Part 1

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Roli Divedi...

She was busy in packing her clothes...

The excitement was shown on her face...

Why not... its her dream which is coming true...

Her mouth was murmuring her favourite song...

The big bag was filled with new dresses purchased by her...

It took almost 10 days for her to get that collection going to various shops...

It was selected seeing color.. design... pattern.. trend... 

Finally her packing is completed...

She once again checked whether everything is packed without missing and closed the bag...

Then she took the towel and rushed towards the washroom...

She took a nice shower slightly dancing on excitement...

Then came out wrapping a towel around her...

She stood in front of the mirror and started applying the cream on her body...

After gently applying the cream on her baby soft skin she massage her face with face cream...

Then on her neck...

She checked herself in the mirror whether its perfect...

Then started drying her hair...

That is when someone knock the door...

Roli: Who is that...

She asked to check who is disturbing her when she is getting ready...

Her mother 'Meena' replied from outside...

Meena: Roli.. its me only.. 

Roli went to the door and opened it...

Her mother entered into the room while Roli closed the door...

Meena; Roli... you are still getting ready... 

Roli: Packing and all completed... dont worry.. took bath too.. just need to wear the dress...

Meena: Thats what i am asking.. look at the time..

Roli: Dont worry.. just 10 minutes i will be ready...

She started applying the body spray and started doing make up on her face...

Meena: Ok.. have this food now.. i know you are getting late.. thats why i bring this here itself...

Roli: i am not feeling hungry now...

Meena: Its not right... you are not feeling hungry out of excitement.. but later you will feel hungry...

She started feeding her...

Roli: Mom.. you are disturbing my make up...

Meena: Nothing will happen.. dont worry.. 

She continued feeding...

Roli finished making her hair & face make up while Meena finished feeding her...

Meena; Ok.. come down changing dress.. you are already late...

Roli: Just in 2 minutes...

Meena went out of the room closing the door...

Roli looked at the White T shirt & Black jeans pant which she purchased new with other dresses in the past 10 days shopping & selected to wear today...

She fit herself inside that dress and looked at the mirror...

Roli: Not bad...

She turned sides and admired herself...

After getting satisfied...

She took her bag...

Then rushed out of the room...

Her parents were waiting for her...

Jamanlal her father looked at Roli with love...

Jamanlal; Shall we start...

Roli: Yes dad...

Jamanlal: We will be missing you darling...

He hug her in love...

Roli: I will miss you too dad...

Roli too hug him...

Meena: When you both miss each other then why you accepted for her wish...

Meena asked her husband...

Jamanlal: Yes.. i miss.. but that doesn't mean.. i should hold her inside the house restricting her...

Roli: Thanks dad... without your support... this might have not been possible...

Jamanlal: Of course.. my support will be there for you always...

Meena: ok.. ok.. she is getting late.. lets move...

Roli: Ok... Mom.. are you not missing me...

Meena: Are you going to stay if i tell i am missing you...

she asked with upset face...

Roli can see the tears filled on her eyes...

Roli: Mom... you look at me & tell... if you dont want.. i wont go...

Meena: Not that Roli.. of course its hard to miss you.. but i wont hold you...

Roli: Thanks mom...

Jamanlal: Lets move now... look at the time...

Roli: Yes dad.. lets go...

Roli with her parents started from Divedi house...

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