Part 18

430 22 2

Siddhant looked at everyone...

Siddhant: Lets plan to get united and attack them...

Bizman1: Are you kidding.. they are terrorists with weapons.. what we can attack...

Siddhant: I agree.. but we are so many while they are less in numbers.. we need to attack one by one...

Uncle: Its not so easy like telling... they wont think to just shoot at us...

Siddhant: I know.. its not easy.. but its not impossible.. we can do it...

Roli: But how to do it??? you have any plan...

Siddhant: The attack should be made together with all of them..  i mean.. there are 10 in numbers.. 2 are standing in front of every tent...

Student1: yes.. thats right...

Siddhant; Whatever we plan we should tell all in every tent and move together with the plan...

Roli: Siddhant.. we are in this tent.. how to pass the plan to other tents...

Siddhant: We can ROli... 1st lets plan how to attack...

Student2: Sorry to say this.. but its very hard to attack all the 10 as you think.. because even if 1 get alert.. other will immediately start attacking.. they are merciless.. so we should be alert...

Siddhant: Then lets do one thing.. lets make them faint.. 

Roli: Faint.. how they will faint...

Siddhant: I will tell you the plan now.. 

Siddhant narrated his plan to everyone...

After a while...

The old man shouted in pain...

Uncle: aaa... its paining...

Hearing his shout the terrorist entered into the tent...

Terrorist; What happened...

Uncle: Its painting heavily... i am sick patient.. aaa...

Siddhant: Where it is paining uncle.. tell me.. 

Terrorist: Why are you asking this...

Siddhant: I am doctor... so asking this.. i can treat him...

Uncle: its paining here...

He showed Siddhant his heart holding his chest...

Siddhant: Let me bring my medical kit.. he requires to be treated immediately...

Terrorist: We cant allow to bring anything..

Siddhant: Come on.. you give yourself the medical kit.. there is nothing other than medicines.. i cant see someone in pain in front of my eyes.. what if he dies...

He shouted at terrorist...

Terrorist went out to consult with head...

Then they took Siddhant to the plane...

Siddhant took the medical kit and returned to tent...

Siddhant put the injection to uncle...

Uncle showed some relief in few minutes...

Siddhant: How are you feeling now...

Uncle; Its better...

Terrorist: Give that kit.. you cant have it...

Siddhant: Come on.. he is sick and i need to have it.. there is no weapon inside it to fear.. you check and give it...

After some more argument.. they allowed Siddhant to keep the kit with him...

After the terrorist go out of the tent...

Siddhant: Thanks Uncle...

Uncle; its my pleasure Siddhant to help you.. you are trying something good.. then why not...

Siddhant: Now we need to proceed with our next step...

Siddhant explained his next step of plan...

Siddhant gave the injections to both students & both businessman...

After a while...

They started shouting...

There was serious fight happening between the students & businessman...

Siddhant was trying to cool them down...

The irritated terrorist entered into the tent...

Terrorist: Whats happening here now???

Siddhant: They are in some argument...

Bizman1: Because of this idiot.. i travelled in this flight & end up in problem...

Studen1: Exactly.. because of this friend.. sorry enemy.. i end up travelling in this flight...

Terrorist: Can you all shut up.. no one should open their mouth...

Student2: Its easy to tell.. but we are in trouble now.. so we are talking among us.. what bothers you...

Biz man2: exactly.. its discussion between us...

Terrorist showed gun towards them...

Terrorist: if you all dont stop now.. then i need to shoot all of you.. dont expect mercy from me..

Siddhant: Stop it.. why are you showing gun now.. i agree they fight.. if you dont want that to happen.. then shift them to other 4 tents separate them..

Terroist: Nothing will happen.. stay quiet...

Siddhant: See.. here sick patient is also there.. better you shift these 4 to other 4 tents separated and send some other passenger here.. its so easy...

Terrorist went out angrily and consulted with others...

Finally 2 students & 2 biz man were shifted to other 4 tents separated...

Siddhant & Roli smiled looking at each other...

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