I've Got You Under My Skin

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When I walked into the office Monday morning I saw that the shades in Jack's office were fully drawn. 

My eyes were still puffy from crying over the weekend. 

Peggy gave me a sad look and Daniel too. I only saw Jack once that day when he left to get coffee. We made brief eye contact, and I saw the pain in his eyes.

 No one was there to walk me to my car, or fight off people at the bar, or make me laugh when I was getting upset. 

No matter how much we fought over things, we always managed to patch things up.

 Not this time. This time, it broke us.

I knocked on his door a couple weeks later to give him some files.

 "I just finished organizing these Jack- I mean Chief." 

He looked up at me with a blank expression. 

"You can just leave them on my desk."

 I nodded and set them down carefully. I lingered for a moment, unsure of what to say.

 His eyes looked hopeful, but I couldn't give him what he wanted. 

I left and slumped into my chair. 

"You know what you need Melody?"

 "A strong drink?" I replied.

 "No..a night on the town. With me."

 I sighed and looked over at Peggy.

 "I don't know if I'm ready for that yet, Peg-" 

"Yes you are. And before you argue anymore I already have planned for Jarvis to pick me and you up at eight, so be ready." 

I rolled my eyes at her and smiled slightly. 

"Fine, only for you."

Later that night I was busy curling my hair and doing my makeup. I had picked out a seductive red dress, one that was perfect for getting men to dance with me. I spritzed on my perfume and headed down to Jarvis' car.

 Peggy and I chatted as we headed to the most popular nightclub in town. Even from outside I could hear the lively jazz music playing. 

We headed inside and grabbed a table at the front. We ordered drinks and surveyed the dance floor for optimal dancing partners. I wasn't really in the mood to dance now that I arrived. 

"So what's Daniel doing tonight?" I asked Peggy.

 "I told him I was treating you to a girl's night. He seemed to have plans too."

We chatted for a little and ordered another round of drinks. Peggy was busy laughing when she stopped short, looking at the entrance. 

"Oh crackers" she mumbled.

 I looked in the direction of the entrance and saw none other than Daniel and...Jack.

 I shot dagger eyes at Peggy as her and Daniel made eye contact. Daniel broke away from Jack and hurried towards us. 

"What are you two doing here?" Peggy exclaimed. 

"I thought it was a good idea to get Jack out...I guess you had the same idea," Daniel said as he glanced at me.

 Jack had a drink in hand as Daniel approached him. I could tell Daniel was giving Jack the news of my whereabouts and he looked quite nervous.

He glanced over at me and his jaw dropped.

 I could tell he liked my dress. 

Peggy smiled at Daniel and looked pleadingly at me. 

"Go have fun," I told her.

 Jack gave me another look and then turned towards the bar. I looked away for a minute and sighed into my drink. When I looked back up I could see him talking with a woman at the bar

. I felt heat boiling in my stomach. 

"Two can play at this game," I muttered to myself. 

I turned my attention to a young man who'd been stealing looks at me the entire night. He headed in my direction with a smirk.

"Wanna dance honey?" 

I smiled sweetly and took him up on his offer. I rested my hand on his shoulder as his made its way uncomfortably down my back. I broke my eye contact with the man who said his name was Fred and looked at Jack.

 Jack clenched his jaw and then led the blond he was talking to onto the dance floor. 

Love Letters In the Sand played softly as we each swayed with our new partners. We sneaked glances at each other from across the dance floor. Fred dipped me low and Jack pulled the blond closer to him.

 By the end of the song we were both fuming.

"So, can I buy you a drink?" 

I looked at Fred with disdain. 

"No I'm good," I said as I walked to the bar by myself.

 I sipped on a martini and watched Peggy and Daniel dance together. 

"They're really sweet together."

 I looked over at Jack who'd snuck up next to me.

 "Yeah, they seem happy." 

I kicked my drink back and placed it on the bar for a refill.

 "Don't you think you're drinking a little too much?"

 "Why would you care?" I snapped.

 Jack rolled his eyes.

 "C'mon, can't we just bypass all of this? If you'd just be honest with me it could be us on that dance floor." 

I clenched my fits, resisting the urge to slap Jack.

"If you'd trust me then, yes, we could be on that floor."

 I sighed angrily.

 "Look if you see Peggy tell her I'm headed home."

 "Wait, Mel-" 

I didn't let Jack finish his sentence. 

I stood outside in the cold air and closed my eyes for a moment. 

Hot tears began to roll down my face.

 I wanted to apologize, to tell him all the weird things that had been happening lately...but he'd get suspicious. I began to walk down the street towards home.

It got to be more and more quiet as I walked farther away from the nightclub. I looked around warily. Usually I was fine alone, but tonight it felt as if someone was watching me. My steps were slightly uneven as well from the drinks I had downed earlier. I turned a corner to take a short-cut down an alley when a hand covered my mouth. 

I thrashed furiously as a man's voice whispered smoothly in my ear.

 "Sorry Mel, but you can't run away from your past forever." 

Before I knew it I was hit over the head, and my world went black.

Who has kidnapped Melody? How will Jack ever find her? Will our two agents ever be able to rekindle their love? Come back soon for book two!!  

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