Part 17

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All passengers got down from the plane...

They were all together taken to some distance by walk...

Roli & Siddhant were walking holding their hands together...

After walking for some more distance...

The terrorists swiftly made tent in the middle of the forest...

They made 5 tents and in front of every tent.. 2 of the terrorists stood in front of every tent...

Roli & Siddhant too entered into a tent shown to them to get in...

With them few more passengers...

Air hostess was told to distribute the food packs which were left with them in the flight to all the passengers...

It was not based on any order.. but was given randomly...

Leaving the passengers with distributed food...

Terrorists stood outside the tent holding the gun...

Roli & Siddhant looked at each other...

Siddhant: Lets have food...

Siddhant opened the parcel & like how they ordered.. the spicy was given to Roli while Siddhant received a normal one...

Roli & Siddhant smiled...

Siddhant started feeding Roli the non spicy food...

Roli started feeding Siddhant the spicy food...

They were having food looking at each other in love...

All other passengers too had their food...

After having food slowly discussions started between passengers...

One of the passenger who were aged husband & wife looked at Roli & Siddhant...

Wife: Are you both lovers???

Roli & Siddhant smiled looking at each other...

Siddhant: She is seeing me after we meet in the airport...

Husband: Oh.. it seems now a days love is happening in just minutes... you both meet in airport & started loving...

Siddhant: Uncle.. Love is a feeling & to get that feeling.. its not going to take months or years... Its just spark of moment...

Wife: Thats right.. we agree.. 

Husband; We are not against love.. infact our son did love marriage & living abroad.. we were going to meet them only now...but before that this...

Wife: We are worried.. we should reach home.. they have taken the mobile too.. cant even inform them...

Roli: Same for me Aunty.. my parents will be worried.. if they dont receive call on time...

Siddhant: That problem is almost for all the passengers... Everyone will be travelling for some or other reason and all will be in need of informing their family or friend or someone.. But none can do anything...

Husband: Wish we come out of this situation soon...

Two more who were businessman too joined the discussion...

Bizman1: Actually i am having important meeting & was going.. now the deal will be cancelled because of this...

Bizman2: Yes.. me too going for confirmation of order.. it was very important for my firm.. but i dont know what will happen...

Siddhant: I agree that your business is going to get affected because of this.. but more than that.. our life is important.. Here we all should first think we should reach home safe.. Only if we are alive we can achieve anything.. let it be order or meeting...

Both Businessman agreed...

Two more students joined their discussion...

Student1: What can be done now bro...

Siddhant: Lets plan something... 

Sudent2: What should be their aim for this...

Siddhant: of course to fulfill their demands.. may be to release some of terrorist who are caught or some other financial demands.. it can be anything...

Student1: They wont be releasing us without getting it fulfilled right...

Siddhant: Thats right.. Its not easy task.. There will be discussions happening.. then once they agree to their demands.. they will release...

Businessman1: So its not going to happen so soon...

Siddhant: of course it may take some time...

Businessman2; Wish they get their demand fulfilled and free us soon...

Siddhant: Whats great in that...

Roli: What do you mean Siddhant...

Siddhant: Roli... These like hijacking is only getting encouraged if their demands are fulfilled everytime.. today we are caught.. tomorrow someone else.. if they are answered for their demands.. then they will use this way only to get their wish fulfilled...

Roli: Then what you wish to do...

Siddhant: We should get escape without fulfilling their demand...

Student1: Is it possible bro... we are ready to do anything for that...

Siddhant: We should make it possible... we should try...

Roli: I am with you Siddhant... We will do it...

Siddhant: Roli.. is this you who used to get afraid...

Roli: Why should i when you are there with me...

Siddhant smiled... 

Roli & Siddhant had eyelock for a moment forgetting others...

All noticed that & chuckled...

Uncle adjusted his throat to reveal their presence...

While Roli & Siddhant came back to their senses...

Uncle: Whatever we do.. we should remember that its against cruel terrorist & we should be careful...

Siddhant: Of course we should...

Student1: What we can do & how we can do..

Roli & Siddhant started thinking...

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