Yakety Yak

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Melody's POV

"Alright gentlemen-and ladies-circle up!" 

We all gathered around Jack as he pointed to a board covered in photos and evidence. 

"We've located Frankie Russo. Just in case you boneheads haven't learned how to read the paper yet, he's a pretty important mobster. His operation is currently hiding out in the cellar of a hotel in Manhattan. He doesn't plan to go down without a fight." 

Something about that name struck a chord with me...but I didn't know why. I shook the strange feeling off and focused on the task again. Jack went on to explain more about the mission and how we planned to infiltrate. 

"Peggy, Daniel and I will be leading teams. Daniel's team will secure the perimeter, Peggy's team will focus on the lower ranked men, and my team will go in after Russo. We will carry out this mission in two days so get ready." 

Jack strangely didn't address me, so I followed him back into his office and shut the door.

"So, who am I assigned to, Chief?" 

He sighed and pretended to be busy loading his gun. 

"Jack. Just answer the question." 

He looked up at me for a moment.

 "About that..." 

"Don't even tell me. You didn't assign me with anyone, did you?"

 Anger started to boil inside of me once again. 

"Look, you got shot a couple weeks ago. I didn't think it was a good idea to have you out on the field yet."

"How many times do we have to go over this? It's a risk I'm willing to take-"

 "Yeah well I'm not willing to take that risk" he interrupted.

 "Jack," I said softly, "I get you're worried, but I can handle myself. You have to learn to trust me." 

I approached him slowly and rested my hand on his shoulder. He immediately tensed up when I touched him. 

"What are you not telling me?"

 "It's nothing," he said while brushing my hand off his shoulder. 

"Jack would you just tell me-"

 "I have nothing to tell," he snapped, "Just get out of my office. I have work to do." 

I spun on my heel and slammed the door behind me. If he wanted to act like a jerk again, then I was not planning on indulging him.

Everyone was planning on working late tonight because of the upcoming mission.

 "I'm thinking Chinese food. What about you, Peg?" Daniel asked.

 "I think that sounds good. Everyone put your orders in so it'll get here when we take a break."

 I was engrossed in my work until I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up to see Jack with his overcoat in hand. 

"Hey, do you wanna get out of here?" he asked.

 "Aren't we all staying late to prepare?"

 "Well, the nice thing about being the boss is I'll just leave all my work for Sousa to take care of." J

ack grinned at Daniel as he rolled his eyes.

 "C'mon, Brown. Don't be such a Peggy."

 To this Peggy rolled her eyes. I smiled and took his hand, and together we left the office.

We arrived at a bar a couple minutes away from the SSR office. We grabbed a table towards the back to avoid the crowds of drunken people. 

"I'll go grab us a drink. What do you want?"

 "I'll have a martini, please" I replied. 

I was in the middle of fixing my lipstick when I saw a tall scruffy looking man approach me. 

"What is a beautiful dame like yourself doing sitting alone?"

 "I'm not alone," I replied. 

He looked around dramatically and turned back to me. 

"Looks like you're alone," he said while sliding into the seat next to me. 

I rolled my eyes and scooted farther away from him. I'd dealt with too many guys like him before. He attempted to make small talk and then reached out to touch me.

"Lay a finger on her and I'll kick your ass back to Timbuktu."

 I looked up to see Jack standing with our drinks. I could tell he was upset by the way he clenched his jaw. The scruffy man stood up and squared his shoulders with Jack's.

 "Oh yeah? Prove it." 

Jack took a swing at the man that sent him flying over the table next to us. The man stood up, enraged, and went after Jack. He swung at him but missed, so Jack took the opportunity to sock him in his stomach. The man grunted and fell to the ground. Jack turned around to say something but the man stood again and grabbed Jack by his shoulder and knocked him right in the eye. The bartender then escorted both men out of the bar. I snatched Jack's coat and followed him outside. 

"What the hell happened?" Daniel exclaimed as we entered the SSR office.

 "Jack decided to get himself into a bar fight when he didn't need to," I explained.

 Peggy brought him an ice pack and held it over his eye.

 "That guy was bothering you so I decided to take care of him." 

I sighed, but then a smile spread to my face. 

"I think someone was just a little jealous." 

"I was not jealous."

 Peggy gave a sideways look at me and laughed.

 "I think you were, Jack. I think someone has a crush on Mel-"

 "I DO NOT."

 Jack snatched the ice pack out of Peggy's hand. 

"If you'll all excuse me I'm going to head home." 

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