Mack The Knife

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It was the morning of the big mission, and after a long talk with Jack he agreed to let me come-

Only if I went with him. 

All the agents met together one last time to discuss the plan again, and then everyone took off for the hotel. First Daniel's team headed out and set up men all around the hotel. Once this was done, Jack and Peggys' teams arrived.

 "Heads up everyone. They could be in disguise" Jack commented. 

Peggy motioned to her team and they scattered casually around the hotel. After everyone was posted in their stations, Jack, Peggy, and I headed to the cellar. It was padlocked so I pulled out my lock pick kit. I popped the lock open a minute and Jack led us down the stairs.

"Look, tell them if the money isn't given to me within the next week there will be bigger consequences than just a kneecapping." 

Jack halted on the stairs and we watched as Russo hung up the phone. 

There were two bodyguards on either side of his desk. There was a stack of money on his desk, and some large bags of cocaine in the corner. I

 studied Russo's face. He was much younger than I expected, somewhere in his early thirties. He had slicked black hair and lively, deep brown eyes. His lips were full, and they reminded me of a time long ago. 

"On my signal" Jack whispered. 

We each pulled out our weapons and I took a deep breath. Jack nodded to Peggy and I and we jumped out of the shadows.

 "SSR, get your hands in the air!" Peggy yelled. 

"Well it's nice to see you too, Agent Carter" Russo said.

 His voice was smooth like the brandy sitting on his desk. 

His eyes went from Peggy to mine, and his expression changed to surprise. He kept his eyes on me for a long time which sent jitters through my body. Jack seemed to notice our exchange and grew more forceful.

 "Get up Russo, you're coming with us."

 Russo lit a cigar and leaned back in his chair chuckling.

 "What's so funny?" Jack pressed. 

"You. You agents feel so entitled and powerful. You think you control the crime. The truth is: the crime controls you."

I kept my weapon pointed on Russo, but I noticed something out of the corner of my eye. There was a shiny metal handle on the side of the concrete wall. I squinted at it, only to realize there was a tiny red light flashing on it. 

"Jack, there's a-"

 Before I could finish my sentence a huge explosion knocked us off our feet. I was thrown against the opposite wall and knocked my head hard. I sat up slowly and saw both Jack and Peggy were unconscious. I stayed still and watched as Russo gathered his money and bags of cocaine. I scrambled quickly for my gun, and just as the men were heading through the wall I managed to shoot Russo in his shoulder. 

He fumbled for a second and looked back at me. His calm eyes were filled with a rage I'd never seen before.

 I also saw pain in his eyes, as if he had been hurt by someone he cared for. 

My desire to run after him faltered...something seemed too familiar. 

He kept his eyes glued to me for a moment, and then continued with his escape.

I crawled over to Jack and Peggy and tried to help them gain consciousness. Jack woke up and rubbed his head, obviously in pain. 

"What the hell just happened?" 

"I tried to warn you, but I guess I was a little too late" I replied. 

"Just a tad," he added. 

Peggy was still out cold, so Jack and I dragged her out of the basement. Daniel met us outside and his eyes filled with worry when he saw Peggy. 

"Is she hurt badly?" 

"No, she's just knocked out. She'll wake up soon." 

A few minutes later Peggy started to stir to Daniel's relief. 

"Did we get him?" she asked.

 "No, but I managed to injure him. The way he looked at me...I have never been more terrified in my entire life." 

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