Trust In Me

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Melody's POV

I loaded up my handgun and placed it in my thigh holster. It came in handy more often than you would think. I grabbed a few other gadgets of my own design, like my lock picks and perfume that would make people tell me any information I wanted to know. I tucked these items carefully away and re-adjusted my skirt and hair before meeting Jack outside.

He opened the door for me and once again I slid into his comfortable car seat. He placed his rifle in the back and then hopped in next to me. 

"Are you sure you want to come? It could be dangerous." 

"Of course, this is what I'm prepared to do."

 "Fine, you better just stick close to my side, Melody." 

I turned away and smiled to myself. I wasn't going to complain about being close to Jack.

We were headed to an abandoned warehouse where the drugs were being distributed to local dealers. We knew the guy in charge would be on this delivery because of the size of the load. Jack parked the car behind some bushes so we wouldn't be seen. He handed me another gun and motioned for me to get behind him. Slowly we crept out of the bushes and waited for the truck to arrive.

A big truck showed up a few minutes later, and Jack and I headed closer to the warehouse. We saw the man we were looking for and got ready to bust the operation open. We waited for the signal from Daniel and Peggy. He motioned to us and we jumped out from behind the warehouse. 

"SSR, hand up!" Jack yelled.

 The men quickly put down their weapons but their boss, a man called Hardy, took off running into the building. I took off after him, only to hear Jack yelling behind me.

 "Melody, wait!! Dammit, Peggy you handle them, I'm going after her."

I entered the warehouse cautiously with my gun cocked and ready. There were many empty crates Hardy could be hiding behind, so I ducked behind one after another and waited for gunshots. Just then I felt a hand on my shoulder. I went to scream but the man covered my face, and I realized it was Jack. I took a breath of relief as we stayed behind the crate. He went to say something before a spray of gunshots rang out into the air. We ducked down farther and began shooting at the direction the bullets were coming from. 

"Dammit, I'm out of bullets!" Jack yells.

 "Here!" I exclaim. 

I pull up my skirt to reveal my thigh holster. I whip out my handgun and hand it to Jack who still looked shocked that I would hoist my skirt up that high. He took it and started firing off until he heard a scream from the other side of the warehouse.

I got up with him to go check it out, but he put his hand on my shoulder and shoved me down. 

"Stay put!"

 "But Jack-" 

"That's an order!" 

He ran up to Hardy and smoothly placed cuffs on him. Jack started giving him directions, and his voice was firm. He was incredibly sexy when he acted like such a strong, commanding chief. After that whole debacle I was talking with Peggy when Jack grabbed me by my wrist and started dragging me back to his car. 

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" I yell.

 "You're coming with me. We need to have a talk back at my office."

 "At this hour? It's almost ten o'clock." 

"Too bad Agent Brown, it's mandatory."

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