Our Love Affair

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Melody's POV

I still felt like I was in a dream when I awoke. It took me a second to realize I was in a hospital room. The events of last night came rushing back to me, and panicked I tried to sit up. 

"Ouch!" I yelped, forgetting about my injury.

 I hadn't even realized Jack was asleep beside me, but he woke up to the sound of my voice. 

"Melody, thank God you're awake." he whispered. 

"I'm sorry I woke you up." I whispered back. 

I lifted my hand to adjust my hair when I realized the ring on my finger was missing.

 "Oh, Jack..I told you I was going to lose it.."

 "Don't worry," he said as he pulled the ring out of his pocket, "I found it." 

We both stared at the ring for a moment, too afraid to say what was on our minds. 

"When do I get to go home?" I asked.

 "The doctor said you should be ready to leave in a couple of days."

 "Is there any chance we could move that date up to like...today?"

 "I'm not sure you're ready to leave yet, Melody. You should just try and rest, okay?" 

I nodded and soon I was fast asleep again.

I sighed, exasperated by the constant attention the nurses and doctors had been giving me. It was my third day in the hospital and I was dying to leave. A soft knock came on the door and in came Daniel, Peggy, Jack, and a man I'd never seen before. 

"Melody, allow me to introduce Jarvis." Peggy said.

 "It's a pleasure to meet you Melody. I'm Peggy's driver, but I prefer partner in crime." 

I smile and shake his hand gently.

 "It's nice to meet you Jarvis. So, what is the occasion of this visit today?"

 "Well, we've come to set you free." Daniel replied. 

I looked excitedly at Jack.

 "Am I really going home?"

 "Yep, we just signed the release forms." Jack said grinning.

 A nurse came in with a wheelchair and helped me get out of my hospital bed. Jack wheeled me down to a fancy car, one I assumed Jarvis would be driving, and slowly helped me get in.

Once at home Jarvis grabbed my belongings and carried them inside. 

"I don't think you should walk up three flights of stairs." 

"How do you suppose I get to my apartment, Jack?"

 Before I had time to protest he scooped me into his arms and carried me wedding style up to my apartment. Once upstairs he set me down gently on my bed. 

"You're quite strong. I didn't expect that from you." I said playfully. 

He flashed me one of his charming smiles, the type that made my heart start to flutter. 

"Melody, I left your stuff on your kitchen table. I can assume Jack has the rest covered."

 "Oh thank you so much, Jarvis. I hope to see you again soon." 

He smiled and nodded, and I waited until I heard the door close.

When I heard the click, I grabbed Jack by his jacket and pulled him in for a kiss. He was surprised at first but soon leaned in, grabbing my hips and pulling me into him. He pulled away to my surprise.

 "As much as I'd love to continue this Melody, your stitches are still delicate." 

He sat up from my bed and pulled the covers around me. 

"You're no fun." I said disappointed.

 He leaned in close to me, so close I felt his breath tickle my ear.

 "Plus, it's more fun to tease, remember?" 

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