How High The Moon

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I was getting really tired of cooking, but I loved all the time I was spending with Jack. 

"So for your last night of home-cooked meals I made something bean casserole!" 

"There's nothing special about green bean casserole," Jack said confused.

 "That's true. I was just trying to hide the fact I was too lazy to make anything creative."

 "I'm sure it's good because you made it." 

He ate in silence for a moment and I watched Jack's face. He looked like he was lost in thought. 

"Is something up?" I asked him.

 "Yes, kind of. It's just-" 

He took my hand in his and stared deeply into my eyes. 

"I've wanted to tell you something for awhile now but I've been too.." 

"Too what, Jack?" I said softly.

 "Scared. I'm scared that if I tell you this it will ruin what we have."

 I squeezed his hand and softly touched his cheek. 

"I care too much about you to let the past stand in the way. Just tell me." 

He sighed deeply and explained the story about how he got his Navy Cross during the war.

"So I shot them. I didn't realize they were surrendering. I got rid of the flag and didn't tell anyone. It kills me that I even accepted the Navy Cross."

 He stood up and walked over to the window. I got up and softly grabbed his arm so he would face me. I rested my head on his chest and hugged him. 

"I'm not judging you. During war you have to make split second decisions and sometimes they're not always the right decision. It's just a part of life."

 "The thing is if anyone found out I could lose my job, my whole livelihood." 

I kissed him and looked up into his eyes. 

"Your secret is safe with me, and I know Peggy won't say anything. It's best just to forgive yourself and move on."

He wrapped his arms around me and I took in his deliciously masculine cologne. 

"What about you, Brown? Are you keeping any secrets from me?"

 I laughed softly.

 "None that I can think of."

 "What about that weird exchange you had with Frankie Russo? Don't think I didn't notice the way he was looking at you."

 I took a step back and turned away from Jack.

 "I'm...I'm not sure." 

Hazy memories clouded my mind. 

Jack stepped in front of me.

 "Hey, I'm sorry I was just teasing."

 I snapped out of my trance and gave him a small smile. 

"Oh no it's fine. I was just thinking." 

I gave him a reassuring look and headed for the kitchen.

 "You're on dish duty Chief."

Jack's POV

I wasn't prying for information, but I found Melody's reaction to be a little strange. I concealed my concern and went on with the night. When she left I couldn't help but feel that something was off. I tossed and turned the whole night. Was she keeping something from me?

A few weeks later Daniel and I were working in my office on some Frankie Russo leads. There was some evidence that he was on the move, but to where we didn't know. 

"We have this photo of him entering his Muntz car two days after we went to the hotel. He seems to be in Queens."

 "I doubt he plans to stay there. He knows we're after him. Russo's probably getting his affairs together and then skipping town." 

Daniel nodded in agreement.

As I was studying some more photographs I heard a knock on my door.

 "Come in!"

 Melody walked in and placed two cups of coffee on my desk. 

"I thought you guys might want a drink. What are you working on?"

 "Some new photos we found of Frankie" Daniel replied. 

He slid a stack of photos over to Melody and she picked them up. She flipped through a few and then stopped suddenly on one photo.

 "What's wrong Melody?" I asked. 

Her expression was serious and quite alarmed.

 "It's just...this photo...the car looks so familiar..." 

I watched her face closely.

 "How familiar?" 

"I don't know in what way but I've seen that car before."

 "They're a pretty common model" Daniel filled in.

 "It's not that, it's something about this particular car."

 She looked up at us and cleared the worried expression from her face.

 "It's probably just a coincidence. I should go."

 Melody quickly walked out of my office and closed the door.

 "Was that a little strange to you too, Jack?" 

"Yes," I replied, "Very strange indeed."

Melody's POV

My head was spinning when I left Jack's office. 

I couldn't describe why I was so drawn to that car, I just was. Peggy noticed my pale face and quickly hurried over to me.

 "You look very ill Melody. Is everything alright?" 

"I'm fine, I think I'm just going to get a breath of fresh air." 

I grabbed my purse and hurried to the stairs. I headed out of the New York Bell Company and started walking downtown. I continued walking through a sketchy area, but I wasn't scared. I stopped in front of a liquor shop, Barney's liquor and Spirits. 

I opened the door and the little shop bell rang as I stepped inside. A plump, bushy-faced man in his sixties turned to look at me from the counter. 

"Hello Miss, what can I do for you today?" 

"Oh, I was just looking around." 

He smiled and nodded his head. 

"Well, let me know if there is anything I can do for you."

 I ran my fingers over some bottles of liquor until I reached the wine section. I stopped and picked up a bottle of red wine and began reading the label. I stopped short when I saw the title.

 Melody's Creation

The bottle slipped from my hand and came crashing to the floor. 

"Miss! Are you alright?" the man exclaimed.

 "I'm so sorry sir, I'll pay for," I said as I handed him some cash.

 He took the money and hurried back to the register to grab a mop. I intended to leave but I couldn't just yet.

 "Sir, the wine I dropped...where is the vineyard that makes it?" 

"It's from a small town in Georgia, Miss." 

I gulped loudly. 

"Yeah, I was afraid of that." 

Stubborn and in Love (Book One)Where stories live. Discover now