You Made Me Love You

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We rode in silence the rest of the way back. The office was dark when we went inside. Everyone had gone home already, and it was just us left. We walked into his office and he slammed the door shut. 

"Look, I know running off without warning wasn't the best plan of action but I didn't want him to get away. We were so close to really ending this drug ring and I thought-" 

He interrupted my train of thought and started yelling. 

"You are the most ignorant, fiery, stubborn, and headstrong woman I've met, and we all know Peggy. You just, you-" 

He grabbed me suddenly and pulled me into a kiss.

His intensity from the moment before didn't stop short, and he grabbed my arms and pinned me against the wall. I leaned further into the kiss and pulled away only for a moment to bite his bottom lip. He smiled playfully at me and worked his way down my neck, kissing all the right places. My breath quickened and hitched when he kissed my collar bone. He let go of my arms and moved his hands onto my waist. All the tension between us was melting away, but I couldn't let him win that easily. I pulled away from him to his dismay.

 "What's wrong?" he whispered.

 "Sorry Jack, I don't give it up that easily."

 I straightened my blouse and went to head out the door, but he grabbed me by my hips and spun me around to face him. He was only inches away from me, and I could feel the heat of his breath on my neck. 

"If I kiss you again I bet you won't pull away." 

"You're right, so that's why I'm leaving." 

I headed down the hall as he called after me.

 "Can I buy you dinner?"

 "Maybe some other time."

 I smiled seductively at him. 

"So what, are you just gonna tease me Brown?" 

"It's more fun to tease you, Jack." 

With that, I headed out the door.

Peggy picked me up the next morning because my car was still in the shop. 

"Peggy, I can't believe you didn't tell me about you and Daniel!"

 Blushing Peggy replied, "Oh, well, it's pretty new so we didn't want to make a big deal about it." 

"He seems perfect for you, Peg. He's a real gentleman."

 "Oh that reminds me Melody, how did your talk with Jack go last night? Did he rip into you?" 

"You could say that." I reply, remembering him playing with my blouse. 

She gave me a confused look but luckily she didn't push it. I was nervous to see Jack today. After last night I didn't know how he was going to treat me.

When we arrived I quietly slipped into my chair and started my work. Jack walked out of his office and we made direct eye contact. I was determined not to break it first: I didn't want him knowing how nervous I was. To my horror he started to walk towards me. 

"Can I speak with you a minute, Brown?" 

I nodded silently and followed him to his office. I sat down, anxious he would try and talk about last night. If he did, I might not be able to control my actions.

"There's a mission I need you for. There's a big banker investment party tonight at The Park Sheraton Hotel. A man by the name of James Clarence is rumored to be selling weapons on the black market."

 "What's our cover story?" I ask.

 "We're going to be a newlywed couple by the names of Harry and Sarah Jensen."

 "I think I have an old wedding ring at my apartment we can use-" 

"Don't bother, I have one here."

 Jack pulled out a beautiful sparkling diamond set in the middle of some other tiny gems.

 "Oh's beautiful. Where did you get it?"

 "It was my mother's ring. She passed away a few years ago but she thought I should have the family ring."

 "Jack I can't wear this, what if I lose it tonight? I would never want you to lose a gift like this."

 "It's no problem, here." 

He delicately took my hand and slipped the ring onto my finger. I stared at it, breathless. It was the prettiest ring I had ever seen.

 "By the way, the party is pretty high-class. You'll need something a little fancier than a pencil skirt." 

"I'll just go grab an outfit from home quickly. I'll meet you back here in an hour, okay?"

 A little while later I was back at the SSR with an outfit picked out. 

"Hey Peg, is there somewhere I can change? I have to get ready for the party tonight."

 "Sure, use the men's changing room down the hall."

 I gave her a skeptical look. 

"Don't worry, I do it all the time."

 I roll my eyes and set off down the hall. I knocked softly on the door just in case someone was in there. The coast was clear, and I quickly set off to getting changed.

Just as I had taken off my blouse and skirt the door swung open to reveal Jack, tux in hand. I yelped and tried to cover the fact that I was standing only in a gold slip. 

"Oh jeez, sorry.." 

He quickly averted his eyes and turned around. 

"I'll just go to the other side of the lockers." 

I grabbed my stuff and shuffled over awkwardly. 

"You forgot this." Jack said before throwing my blouse over the lockers. 

We changed in silence. I slipped on my heels and my black dress that hugged my curves perfectly. I tried to zip up the back but the zipper was stuck. I sighed and gritted my teeth. I hated asking for help, especially from Jack. I walked out from behind the lockers to see Jack's back turned to me. He had his dress pants on but no shirt, which revealed his impressive back muscles. I noticed scarring on his back, almost like he'd been whipped. He turned around and stopped short when he saw me.

 "You look....gorgeous." 

My eyes lingered on his perfect abs and biceps. I quickly snapped out of my trance to see him smiling slyly at me. I blushed a deep crimson. How could I let him see how into him I was? 

"My zipper is stuck.." 

He approached me and I turned around and brushed my hair out of the way. His hands glided down to my lower back and grabbed the zipper tenderly. Once my dress was zipped I let him get finished changing. 

Stubborn and in Love (Book One)Where stories live. Discover now