Do You Want To Dance

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"Are you ready to go?" 

"Yes, I think so," I reply. 

The whole ride over I kept twisting the ring around my finger. I had never worn something so expensive, or so beautiful.

 "It looks very pretty on your finger," Jack said, interrupting my thoughts.

 I smiled softly at him as he pulled the car into the lot outside the hotel. Before I had a chance to open my door, Jack swung it open for me. 

"You can be a gentleman when you want to be," I tease.

 He holds out his arm for me, and I happily link my arm with his. Once inside we order drinks. 

"What can I get you?" the bartender asks us.

 "A Singapore Sling" Jack and I say in unison.

 The bartender smiles widely at us.

 "You two really are newlyweds." 

Jack grins at me as we grab our drinks and survey the party. The room was large and airy with beautiful marble flooring and gold embellished columns. Everyone was dressed in the most expensive attire, and it was intoxicating being around all this glamour.

"Keep your eyes peeled for Clarence." 

I nodded my head and began to look around for our man. The band started playing In the Still of the Night, one of my favorite songs. 

"I love this song." I tell Jack. 

Without a word, he holds out his hand and leads me onto the dance floor. We start swaying to the music, and Jack pulls me closer into him causing my breath to hitch. 

"Did I tell you how beautiful you look tonight?" Jack whispers in my ear.

 "Yes, I believe you did. Thank you. That tux suits you too." 

Just as the song ends he dips me, our lips almost touching. He brings me back up slowly, causing all the tension that was released last night to build back up again.

Over his shoulder I spot Clarence entering the party with two slinky dressed women attached to each arm. 

"Look, there's our guy."

 Jack spins around and assesses the situation. 

"Okay we're going to introduce ourselves to him, and pretend like we're interested buyers. Remember to use the code names."

 As we approach Clarence he spots us, his eyes bugging out of his head. He motions to someone up on the balcony and a ring of gunshots break out. Jack pulls me behind the bar as we load our weapons. 

"Okay, new plan. Melody, you go after Clarence and I'll get the guys on the balcony. Please be careful."

 "Don't worry, I will. Stay safe Jack." 

After one last nod we break off into our new missions.

I follow Clarence through the crowd and watch as he ducks into a back room. I quickly follow him back there and enter a dark room. The lights suddenly switch on to reveal Clarence with two large men. 

"Shoot, now!" Clarence screams.

 Before I had time to react a shot rang out..straight into my gut.

I collapsed onto the ground and watched as Clarence and his men got away. My vision grew too hazy to see much of anything. When I touched the wound, dark red blood covered my hand. I lay defeated onto the ground, barely able to stay awake. I heard someone open the door but am too weak to really know who it was.

Jack's POV

When I entered the back room, I found Melody collapsed in a pool of blood. 

"Melody!" I scream before collapsing on the ground with her.

 Her breathing was shallow and I could tell she was fighting for air.

 "Please, hold on Melody. Hold on, I'm going to get you out of here."

 I quickly shrug off my jacket and tie it tightly around her waist to stop the bleeding. She yelps out of pain, and I can't help but wince with her. 

"I know I'm sorry that hurt. I had to stop the bleeding, please just stay with me."

The events after that I barely remember. An ambulance arrived and rushed Melody off to the hospital. I went to go follow when I found my mother's ring laying in Melody's blood. I pick it up gingerly and wrap it in my handkerchief. I grab my keys and rush off to the hospital. 

"Please, let me go see her. I'm her boss, she was hurt on my watch." 

"I'm sorry sir but she's still in surgery." the nurse replies. 

"Jack!" I hear Peggy and Daniel exclaim. 

They rush towards me with worry written all over their faces.

 "What happened? Is she alright??" Peggy exclaims. 

"She's still in surgery. The doctors don't know..they don't know if she's gonna.." 

I couldn't even choke out the words. Daniel put his hand on my back and guided me to a seat in the waiting room.

After what seemed like forever a nurse came out to tell us the surgery had gone well, but she was still in critical condition. 

"She'll need to stay here for awhile while we monitor her vitals and such."

 I could only manage a nod as a reply. 

"When can we see her?" Peggy asks the nurse.

 "Tomorrow she will be allowed visitors. I suggest you folks go home and get some sleep." 

"Did you hear that, Jack?" Daniel asks, "Looks like we should get you home." 

"I'm not leaving till I know she's okay."

 "Peggy, you go home, I'll stay with him." 

Peggy plants a quick kiss on Daniel's cheek and leaves. I pull out the ring, still covered in her blood. 

"Isn't that your mother's ring?" 

"Yes. I had Melody wear it as a part of our cover story. She looked so beautiful with it on. It really suited her." 

"Maybe someday you can give it to her for real." 

I spent all night polishing off the ring and twirling it in my fingers as I had watched Melody do in my car.

Morning arrived before I had even realized, and I walked up to the nurses' station to check if I could visit Melody. 

"She's still unconscious but you can go in." 

When I opened the door I saw her lying there, brown hair still as perfect as ever. I took a seat next to her bed and took her hand in mine. The long night was catching up with me and I slowly started to drift off to sleep. 

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