Young Love

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"So I calmed down Chief Thompson. He was pretty upset with you and was about ready to fire you, but I reminded him of what a good agent you are. I just wouldn't try something like that again, Melody."

 "Thank you Peggy, I won't...unless provoked." 

She rolled her eyes and smiled at me as we entered the office. All eyes were on me and whispers broke out among the men. I didn't want any trouble today, so I sat and worked quietly at my desk. I didn't see Jack all day, so I assumed he was avoiding me too.

The day raced by and soon enough it was time to head home.

 "Hey, do you want to walk out together?" Peggy asked. 

"Sorry I'm just finishing up something so I can't tonight. I'll see you tomorrow though."

 She smiled at me and headed out the door. After a few more minutes I packed up my stuff for the day and grabbed my purse. I walked by Jack's office. I almost walked in to apologize, but I decided the less it was talked about the better.

The air was cold and the sky dark, so I hurried to my car a little faster than normal. When I put the keys in the ignition, my car sputtered but refused to catch. I tried again and again, but the battery was shot. 

"Oh fuck me" I yelled.

 "At least let me buy you dinner first." 

I jumped in my seat to see Jack leaning against the hood of my car, his coy smile plastered on his face. Even though I knew he was teasing me, his smile was quite charming. 

"My car won't start" I sighed. 

Jack took off his jacket and popped open my hood. He rolled up his sleeves and set to work on my car.

 After a few minutes he said, "I tried to see if I could use jumper cables, but it looks like the battery is completely shot. You'll need to get a ride tonight. I can take you home, if you want". 

"Oh..I don't want to trouble you, I'll just call a cab.." 

"It's no issue. Just get in my car."

 I didn't argue any further and soon settled into the passenger's seat of his car.

The leather seats were quite comfortable after a long day. 

"My place is a bit of a drive, are you sure?" I asked.

 "It's fine, I don't feel like going home quite yet." 

We drove in silence for what seemed like forever, but I couldn't stand it much longer.

 "Look, I'm sorry I punched you, but I'm just as qualified as you men. I passed my training and did pretty well for myself in Atlanta. I think I should be given a fair shot."

 "I apologize for embarrassing you Melody." 

His apology sounded sincere, and that was the first time he had ever used my first name. It sent butterflies through my stomach. 

"Thank you, Chief" I replied. 

"Please, just call me Jack. I don't like how stuffy Chief sounds coming out of your mouth."

 "Are you saying you don't like the sound of my voice?" I mocked. 

"No, your voice is..lovely." 

His response took me off guard and I stumbled for a reply.

When we pulled up to my apartment I exited the car, but I didn't expect Jack to follow.

 "Oh, you don't have to walk me back to my room. It's three flights up." 

"Well I guess I'll just say goodnight now." 

We stood in an awkward silence for a moment. 

"You're gonna need a ride in the morning.." 

"Don't worry, I'll call Peggy." 

"Oh" he replied.

 He almost sounded disappointed. 

"Well goodnight, Melody."

 "Goodnight, Jack."

 I grabbed my key and headed inside.

The next morning I could hear Peggy honking her car horn from down in the parking lot. I slipped on my heels and practically sprinted down the stairs.

 "Good morning!" Peggy chirped.

 "Hi!" I replied, unusually chipper.

 Last night had lifted my spirits a little. 

"So, are you excited for your first real mission? Besides taking lunch orders, I mean." 

"What are you referring to, Peggy?"

 "Jack didn't tell you? I thought he told everyone. There's a drug ring we're preparing to infiltrate today. I'm sure he just forgot to fill you in."

 "Oh I don't think so. He doesn't want me coming on any missions. What an ass."

When I reached the SSR I immediately stormed into his office with Peggy close on my heels.

 "So, I guess I don't get any chances?" I fired at him. 

"If you're referring to the case today, then no. I don't want you tagging along on a mission we've been planning for weeks."

 "I'm a fast learner. I'm sure if you explain it to me then I'll be ready." 

"The thing is, Brown, I don't want to, and I'm Chief around here so what I saw goes." 

"Not if I have anything to do with it" replied Peggy. 

"Look Carter, this really doesn't concern you. I told her she can't go and that's final." 

"If Melody isn't allowed to go then I won't go, and you know you need me Jack."

 "Really Carter? An an ultimatum?"

 Peggy stood firm in her position and refused to drop her eye contact with Jack. 

"Jack, if it's any help I think Melody would do well in this case" Daniel Sousa cut in.

 "Daniel!" Peggy exclaimed. "I thought you weren't coming back till next week!"

 "Well, I missed you-um, well I just decided to come back early. Good too see you, Jack." 

Jack nodded in response. 

"Daniel, this is Melody, our newest edition to the team," Peggy explained. 

"Nice to meet you," I replied warmly.

 After shaking Daniel's hand I turned back to Jack. He sighed deeply and his eyes finally met mine.

 "Fine, you can tag along. Try not to get shot. Now if everyone would leave my office I would appreciate it."

I started to head out the door before Jack called after me. 

"Brown, we have to brief you on this mission. Close the door."

 Daniel and Peggy left, and once they did I shut the door and took a seat. 

"Did you get your car towed yet?" he asked.

 "What does this have to do with the case?" I said confused.

 "You're gonna need a ride, Sherlock."

 "I can ride with Peggy-"

 "No, she's riding with Daniel" he interrupted. "You can ride with me." 

"Fine, I'll see you in a bit."

 I quickly left his office and shut the door. I had to say I was excited to be riding with Jack.

Jack's POV

Even after all her yelling, after her punching me and embarrassing me in front of the guys, I couldn't help but be intrigued by Melody. She was incredibly hot headed and a total smart-ass, but so was I. Last night after I dropped her home I couldn't fall asleep. Every time I closed my eyes I just pictured her face: her cherry red lips and stunning figure. The truth was I knew she was a totally qualified field agent, I just didn't want her to get hurt. At least she would be carrying out the mission by my side, so I could protect her. Hopefully she'd let me.

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