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A few hours later I awoke in my bed to the smell of something delicious. I sat up expectantly as Jack walked in, carrying a bowl of soup and my favorite tuna melt from a sandwich shop up the street.

 "I thought you might be hungry, so I ordered you this." 

He placed the food down on my night table. 

"Now look who's taking lunch orders." 

I bit into the sandwich and settled back into my pillows.

 "It's getting late, you know. You might want to start heading home Jack."

 "Well, I thought since it's your first night home it's best if I stay over." 

I gave him a look which made him avert his eyes. 

"Don't worry, I'll spend the night on the couch." 

I smiled to myself and took another bite of my sandwich. I wasn't satisfied with Jack teasing me earlier, so I decided to push the envelope.

"You know, these hospital clothes aren't very nice. I was wondering if I could get changed into something more...comfortable." 

I motioned over to the top drawer of my dresser. 

"There should be a red silk nightgown in there. Would you be so kind as to grab it for me?"

 I batted my eyes at him, and he slowly walked over to my dresser. He opened the drawer and pulled out the nightgown.

 "I'll just leave while you get changed-"

 "Oh actually," I interrupted, "I could use some help getting my blouse off..because of the stitches."

 I sat up in my bed as he walked behind me. He gingerly lifted my top off so I was just in my bra. I looked over my shoulder at him as his eyes met mine. Under the bed sheet I slowly removed the pants they had given me. I kept my bottom half hidden: he would have to use his imagination for that part. He grabbed my nightgown and slowly helped me put it on.

 "Thank you." I whispered. 

Even after I was dressed he didn't move and slowly bent down to me. I thought he would give in to me, but he simply placed a kiss on my cheek and left the room.

The next morning I sat up groggily in my bed. I found a cup of tea on my nightstand and a note from Jack that said, "I'll be back soon. Drink up." 

I smiled and drank my tea. After my tea I decided to try and walk. Shakily I sat up and swung my legs over the side of the bed. I misjudged my strength and tried to stand, but my legs wobbled and I fell to the ground.

"Melody!" I heard Jack exclaim he rushed over to me and immediately started helping me.

 "I'm fine, I was just trying to stand-"

 I hadn't realized that my nightgown was covered in blood. 

"Your stitches opened up again. Lay back down, I'll fix them." 

I collapsed back onto my bed and tried to control my breathing. Jack entered my room again with a needle and medical wire. He tenderly lifted up my nightgown and removed the bandage covering my wound. 

"This won't kill you but it aint gonna tickle either, Brown. Just lay still." 

He threaded the needle and began working on my wound. I gritted my teeth and tried to focus on anything but the needle, like how messy but cute Jack's hair was.


He carefully covered my wound back up and pulled over my nightgown. 

"Where did you learn how to sew up wounds?" I asked him. 

"In the war. It's a handy piece of knowledge, especially considering the field of work we're in."

 "Is that where you got those marks on your back, too? In the war?"

 Jack tensed up for a moment, and a dark look came over his face.

 "Yes. I probably deserve them after all that I've done." 

"I think everyone has something in their past that they're not proud of."

 "That may be true, but not everyone gets a medal for it."

 I could see this was something that was painful to talk about, so I decided to drop the subject.

"You know what I think you need?" Jack asked as he tried to cover up the emotions he had shown a second ago, "A nice warm bath. I'll go get the water started."

 He left my room quickly and a second later I heard the water turn on in the bathroom. He helped me up again and I managed to slowly walk to the bathroom. 

"Can you manage getting in?" Jack asked. 

I nodded and smiled.

The hot bath water and soft bubbles felt so comforting on my skin. Jack had been so kind to me these past few days, and I felt guilty for needing so much help. I liked to be independent, but he made it easy to depend on him. A soft knock came on the door, and Jack peaked his head in. I dipped lower into the tub, making sure the bubbles were covering me.

 "Sorry to interrupt, I just came to bring you a change of clothes."

 He laid down a new nightgown and my black silk robe on the shelf next to the sink.

When I left the bathroom I found Jack sitting on my couch reading the paper. I sat down next to him and turned on the radio. 

"Aren't you needed back at the station?"

 "I told them I was taking some time off. Besides, Daniel is pretty good at managing them all." 

"Well the least I can do is make you dinner."

 "Don't worry about it, just rest up. I think the real thing the station is missing right now is you."

 I yawned and rubbed my eyes sleepily.

 "I think you should head back to bed now, Brown. It's been quite an exciting day, heading to the tub was quite an ordeal."

 I smiled at him and laughed. I went to stand but he once again insisted on carrying me to my room.

He set me down gently and tucked the covers around me. He turned off the light and turned to head out the door. 

"Wait, Jack." I called.

 He turned back around to face me. 

"Will you just...lay here with me?" I whispered. 

He slid onto the bed but kept his distance, as if he was scared to get close to me.

 "Closer." I whispered.

 Jack slid closer so his chest touched my back.

 "Goodnight, Jack." I said softly before drifting off into the land of dreams.

Jack's POV

As I watched her sleep, I realized how comfortable I'd become with her. Every time I thought I had found someone special, something always went wrong. I was trying so hard to not get too attached, but she had this power over me. I never even had talked to Daniel, my best friend, about half the stuff I've told Melody. I wanted to tell her the truth about my time in the war, but I feared she would leave me. I smoothed down her hair and became intoxicated just by watching her chest rise and fall. I couldn't be feeling this deeply about her already, could I? 

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