Part 3

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Roli eyes widened seeing him in the very next seat... of hers...

The guy too lift his face & looked at her...

There was a weird smile on his face for which she was unable to understand the meaning...

She kept the bag which she hold on its place and sat on her seat...

The guy was sitting on window seat while her seat was next to him...

Roli was thinking.. how good it will be if she might have got the window seat...

But no... she didn't got...

Moreover the window seat is occupied by that guy with whom she clash once just few minutes back...

Anyway... it was accidental... as she was walking looking at her parents...

In fact she should accept it was her mistake...

Still her ego was not allowing her to accept it...

She looked at him by corner of her eyes and turned her face...

He just ignored her action which was clearly shown as he too turned towards the window ignoring her...

She was not sure why.. but his action of ignoring her was irritating her more...

By now all the passengers occupied their seat...

Air hostess started giving general instruction...

Roli was trying her best to hear each & every points told by her being she is travelling for 1st time.. that too long international journey...

Now instruction given to fasten the seat belt...

Roli took the belt and tried to put it as instructed...

But in the tension which was inside her.. She was unable to put it properly...

Roli: Oh God.. why this is not getting locked...

She thought of calling air hostess for help...

But at that moment...

Two hands got forwarded towards her...

Those hands hold her belt and put the lock properly...

She turned towards the owner of those hands which was none other than the guy who is sitting beside her & also irritating her...

She was wondering whether to say thanks or not...

Before she could decide...

She found him turned his face towards window ignoring her...

It irritated her more...

She was thinking... when he is interested in ignoring her.. then why he helped in putting the belt as if i am travelling depending upon his help...

She too turned the other side...

Its time to take off of the flight...

The flight started moving on the run way...

Roli was feeling normal as it was like Car or Bus moving in the road...

But as the flight increased its speed to take off...

The fear started inside her stomach...

Some butterflies flying inside...

That too when the flight started its inclination towards sky...

Roli: OMG...

She closed her eyes tightly and hold something tightly for support...

She got no guts to even open her eyes...

She started praying her favourite God inside...

Her hold was more tightened...

Further she turned her face sidewise and lean on the support she was holding...

As the speed increased.. her hold too started getting more tightened...

In couple of minutes... the flight reached its height to fly and started moving straight...

That is when she heard that...

'Excuse me... can you atleast hold little loose... its paining...'

Roli heard that voice and felt like heard already...

Also hearing from too close distance now...

She slowly opened her eyes to see where the voice is coming from...

She was shocked to see the voice belongs to the guy who is holding a pity face now...

She was wondering why he is telling like that...

She raised her eyebrows with a puzzle of what he mean...

He expressed through his face showing his hand...

That is when Roli looked at where he was showing and realised...

She was holding his hands tightly out of fear...

Also she was leaning on his hand only for support...

Moreover she was holding very tight...

She now realised... why he told so...

She swiftly took her hand from hold...

She was wondering what made her to hold his hand after all...

Infact she was not interested to take his help for seat belt...

Then why she hold his hand...

Then she console her mind that.. its out of fear...

In the fear of flight take off... she was not even knowing she is holding someone hand...

Then where to think it is hand of that guy...

Still she felt bad on her action...

What he might have thought about her...

She was thinking whether to ask sorry for that...

But when she turned towards him.. again the same...

He was looking outside ignoring her as if nothing happened...

She turned her face again...

Roli was thinking... what sort of guy he is...

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