn't mean to stalk you. I just thought you might need help but it turned out you didn't so I hid behind the tree." I sigh. "It's alright, David. Just don't hide. Just leave next time. I didn't want you to see me... so...ehm" I was thinking of a word but I got interrupted by David saying "cute" really quiet but I could still hear it and it sounded like he actually meant that. I feel my cheeks getting hot. "Ehm, yeah Well, I wanted to go take shower and go to bed now, actually. It was a long day, so could you maybe show me where I can shower?" I ask with some voice cracks.

I follow David to his cabin and he shows me the shower. I go in and calm down from the privacy this room provides. I take off my clothes and go shower. The warm water makes my muscles relax and I sigh. I shower quickly as to not waste much water out of habit. I dry myself with a towel and notice I don't have any fresh clothes. I wrap myself in the towel and step out.

"David do you have anything I can wear to sleep in?" I ask him and he turns around "Yes, of cour- oH MOLLY (Y/N)! Why aren't you wearing anything?!" David stands stiff and looks everywhere except at me with the ultimate red face. I giggle "Don't worry, I've worn more revealing clothes than this towel. You don't have to be so embarrassed." "D-don't th-th-think li-ike that, (y/n)"He stutters and everytime he even slightly looks at me he closes his eyes. "You shouldn't show your body just like that to anyone like it's nothing. Someone might want to do something bad." He says and I am so startled, it just slips out of my mouth while giggeling to make it less bad. "Oh like it would've been the first tim-" I shut my mouth. Crap why did I say that? Now he thinks I'm a slut, damn it.

"...What?" David asks shocked "Don't tell me..." I look on the ground. "You've been raped?" I start to remember some stuff again. My family was poor, so I went out with some old dudes on dates but they weren't allowed to do anything more. It went good at the beginning but it soon got worse. One time someone offered me a big amount of money to sleep with him. That's the start on how I prostituted myself for a few years. I felt tears falling down my face. "C-could you please give me some clothes?" David doesn't say anything and just hands me some clothes and I close the door behind me immediately.

I put the boxers and the oversized childish shirt on and look in the mirror. Fuck my face looks terrible. I try to stop crying and if David shuts up I can handle it. Oh I will definitely start to cry loudly. I go back into the room and look at David. "Where do I sleep?" I ask monotonous. I roll my eyes at David because he screamed high pitched and covered his nippels with his arms, only wearing pants. I turn around. Some clothes rustle and David says, I could turn around. I ask where I could sleep again and he says, that I could sleep in his bed. "Where do you sleep, David?" "On the couch." "Do you have a blanket?" I ask him and he pointed on the fabric pile next to him. I take the blanket and lay on the couch. "W-wait. No (y/n) you can sleep on the bed. I take the couch!" I turn around to face him. "Don't play gentleman with me." I say and he looked hurt when I said that. "I...didn't play..." he says weak and I sigh "sorry I didn't want to hurt you."

I stand up and turn off the lights. I take Davids wrist, climb on the bed and pull David with me. I turn away from him. "Don't try anything funny or I'll fill your nostrils with mustard." I say and soon after I hear him leaving the bed. I grab his wrist again. "Either I sleep on the couch or both of us sleep in the same bed." I tell him and he sighs. He climbs back in bed next to me and looks at me. "Do you want to talk about something?" He asks and I shake my head.

I look at the ceiling. "You know I can't really tell something like this to someone I just met, y'know?" He hums. "So you have someone back at home to talk to?" I look at him and smile little bit. "You got me there."

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