Part 14

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Siddhant was trying to pretend as if ignoring her and turned towards the window...

The flight started moving slowly...

Siddhant looked towards her...

He can see the face turning pale and she started praying to God...

Siddhant felt like holding her hand and give her support...

But how he can do that... when he is not aware how she will take it...

When he was thinking how to go about it...

The flight started at its speed of take off...

While he felt someone holding his hand...

When he turned... He can see Roli holding his hand tightly...

Her eyes were closed...

Siddhant felt relieved atleast she hold herself though he was thinking to hold or not...

He wanted to wrap his hand around her and give her support too...

But its too much when she is not even knowing about him...

Siddhant just gave his hand to her to hold it...

She slowly lean on his hand and closed her eyes tightly...

Siddhant forward his hand towards her whether to caress her hair and tell her something...

But no.. He again hesitated to tell her anything as she was feeling different when he helped on putting the belt...

But as the time goes... Her hold was tightened...

It was really paining for him...

Then finally he opened his mouth to tell her to hold loose instead of tight...

But later when she took her hand after his telling...

He felt like Oh God.. why i told her..

Atleast she was holding him.. Now she has taken her hand itself...

Anyway he looked at her and found her feeling guilty on holding him...

Siddhant felt like telling her there is nothing to feel guilty on that...

But holding him.. he turned towards window to hide his expressions...

Siddhant was wondering how long he can look outside avoiding her...

It was difficult to look at her facing towards the window...

Then he looked at the book kept for them to read...

He took the book and pretend to read it..

But by corner of eyes.. he was looking at her...

After a while...

Siddhant was holding the book while she started sleeping...

But was not sure why...

She took the shawl and wrapped around her...

Siddhant smiled...

He tried to close the eyes.. but was not getting sleep...

He turned towards her...

She was turned against him...

He started admiring her though she was turned against him and was sleeping deeply...

He felt like forwarding his hand towards her and back hug tightly...

Then slowly turn her towards him...

When he was imaginations these.. she slowly turned towards him...

Siddhant immediately checked whether she is awake or still on sleep..

But still she was on sleep only...

Now to his fortune.. He can freely admire her face itself...

His imagination continued...

He felt like  placing  kiss on her beautiful lips too forgetting being in flight and about other passengers...

He smiled while he can notice smile on her face too...

He was fearing of losing his control & try to do what he saw in the imagination...

That is when he noticed facial expression changes and swiftly took the book and tried to pretend as if reading it...

She started enquiring him what he did...

Siddhant was wondering what she is talking about...

Whatever he did was his imagination...

Then how come she is enquiring about that...

Siddhant was surprised...

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