Hard Headed Woman

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I arrived outside what appeared to be a telephone company, but I knew every SSR office had a cover shop. I soon found the woman who would let me in, and she introduced herself as Rose. We talked for a moment before I went to head inside. She stopped me short to my surprise. 

"I don't mean to keep you, I just wanted to wish you luck. The men upstairs can be a real pain to female agents. There's only one other agent who's female at this office. Have fun!"

 I tried to not let this bother me. I knew what it was like to be the only female in a room full of egotistical men. I learned how to be tough and loud so someone would pay attention.

I walked up the stairs and was met by a smiling woman with brown hair and a British accent. 

"Hello! My name is Peggy Carter. I'm the other female agent here. It's going to be so nice to have another woman working with me. The men here can be quite infuriating."

 "I can assure you, the ones back in Atlanta are much worse."

 We chuckled for a moment and made small talk. 

"Let me show you around," she said warmly.

 Peggy led me around the labs and different filing rooms before finally showing me the office where all the field agents were working. 

"Ah, it looks like he's finally off the phone." She swung open the door to the Chief's office. I stood a little straighter and prepared my introduction when he turned around.

"You?!" we exclaimed in unison. 

"You two have met?" Peggy asked confused. 

"Unfortunately, yes" I replied. I knew exactly who this man was: Chief Jack Thompson.

 "When I asked for more agents, I meant some qualified ones" he shot back at me.

 We immediately broke out into an argument. "Hey, guys! Quit it!" Peggy yelled.

 We both stopped short, still fuming.

 "I think I've made my introductions, so now if you'll excuse me Peggy I'm going to get settled at my desk." 

I picked a desk towards the back and next to Peggy's desk. I set down my suitcase and rubbed my temples. Why had I agreed to move again? Now I would have to work with-more like under-an arrogant excuse of a boss. He'll never let me go out on missions either. This was a big mistake.

Later that evening when everyone was leaving I was still finishing up my last file for the day. I looked up and realized it was just me and Jack in the office. He walked out and started approaching me. I pretended not to notice, until he set down a stack of at least twenty files high on my desk. 

"Your next assignment,Agent Brown. I expect those to be done by the end of the week."

 "Yes, sir!" I exclaimed as I mockingly saluted him. 

He turned back around and rested his hands on my desk and leaned close to my face. My attitude melted away into my heart which began to beat faster than normal. I gulped and hoped he hadn't noticed me falter. His eyes flickered down to my lips for a moment before returning to my eyes. Jitters had taken over my body, but I refused to let him see that he bothered me. Without a word he backed away, grabbed his belongings, and left.

It was my second week at my new office, and as I expected I was being treated like a lowly receptionist. Jack only gave me tedious assignments that really didn't need doing, almost as if he was trying to get me to quit. I was not going to let him get the best of me. I tried to remain calm as he placed another set of files on my desk to be organized and put away. 

"Have fun" he said as he smiled coyly. 

"I'm sorry he's being a jerk, he'll come around eventually" Peggy whispered to me.

 "I'm not so sure. We weren't exactly friends when we met in Atlanta."

 Just then I heard Jack yelling my name: "Brown! My office, NOW!!" I sighed knowing he was just going to give me another pointless task.

I entered his office ready to tolerate more of his sly attitude. 

"I need you to take my lunch order." 

"Excuse me? What do I look like, your mother?" I replied annoyed.

 "Peggy used to do that but she's busy on a case, so the task has fallen to you." 

"I'm not going to bring you your lunch. I'm a trained field agent, so have one of your other minions do it" I spat.

 He stood up and approached me. He stopped only inches away from me, again making my breath quicken. 

"I'll have a tuna on rye, please" he said softly while tucking a loose strand of hair behind my ear. 

I swatted his hand away which caused him to get upset again. 

"If it's not on my desk in 15 minutes you'll be staying late" he said gruffly.

 I left the room quickly and grabbed my purse. 

"Wait Brown I forgot to give you this" Jack called.

 He pulled out a ten and tucked it into my blouse. This caused a laugh out of the gentlemen, and I could feel the anger boiling inside me. I grabbed the ten and before the moment got away, I punched him straight in the jaw. This knocked him off his feet and caused his lip to start bleeding. The men stared in shock, and Peggy just gasped. I turned around and tucked the ten back in my blouse and left the office. I didn't care if I had a job when I got back, I had shut the arrogant Jack Thompson up and that was good enough for me. 

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