11. date

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Soon after we hear a knock at the door. Gwen tells me to wait and opens the door. "O-hh! Hi Gwen! Is (y/n) ready yet?" David asks nervously. "Ohh I'm sorry but it'll take a little longer so-" I roll my eye and interrupt Gwen. "Yes, I'm ready, David." I smile at him and close the door behind me while David is starring at me. "You look beautiful." He says softly. I smile. "You look handsome, too David." He's wearing jeans that sit perfectly, a white shirt, which has the buttons all closed, and a green jacket.

I walk closer to him. "Hold still," I say and open the first two buttons. "There. Now you look less strict." I smile at him and notice a little blush on his cheeks. We walk to his car and drive to town.

There's an awkward silence, though I intend to break it. "Where are we going?" David glanced over to me as I said that. "We'll go to my favorite cafe." He smiles softly. "I hope you'll like it." I chuckle. "We'll see," I say jokingly.

The ride is alright. We ask each other a few questions about our favorite films and stuff. As soon as we parked, David ran around the car to open the door for me. "Thank you," I say and get out of his car. He closes the door and walks over to the other side of the road. "Here we are, milady." I giggle at the milady as he holds the door open for me. I walk inside and David follows me.

Inside I feel something brushing against my ankle. I could die as soon as I look down. "A cat cafe?!" I scratch the little fella behind his ear, who starts purring. I look up at David, who was smiling at the cat and me.

Someone leads us to free seats. We had a couch for us and some cats. David and I both order coffee and chocolate waffles. I look at David, who was petting the cat in his lab. "David?" He turns his head. "You look pretty cool with those cuts and bruises." He blushes. "O-oh you think so?" I nod. I look somewhere in front of us and point that way. "What's that?" David turns his head and I kiss his cheek."Thanks again for beating this guy up." I smile at the blushing mess next to me. "Y-You're welcome."

After about one and a half hours we leave and got in the car. "We should go there again sometime, David. I loved it." I smile at him. "I'm glad you liked it. However, there's another place I wanted to show you." I do a questioning look. He drives off and there's this annoying silence again.

At some point, he tells me to close my eyes and I did what he said. The car stops and I can open my eyes again. He tells me to wait and leaves the car. The trunk opens and closes as I was starring at the dark forest. Well, if that doesn't seem like he wants to kill and bury me I don't know what does. Soon after, David opens the door and tells me to come out. I get out of the car and as I turn around my jaw drops. The whole milky way is visible from here. I take a few steps forward. "How did you find this place?" I ask David. "I got lost one time and came along this place." I giggle. David walks behind the car, where a blanket is placed. He sits on the blanket and I follow him.

We sit there in a comfortable silence until David breaks it. "It was cute when you tickled, Max." David smiles at me and I back. "Yes. It was really fun and - wait... Did you watch me again?" David blushes. "Uh well, I actually just wanted to tell you something about the camp activities but then I saw you through the window tickling Max, so it wasn't really watching." He says trying to sound convincing. I giggle. "Oh man, I'm dating a stalker." We both laugh at my statement.

It is silent again for a few minutes but I decide to break it. I put some music on and just let it play until one of my favorite songs comes up. "I love this song!/ I love this song!" We say at the same time. I stand up and hold my hand out for him to grab. "Come one lets dance!" We both smile and David stands up.

We hold our hands and just kinda dance awkwardly to the music. It is super fun. David twirls me and catches me in his arms. We dance around each other and all until the music stops. We pant and grin from one ear to the other.

The next song starts playing, while we were still looking into the eyes of each other. It is the theme song of howls moving castle. David bows and I giggle. "Would you care for a dance, milady?" "Of course, dear gentleman." I smile and take his hand, while my other hand is resting on his shoulder and his on my waist. I notice how far away he is. Probably still scared to touch me too much. I pull him closer, our faces almost touching. I smile triumphantly and lock eye contact with him.

I feel his hips start moving and we make the first few steps. I knew the basic steps from the waltz and, not to my surprise, David knew too. We spin for a while and just enjoy the moment. David spins me around myself and dips me afterwards. He kept me in this position and looks on my lips. "Ehm Can I kiss-" I interrupt him by locking my lips with his. He kisses back and we stay like this for a few seconds before parting.

David helps me up to my feet and I peck him on the cheek. "Thanks for asking" David grins like a goof, which makes me giggle.

After that, we drive back and David drops me off at my cabin. "I can hope for a second date?" I ask David, who nods. We say good night and I go inside the cabin.

"Ahh!" I scream startled as I turn around. Gwen almost scared me to death by staring into my soul right behind me. "You have to tell me everything!" I roll my eyes. "Alright. But let me change first."

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