Oh Johnny, Oh Johnny, Oh!

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Back at the SSR office in Georgia where I work, I give Chief Sanders no time to get settled back in before barging into his office. "What the hell idea was that?" I ask angrily.

 "You have one hot head Agent Brown. You have no room to talk after that stunt you just pulled on that mission. Can't you listen to orders for once?" Sanders replies as he rolls his eyes at the smiling mysterious agent who seems to be enjoying our little fight. 

"I got the information by myself, and I did not need back up. I had no idea who this man was, I could've shot him." 

"You wouldn't shoot me, you don't have it in you" the agent replied coyly. 

"On second thought, I wish I had" I fire back. 

"As much as I enjoy your cat fighting Agent Brown, you're back on file duty" Chief replies. I storm out the room, infuriated that once again my opinion went unheard.

"Hey, wait up!" I hear the agent's voice follow me down the hall of the office. I spin around, still as angry as I had been when I left Chief's office. 

"What do you want?" 

"Ouch, Agent Brown. I was just going to introduce myself. I'm Jack Thompson." He held out his hand, but I refused to shake it. 

"I really don't care who you are, I'm just glad I won't have to work with you again. Thank God you work in a different division." 

"Lady, I'm not the problem" he replies, his playboy persona dissolving into anger. 

"What you did was stupid, walking in when I had my gun cocked and ready to fire." 

"I'm pretty sure I was the one who saved you back there." 

"If you call interrupting my mission saving, then sure, you saved me. Now if you don't mind I have another case to focus on now." And with that I left Agent Jack Thompson standing dumbfounded.

Jack's POV

Agent Brown had some real balls on her to be talking to two Chiefs the way she did. I can't believe she took no notice of me, she's quite infuriating. Maybe it's good I won't have to see her again...but for some reason I couldn't get this Agent Melody Brown out of my mind. Her mysterious green eyes and soft brown hair still lingered in my head. It wouldn't matter because I was flying back to New York tomorrow, and I don't need to deal with another Agent Carter type.

Melody's POV

"Brown!" Chief yelled, "I need you in my office, NOW!" 

It had been a month since the incident with Agent Thompson, but everyone still liked to tease me about our fight in the middle of the SSR office. Quickly I set down my work and headed to Chief Sanders' office and closed the door behind me. 

"Brown, you're being transferred."

 "What?" I exclaim, "To what division?" 

"The New York SSR division needs some extra hands, and you're too much of a handful around here. Pack up your stuff, you leave for New York tomorrow."

 I felt like I had been punched in the gut. I had worked so hard to be able to go out on missions, and now I would have to start all over again just because I was female. I went to my desk and began throwing my things into a box. I said goodbye to only one receptionist who I had grown to tolerate, and left without another word. Once back at my apartment I grabbed my suitcase and began to pack my belongings. I didn't have much considering I always had to be ready to leave at a moment's notice.

The next morning my alarm clock went off ringing at five o'clock AM. I had two hours to get to the airport, but I wanted to be prepared for my flight. I would be flying straight from here to my new office, so I decided I had to dress up to make a good first impression. I wore my hair down in loose curls and put on my favorite red work dress. I finished the look off with some black work heels and got ready to say goodbye to my apartment. Grabbing my bag, I took one last look around before shutting the door. Goodbye Georgia, hello New York.

"Boarding, flight 125 at gate three" the intercom rang aloud. 

I had checked my bags and headed to get on my flight. It would be about a two hour flight from Atlanta to New York, but I always come prepared. I had brought a copy of a Jane Austen novel to keep me occupied. The trip seemed to take no time at all, and soon I was stepping out of the plane in New York. I hailed a taxi and headed straight to the address Chief Sanders had given me. 

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