Part 10

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Roli cried leaning on his hand holding his hand for support...

He tried to consol her..

Guy: Relax.. nothing will happen by crying... we need to face it.. console yourselves...

He caresses her hair and tried to relax her...

That is when she understood what she is doing...

She swiftly moved away from him...

Roli: I am sorry...

Guy: Sorry for what???

Roli: Sorry for what i did.. i was not suppose to... cry leaning on your hands.. i am sorry...

Guy: Sorry is for crying then i accept.. as no use of crying.. but for leaning on my hands.. i dont agree.. there is no mistake in it...

Roli: No.. its mistake only.. you are stranger... and i dont even know your name.. still i...

Guy: Oh.. your concern is not even knowing my name.. then know it.. I am Siddhant Bharatwaj... you can lean on my hands now.. but not to cry... ok...

Roli lift her face to look at him while he smiled...

Roli forgot the horrible situation they are and smiled too...

Siddhant widen his hand to welcome her...

His eyes called her...

While she lean on his shoulder...

He wrapped his hand around her shoulder for support...

She felt more relax on his hold...

Siddhant.. Hi.. i too have some concern...

Roli swiftly lift her face & looked at him...

Roli: Concern.. what it is...

Siddhant: I wipe away your concern telling my name.. but when you will... that is my concern...

Roli: Oh...

She smiled...

Roli: I am Roli.. Roli Divedi...

Siddhant: Nice to know... But see in which situation we are introducing ourselves... Till now we had better situation while we didn't thought of... 

Roli & Siddhant smiled...

Roli: Thats true.. 

She lean on his shoulder again & closed her eyes...

As if getting into the secured world escaping from the horrible situation they are...

While he too tighten his grip around her & closed his eyes...

To join her in that secured world forgetting the gun holding terrorists pointing the guns towards them...

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